
As soon as Zoro wandered off, he came across, dispute, where two lackeys of a lousy pirate crew had surrounded a girl with glasses asking to let her Captain out of confinement . To which the girl denied it with utter righteousness.

She was holding a sword which was covered in a cloth.

When he tried to help the girl, he was surprised since she easily defeated her opponents without sweat. But being the clumsy girl, she dropped her glasses.

When Zoro tried to hand her glasses, he was so shocked that he smashed her glasses. Because she looked exactly like Kuina, who passed away.

After which he was dragged by her to the Marine base at Loguetown.

In a certain cloth shop.

"So, how does it look?,..Now?..Now??...Now…?" asked Nami, while trying out various clothes. In between she would check Kei's cute reaction, who was trying to avoid her gaze. Which made her smirk in victory.

Kei's throat was dried as he kept looking at her rather revealing clothes. He felt a rush of hormones in his body. His Nether region was affected by that intense rush of hormones.

While the shopkeeper who called himself hanger was continuously bootlicking Nami, by showering her with flattery, only to be scammed at the end by Nami. Since she didn't buy any clothes.

"Nami..You really …made his day." Kei sarcastically commented on Nami.

"Heh~ is that so?, But there's nothing wrong…like I took them without money..I just tried them?" said Nami while smirking slyly at Kei.

"Ok, let's go to that shop, I think it is a good one!" said Nami, while dragging Kei.

While Nami was searching for clothes, Kei decided to open his interface, As he wanted to use the Random store option which was available to him as another system function.

Random Store:

Random Item box- 150 RP

Random Skill box- 200 RP

Random Weapon Box- 170 RP

Random Misc. Box- 10 RP…

Kei, clicked on the Random Skill box, to which his 323 RP reduced to 123 RP.

Opening it a white flash occurred, before presenting a Blue colored card.

[Ding! Congratulation for getting 'STEAL', Skill]

(STEAL - A skill, to steal any item from a 10 meter radius.)

"Isn't this skill from Kazuma of 'Konosuba World Anime'??Kei thought this, but after reading it's description, he came to a conclusion that it may be a decent version of 'Steal' skill.

But he felt that this skill had a lot of potential, in this world of Pirates, as he can steal lots of treasure and money, without anyone knowing. "Hahahahaha" laughed Kei in his mind. While thinking about future possibility.

Sometime later, Nami, FINALLY' bought 'some' clothes.

"Hahah, girl your boyfriend is really good, paying for all of your clothes!!" said the fat looking lady , while praising Nami.

"Hahhaa, think so~" replied Nami, while taking side glance at Kei, who smiled awkwardly at the lady back. "Eheheheheh…"

While a notification rang in his mind.

(Ding!, You paid for your Girlfriend for the 'FIRST TIME' in your LIFE, Rewarding with 20 RP)

"Oye System Quit mocking me, I know about it, so please just shut up" said Kei to the mute System in him mind scoffingly

[A/T: Yes, as you can see, he gets RP(Random Points) whenever he do a random thing :) ]

Storing all the clothes in his storage space, he glanced at Nami and said, "Nami, I'll go and explore Loguetown!"

"Ok, but be back before evening, and yes, if you find Luffy, restrain him from doing anything ridiculous!" saying this Nami went off to another place.

Kei visited some shops while trying some snacks and enjoying his time.

As he was walking , he saw a muscular and white haired man, exposing his upper body without buttoning his white jacket. While a Jitee could be seen hanging on his back.

Marine soldier's were following behind him.

Kei felt that Smokers jitte would be useful , until he learned how to use Armament Haki. While he also wanted to see, the smoker's surprised face.

So he kept his distance from the smoker, until he reached a silent road and he used his 'Steal' ability while imagining he wanted to steal.

Kei's hand suddenly felt heavy, and found Smokers jitte on his right hand. He hurriedly stored Jitee in his storage space. But unknown to him, someone hidden was surprised to see this phenomenon.

"Hmm?...Something's wrong…" Smoker who was walking quietly suddenly felt his back light, which confused him for a moment.

But hearing the exclamation of the soldiers behind him, he got alert.

"Captain's Jitee disappeared in thin air!!!"

"H-How is this possible???"

"Maybe the enemy is invisible??, that's maybe the case!!"

Smoker was really pised when he found that his Jitee, vanished in thin air, just like that.

And adding to this mess, he felt very irritated hearing this Soldier's loud panic voice.

"Shut up!!" said Smoker while he ordered his underlings to search all the surrounding area and find any suspicious man.

But little did they know, that the , thief has already left the area.

"Hehhehhe, That was really hilarious,...He reacts too slow…, He didn't even knew that his Jitee was stolen, until his underling shouted .kekekeke!" Kei laughed .

"Hmm?.." Kei stopped running as he felt someone's presence in front of him.

"Heh~?, you sure are an interesting brat?Are you a Devil fruit user??" asked a rough Middle aged voice from a dark silent street.

"Hmm?..., Who's there??..." said Kei, while he instantly armed himself, making the man in the hood surprised at Kei's reaction speed.

"Oh..?, you knew I was following you from the start..? Hehe interesting…Looks like you are close to awakening your Observation haki, huh?" commented the hooded guy, while laughing in interest.

"Yes, you are right?, By the way, what do you want from me?...Monkey D Dragon…No!..To be exact…Luffy's father~" said Kei, while still keeping his guard, while speaking coolly.

"Hmm?, …What is your intention, joining Luffy's crew?" Dragon, who was smiling before, turned serious, when he heard Kei, mentioning his connection with Luffy.

"Oye…Old man, don't be so cautious…It's not like I have any bad idea about Luffy…I just joined him because it's fun to be with him.. And also there is my Girlfriend on that crew…So.." commented Kei, while observing Dragon's reaction.

Looking at each other for a while, Dragon wasn't able to find any malice from Kei's gaze. So he decided to forget about being cautious around him.

"So, kid, are you Devil fruit ability user??" asked Dragon.

"Well..didn't you see it?..what's there to ask?" said Kei.

"Hmm…Well it's fine anyways, hahahah" saying this he suddenly teleported in front of Kei and punched him on his right cheek.

"Boomm…"(Kei crashing in a house wall)

"Damn you Old man, what's your deal??, Are you here to bully me?" Kei shouted while taking out his Murasame.