
[ A/N: Extra Long Chapter, As I'm in good mood! Hope you Enjoy it :) ]


"Aaaahhh!!!" Luffy was shouting, while getting his stance ready to punch Zoro.

"Aaaah!!!" Zoro also did the same.

While the enemy, respectively Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, were at the sideline, watching this dumbly. As they were unable to comprehend the situation before them.

But still it was fine with them. As they won't have to waste their energy on this weirdo's.

As both were ready to finish their match in One punch. Suddenly…

"AAAAAAhhhhhhh, Unforgivable!!!!" said Kei, as he appeared behind them.

"Bam* Bam*... Boom…" Kei punched both of their backs of the head , while controlling his power, making them fall on the ground. And making a crater.

While Mr. 5 and Miss Wednesday eyes almost got out of their socket.

"A..a…a" Luffy, was knocked unconscious, while he was making a sound in response to the attack. Same with Zoro.

Kei, who's upper body was bent after punching them on the ground, started to elevate it. While two red eyes sockets were glaring at Mr. 5 and Miss Wednesday.

"Iiiiiiiii" Miss Valentine shuddered in fear, by Kei's glare and tear's started to form in her eyes unconsciously.

"Eh?....." While Mr. 5's, nose was leaking snot, and if he didn't have his black glasses on. You would be able to see tears leaking out of his eyes from fear.

Come on, Mr. 5, what's with that reaction. Miss Valentine is faring better than you!

Both of them were not able to keep up with the tempo, at which situation was escalating or de-escalating.

Kei suddenly appeared in front of Mr. 5 and punched his face, making him crash on the house behind him, knocking him unconscious , while Kei said in anger, "This is for Nami!What would have happened if that debris would have hurt her silky smooth skin?..."

Seeing Mr. 5's fate, Miss Valentine fell on her butt, almost forgetting that she was a fabled Devil fruit user! Or she was a fine, sexy, developing girl, big enough to become Kei's , Onee-san. Which he always dreamed about.

But Kei wasn't in the mood right now. He looked at her with those red eyes, which were working like a car's tail lights.

"Eeeeeee!!!!" Miss Valentine, finally cried out in fear as she turned her back against Kei and started to run on four's.

Kei, who was about to hit her with a Spirit gun, became stiff.

He saw Miss Valentine's sexy butt wiggling, and when it was combined with her sexy white slender legs…

His mood improved a little. BUT…this was not enough!!! So he came with a great idea.

He ran towards Miss Valentine and grabbed her slender waist and sat on the ground, While making her sleep on her tummy.

While Miss Valentine was resisting Kei's action, by making intense movements, in between begging him in tears. "Do-Don't , P-Please let me go, Please!, I won't ever come in your way!!"

But Kei's attention was fully on those two planets. Lifting his right hand in the air, Kei brought it down with moderate power. Seeing this Miss Valentine screamed in panic.

"N-Noooo, Eyaaaaa!!!!"

Spank* The sound reverberated in the area, like a gong bell. Making Kei's brain to achieve a certain conclusion . As though he found a new world opening before his eyes. His face was like as calm as Buddha in peace.

But unlike Gong bell's piercing sound, it was extra soothing to Kei's ears. Making his hormones reciprocate to this sound. Waking Little Kei up, as an alarm bell.

Miss Valentine, who felt something big on her stomach, ignored it as her mind was in chaos. While unknown to her , a little tint appeared on her cheeks.

And like this both were absorbed in their own world of Pleasure and Pain. Like a Yin-Yang symbol in balance.

After an unknown time…

Kei came out of his world, while hurriedly throwing Miss Valentine off his Lap and standing straight.

While hurriedly calming Little Kei, as if making it go to sleep.

"Kei!!, Where are–?" Nami, who was followed by Igaram, Sanji and Ussop, looked at Kei, who was standing infront of them.


Kei back then, used his Observation Haki, as he felt someone's presence approaching them.

And knowing that it was Nami, he hurriedly threw Miss Valentine down. Or it might be a Disaster…

Knowing that Kei was fine. She sighed in relief and observed his surroundings.

She saw knocked out cold, Luffy and Zoro, a snot faced Mr. 5 and a girl in One piece Skirt of Lemon patterned, sobbing silently, while holding her butt.

Nami, who saw the last person, made her eyes narrow in doubt. After which she looked at Kei with those same eyes.

Kei who was being looked at was drenching with sweat on his back. He hurriedly explained to her, "Na-Nami, they were already like this, when I came by. As for Luffy and Zoro, both of them were fighting among themselves, So I had no choice but to knock them out cold." said Kei, with a serious face.

Nami finally decides to let the matter go. As there was a matter worse than this happening to them right now.

"Aah!!Kei, we are being marked by those Otter and Vulture agents of Baroque work" said Nami, with despair in her eyes.

"Ok, first, let's get out of this Town. After which we can discuss the further matter." said Kei, while he asked for Miss Monday's direction.

As he heard from Igaram that she helped them to fight against Mr. 5 and Vivi, even though she wasn't much help.

It's not like Kei wanted to pursue that Pink haired, tanned, macho woman, but it's just that he respects people who help their friends in their most difficult time.

After helping her too, he bade goodbye to her.

While Igaram decided to become a decoy, in order to fool them. But Kei knew that won't work.

"Oi, Igaram, are you an idiot or something?...I mean they are going to follow us,whether you sacrificed yourself or not. And how do you feel, Vivi will feel if something happened to you?" said kei.

"But…?" As Igaram was about to say more, Kei, interrupted him and said.

"Just come with us, And I will protect you both if you want!" said Kei, while dragging Igaram with him.

"Sigh..Ok!'' Igaram boarded the Strawhats ship, while Vivi thanked Kei while, In turn she would take a glance at him though.


Kei gave a quick recap of the Organization called Baroque Works, from their identity being hidden, and a little history. Which really surprised everyone.

Vivi and Igaram, were also taken back, as they didn't think that someone knew so much about the organization.

"Hoh?...You really know a lot? Ha?.." said a female playful voice, which had a matureness to its tone.

"And Miss Wednesday you sure are lucky enough to find this person," said the mysterious woman, who was wearing a hat.

"Miss All Sunday!! Why are you here??" asked Vivi in shock.

While the straw hats were confused as to who this Mysterious Lady was.

Vivi gave a short summary about Miss All Sunday.

This time Miss All Sunday, made fun of Vivi, while saying that she let her follow her and it was fun to see a Princess so desperate wanting to go against entire Baroque Works.

Hearing her playful tone, when she casually described Vivi's state, All straw hat's took their weapon's in order to deal with her.

They felt very angry, listening to her talk.

"Calm down guy!, She won't do anything!, So just lower your weapon!" said Kei

"Huh...?,What do you mean Kei-san??..." said Vivi, while clearly surprised.

"Like I said, If she wanted to deal with us, She won't have talked to us this long." said Kei, while smiling brightly towards Miss All Sunday.

"Hmm…you are really an interesting person, Genji D Keisuke, while the Captain of your Ship is also an interesting one?.,." said Miss All Sunday.

"By the way?...What's this black thing?.." asked Miss All Sunday, while taking Kei's Headphone.

"O they are headphones, You can listen to music with it?" said Kei.

"So, this is called Headphone huh?...How does it work?." Miss All Sunday asked in interest.

"Oh, just put that thing on your head." said Kei, after which he took, Mp3 player out of his pocket and played a Cinnamon x Evening Cinema song on it.

"Huh?..." Hearing the sudden voice this close to her ears, she hurriedly threw the headphones.

"Oye!!, Are you going to break it?!!, I don't have another one, What will I do if you break this one!" said Kei, while glaring angrily at Miss All Sunday.

Miss All Sunday, was a little embarrassed as it was her first time, it happened to her. So she apologized while going to her normal tune.

"I'm sorry, it's just my first time...So here..!" saying this Miss All Sunday, threw an Eternal Pose in Vivi's hand.

"An Eternal Pose?..." said Vivi, while looking in confusion.

Miss All Sunday had successfully grabbed their attention, with Eternal Log pose , digging herself out from the previous embarrassing situation.

She explained that, if they follow this route, they will be able to skip future troubles.

When everyone was thinking about her intention, Luffy took the Eternal Log pose and broke it, while shouting, "Enough wasting time with that.."

Nami, who lost her cool, was about to kick Luffy , when she was stopped by Kei.

"Nami, no, Luffy is right!" said Kei.

"Yes! I'm right!" said Luffy while thanking Kei, while he glanced at Miss All Sunday, "DON'T YOU DARE THINK, THAT YOU CAN CHOOSE THE PATH OF OUR JOURNEY!"

Miss All Sunday paused for a moment after hearing Luffy's reasoning while she spoke, "I see, How unfortunate…" While she gave a last glance at Kei.

"Luffy!!" shouted Nami.

"Nami, he is the Captain of this Ship, So it's his decision, what direction he wants to take." said Kei, while smiling and explaining to her.

After thinking for a while, Nami finally gave in, "If say so then…,Sigh* Ok"

"You really support your Captain, huh?" said Miss All Sunday.

"Of course!" said Kei, with a great smile.

"Well, let us meet again soon if you survive." said Miss All Sunday

"No!, I don't wanna!" said Luffy grumpily.

"Yes, Let's meet, Mysterious - Beautiful - Lady in Hat - and sitting on the Big Mysterious Turtle!" said Kei, when he saw Miss All Sunday, slipped off the seat from the big turtle.

She was clearly a little ashamed, by the title given by Kei, to her, Which made a red tint appear on her cheeks. But due to her skin color, it was hidden by it.

While all the members of the crew were looking at him weirdly.

Kei, "What?..."