Chapter 7

After he asked her what she knew, Geese left Pam's room. But as he left furtively through the window, that was when he saw his youngest son, John Bogard, having a smoke outside.

In normal times, he wouldn't stop to watch or talk with the kid. That only happened once in the past.

But now, after Terry awakened his latent gene, his interest in the children he had with Pam more for sexual enjoyment than anything else was renewed.

Deciding to stop and watch, Geese jumped and stood on the building's roof, his ears attentive when he heard what John randomly uttered.

As an ambitious person, Geese somewhat appreciated what he heard. And he recognized his old self a bit in that stray son's words.


Face to face with his father in this new life, Geese Howard, John, although he had met him once, was aghast.

No...Correction. Maybe it was because he had met and understood the man's details that he was startled.

Shitty dad, for sure; Geese Howard was a mutant. One with the mutant gene called [Ergokinesis]. A mutant gene that allows this ex-martial artist and now quite successful businessman he is to control, charge himself with, and project energy from the earth.

The full extent of his abilities wasn't clear to the public or his dojo members, but he was certainly strong and skillful.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" John gulped and asked. Geese had practically abandoned their family and Pam, but the Irish didn't find it odd to call him such. The reason was that he was just a reincarnator; he didn't care that much.

"John, was it?" Not sure about this son's name, hands in his pockets, Geese assessed his interlocutor and said. "If I recall, I think we met once. You've grown up quite a bit."

Interestingly enough, the deadbeat father, Geese, didn't find it odd when his stray son called him dad. Rather, he felt flattered and relaxed.

His car and driver were waiting for him not far, but he suddenly felt like chatting more than he wanted to seconds before.

"Yeah," John said. A little awkward after his dad didn't reply to his question.

For real, though, what was he doing here? Did he come to meet Terry?

"..." Assessing his son again, Geese had an odd urge. One he should have had 15 years ago. The next second he said:

"Put that cigarette down first. What were you muttering about alone earlier? You want to become a strong and rich man too?"

"Well, of course. Who wouldn't want to?" Obeying his father even if he was a deadbeat, John threw away the cigarette and answered.

"Maybe I can help you do that. It all depends on you." With a smile pleasant yet ominous at the same time, and his eyes flashing with a fleeting light, Geese expressed.

"How so?" John was a little on guard when he asked.

Rock, Geese's first son, had awakened his talent at the age of 11 already. Geese who had given up on the Bogards before Terry's newest awakening felt like testing the young one.

Playful and enterprising thoughts in his head, he replied:

"Follow me somewhere."

The next moment, he and a hesitant John descended the stairs. Their direction, the nearest park.

Neither knew that Terry, the oldest of the Bogard, had spotted and followed them secretly.


Minutes later,

"What are those two doing?" Terry muttered, confused about why Geese would come to their home and why John would meet and readily follow him.

Earlier, that kid appeared to hate or at least despise their dad.

...Terry didn't understand as he hid behind a bush that John was simply vigilant. As a reincarnator, he just took old and new information with prudence.

Rock had a bad relationship with Geese in this world and the former. How could these two occurrences be coincidences?


About a hundred meters away,

Using his [Ergokinesis], Geese suddenly detected a presence when he felt the field through his feet around him.

Hands in his pocket and smirking, his back was facing John when the latter asked prudently:

"Dad, what are we doing here?"

"Don't act like a pussy, kid. We're here to try and awaken your powers." Geese Howard announced, turning.



"You heard me, right." Though he could make an occasional joke, Geese wasn't a man who played games. Except with preys. Thankfully John didn't have the gender meeting the prey requirement.

"And how do you plan to do that, if I may ask?" Knowing the man wasn't joking, John asked. He could reject his offer, but he felt it wouldn't be a terrific idea for some reason.

The only reason John was even polite was the dude's strength.

"There are many ways to awaken mutant genes, but they're all about stimulating potential. The greater the danger, the easier it is to awaken. Of course, that way is still for those with talent. But as my son, I can't imagine you being trash." Geese explained more patiently than John thought he could ever. The issue, however, was that his words while patient weren't reassuring.

Danger? What did this deadbeat want to do?

"You're in luck. My way, while unstable, is one of the safest you could face. All you have to do is endure discharges from my Ergokinesis." Geese smiled and said. He was pleased and proud that the son he chose to educate a little still had some guts. If not, like before, Geese would disdain to spend more time with him.

"Is that really the safe way?" John looked at his father and said with sarcasm in his voice. He had the urge to grab and change his gender, but he didn't ultimately.

Even if he could change the man's gender, he, or rather she, would keep the strength.

This was the same as suicide until they had sex.

Would Geese or, in this case, Lady Geese watch him ravage her? Of course not. (Lady Geese pic here*)

Thinking of something strange, before his father could reply to his previous words, John inquired:

"But if it's just standing discharges, why are we here, in the park?"

"Because it's noisy." Geese chuckled and said. "Are you ready now?"

'Damn, I'm dumb!" Knowing that his mom was sleeping and his painful screams could wake her up, John understood.

But did that guy care about waking up people in the neighborhood? Or was it waking up Pam? John wondered.

The next moment, he nodded and watched as Geese approached, his hand glowing with yellow energy.

This was energy or chi condensed from the earth through his [Ergokinesis]. One of the most well-known features of Geese's mutant gene.

How much he could take in and everything he could do with that energy, only Geese could tell. And those two things were probably representative of the degree of his mutant strength.

"Don't die on me, kid." Geese said, smiling sadistically, not hiding how much fun he was having.

"I don't plan to die yet," John answered. Hiding his plan of turning that dad of his into Lady Geese sooner than later.

"Haha, you act tough now, but you're going to scream for your mom in a moment." Geese, who was right in front of John, now chuckled. The next moment he put his hand on the young man.

When the yellow energy entered John's body and he started to shake and sweat, he also gritted his teeth.


A minute later,

Geese, who was gradually adding more and more energy, was pleasantly surprised.

Not because John awakened but rather because he could still endure the pain.

'What a tough kid. Nothing less from me..." Geese smiled, thinking how he gave life to the kid. When he did, he increased the amount of energy again.

"Haaa!!" This time, John couldn't help but scream a bit.

"Still not screaming your lungs out? Kid, you're tougher than expected, haha." Geese laughed sadistically and said—The pressure released from his hands redoubling. "I want to see how long you can endure, but I'd rather you awakened already."


The ground around John's feet, normal moments before, started to crack. At that time, he'd resolved not to scream anymore; a change finally happened.

"John! Dad, stop!"

That moment was also when somebody ran from behind and screamed at the top of their lungs.