Chapter 10

An hour later,

Staring at a fast asleep and fulfilled Pam, John grinned, caressed her blonde hair, and left her room. He only came there to have sex with and satisfy her.

The teen's task was accomplished, and he let his mother climax while enjoying several warm creampies. The tremendous pleasure he also got in the process wasn't something he would ever forget.

The moment Pam fell asleep from excess pleasure, he was still a little excited; when he was still raring to go, he used his feminine trait to calm down.

With [MNF], John could generate hormones to do incredible things, ranging from but not ending with raising or reducing his male lust. Symbolically speaking or not...There was nothing manly or womanly, especially when sex was concerned that John couldn't do.

The size of his dick was naturally 14 inch, but he could expand or diminish it. The young man could do something similar with Pam's breasts and ass.

But because his mom's current body could make him cum buckets, John felt there was no need to try such a thing. Moreover, he was only going to announce that he awakened as a mutant tomorrow.

Closing Pam's door quietly, John went back to his room. Thanks to his [Minor Healing], he didn't feel sleepy or need any shuteye, so he opened his Status. To see if there was anything new. Because he understood his [MNF], John knew he could get [Job Drops] by having sex with women.

This was related to his MNF's description. And the previously confusing *attach masculinity and femininity* line.


[Supreme authorities: Gym-boss, Gender-alpha]

[Mutant gene: Masculinity and femininity]

[Mutant skills: Minor indestructibilityX1000, Minor healing x1000]

[Jobs: Spy]

In John's Status, and as expected, there was a new line called [Jobs]. But what he didn't expect was that there was a new occupation called Spy.

Understanding thoroughly how those occupations dropped, John wondered:

"Is mom working for the secret services?"

The young man felt that it was likely...Because their mother never took them to her office. She always had some excuse over the years.

Since she was a spy in the Archer TV show, he deemed that it wasn't outlandish. Not 100% sure if he was right, John shrugged. If their mom had been a spy for so many years and nothing bad happened, he probably wouldn't have to worry about her safety.

Wondering if she was an awakened mutant and hid it too, the next second, the young Bogard clicked on the job description instead:

[Spy (description): The spy is a gifted undercover secret agent and detective. He specializes in camouflage and espionage.--Notable talents: Speed, agility, dexterity, intelligence, perception.--]

'Five new talents, huh?' Skimming over the short description, John instead studied the relevant attributes awakened.

As mentioned, those didn't make him stronger but talented in new fields.

Not feeling any different, John, who knew he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore unless he tried hard not to heal himself, went to the desk. Planning to waste away the remainder of the night surfing the internet.

This new world was too interesting for him not to. The 15 years of memories he had weren't enough to leave him bored, if that was even possible.

On Earth, John wasn't bored, so he certainly wasn't going to be here in a place where civilization and culture were even more advanced.


The next day,

Leaving his room early to take a shower, John met his mother. She was alone making breakfast for the three boys in the kitchen.

The kitchen was open and could be seen from the living room. The Bogard's flat was much like the apartment in the classic Friends TV show.

John had more time before school than Pam did before she had to leave for work. Spotting her youngest son who she had such immoral yet addicting sex with hours before, she blushed and said:

"Good morning, John...Do you want some bacon? I'm testing a new brand and made more today."


"I'm not hungry; I'll eat something at school." John approached his mom with a cheeky grin and replied.

"What are you doing?" Pam asked.

"Just saying good morning to my beautiful and cute mom. Why?" With the same grin, John stole a kiss from Pam's lips. The next moment, when she blushed, he hugged her.

"Stop…What if your brothers see us?" Pam said more bashfully than panicked. She was already John's whore and loved him more than the others.

"We're just a mother and son sharing a warm hug. We're not doing anything wrong." John whispered in Pam's ear teasingly.

"You want me to go to work with wet panties, do you?" A little annoyed, Pam whispered back at her son.

"Haha," John laughed and gave one last kiss to Pam. Ending the hug, he said:

"Mom, I have to tell you something before I go and take a shower."


Half an hour later,

Pam went to work after John told her about his awakening. Because she was surprised and worried, he didn't add that he had met Geese. Or that he could thank the Bogards' deadbeat dad for the awakening of his latent abilities.

Done showering and dressing, John arrived in the living room again. There he saw Terry in his underwear eating breakfast slowly.

Putting butter and strawberry jam on a toast, Terry also saw his sibling at that moment.

"Going to school?" He asked.

"Mm." John nodded. Looking around, he asked, "Where's Andy?"

"That guy drank last night, I think," Terry said. He didn't need to say more.

John chuckled. Turning to the door, he said:

"Have a nice day, then. We'll talk later."

"You too, John…Talk about what?" Terry replied and asked curiously.

"Our future," John said vaguely. After saying that, he took his spare keys and left the apartment through the front door.


Unlike his siblings and fellow Central City children, Terry had graduated from school and could do many things.

John, who had yet to, walked to and took an underground subway. His destination was his high school.

"..." Looking around him, John wasn't surprised since he had the memories, but he was not just surrounded by humans. There were different kinds of humanoids with different traits and colors. Orcs, elves, anything that was humanoid, you name it.

In addition to those races, there were humanoid extraterrestrials and humanoid demons. Yes, the demon race was naturally a thing here, just like in those Isekais.

What was most interesting was that there was barely anything such as half-breeds in this world. All humanoids could breed each other, but the children were often born with the looks —not necessarily the features— of one of their parents or ancestors.

Of course, there were exceptions every now and then. But nobody would find it abnormal.

"What? You haven't looked enough?" Catching him staring at her a while too long, a tall orc with blood-red skin said. She stood next to another female orc of the same massive build but with blue skin.

Despite showing skyward-indented and sharp-below teeth, the woman was a beauty in John's eyes.


But after a cough, he readily looked away. Though he was stronger now, the teen had yet to test his boosted indestructibility.

Accidents and mutant fights in the subways weren't rare. For this reason, the subways were made almost unbreakable over millennia years.

Yes, in this world, civilization was very advanced. And it had reached and surpassed Earth, not for centuries but thousands of years.

But this world was technologically advanced, and simple things like subways were still a thing. Rich people could commute to work by public, or private spaceship means.

"Hmph." After a long glare that John didn't miss despite turning his head, the orc snorted. Like John, she looked to be young and in her teenage years. But since she didn't wear a school uniform like him, the young Bogard couldn't tell if she was a student.

The next moment, her expression relaxing, she chatted with her friend, saying:

"What a creep, right?"

"..." John stayed silent. If he didn't have to go to school on time, he would teach that girl a lesson at her next stop.


Minutes later, John hopped off the subway.

Surrounded by a huge humanoid crowd, either taking off from or boarding the wagons, he sighed and thought:

'This world shows many promises…Is this a hentai world?'

Wondering if he was some hentai protagonist reincarnated by a god-like parody of Android 18, John soon left the Central City undergrounds.

The teen soon came close to his destination with the sun shining brightly.


At the same moment,

In front of John's school, a black limousine was parked. And a sibling that he didn't know descended slowly from it.

"Blue Mary, will you be fine by yourself for your first day? Ivy and Bayonetta aren't teaching any classes today. They won't attend, so they won't be able to take care of you. I still don't understand why dad wants you to attend these two vixens' Academy for your high school's last semester…He wouldn't try to let you learn anything from them, would he? That'd be catastrophic."

This time, another and a lot more older sister John wasn't familiar with said. Like her interlocutor, she was a blonde. But that sister had a very mature look and wore red lipstick. She also had tanned skin, short Marilyn Monroe-like hair, and green eyes.

"I'm going to be fine, Samantha. You should hurry to work." A girl with blue eyes replied. Her eyes were blue like the sky, and her innocent face was beautiful—A beauty very hard to describe.


"Right, I don't want to be late today. Rock's supposed to come over to discuss something with Mom and me." Bluemary's older sister, Samantha, replied. She was ready to roll up her door window and tell the driver to leave.

At this time, however, her sister, Bluemary, said:

"Rock? What is he going to do at the office?"

Rock was a serious, steady, mature teen. Still, it was the first time Bluemary heard that he wanted to visit their mother's company. In general, even though he claimed to hate their father, he spent most of his time chasing his shadow.

"He comes to sign a contract. I don't need to remind you that we do scouting, auditing, and talent advertising?" Samantha smiled and replied. Her little sister was too naive. "A talent like Rock, we're not going to let him go just because he doesn't get along with dad, right?"

"Ah, I understand better now." Bluemary stuck her tongue out and patted her head awkwardly and cutely.

"Okay, I'm going if you have nothing else to ask me. I'm really late now." Samantha said.

"See you tonight. Have a good day." Bluemary replied. As she left, she gave her sister a kiss on the cheek.

Samantha watched her favorite and adorable little sister run. Her eyes on her back when Bluemary entered the school, Samantha said to her driver:

"It's okay, we can go."

"Straight to the office, Miss Howard?" The driver asked.

"No. We're going to see Bruce first. I need to discuss something with him." The 25-year-old woman answered.

"Wayne Enterprises, or…" The driver, who knew the nature of Samantha's relationship with the young president of Wayne Enterprises, hesitated.

"No, his manor," Samantha answered. Not bothered at all.

Moments later, when her window door slammed shut, she and her limo drove off to the house of a wealthy young man.

It was also at this time that John arrived at his high school.


"Damn, what a beautiful car. A limo, I've always dreamed of having one…." When a long black limo with tinted windows passed him, John said.

'I guess brands are the same in this world?' Knowing pretty much nothing about cars, the young man thought.

John looked at the gray watch on his wrist and said:

"I have to hurry."

He was a little late.


John went up to his floor and entered his classroom.

When he entered, he was surprised that the professor was not there yet.

With many eyes on him, a person approached him from behind and said:

"What are you doing on the doorstep, John? Please get out of there."

John turned. Seeing the face of the person talking to him, he smiled, sighed a little, and answered:

"Oh, it's just you, Paul."

The person behind John was one of their classmates named Paul Greyrat. He was one of the many fully human-looking humanoids in his class.

He was also very talented.

"Just me, yeah," Paul said. "Can I come in now, or will you stand in the way long?"

The teenager with light brown hair, a mole close to his eye, and a ponytail said a little impatiently. He and John had known each other for a long time and had a good relationship.

But as they got older, they began to drift apart. The main reason the fact that John did not take his future seriously.

John was popular like him. With the female gender. But that was all he was in the end. There was no bright future awaiting him.

"Come in… Don't feel pressured. I'm not that large." John smiled, moved a bit, and invited his classmate into the classroom.

"...thanks. Don't sleep in class if you can; the exams are approaching." Paul came in and reminded his old pal.

"Thanks for the reminder," John said, not really worrying about stuff like exams. He was more here to explore. People who awakened their mutant genes could graduate early. It was more a choice than anything. Staying in high school until the end and passing the exams offered more possibilities than the public university of mutants.

Mutant gyms and other private mutant associations…Those were the dreams of all youngsters in this world—Youngsters with all sorts of aspirations too.

The most talented people opened their own gyms and associations. But it was not easy to have that kind of talent or connection. After starting a business, in this world, the second and probably even more difficult thing was to keep it and grow it.

When he sat down at his table, two young girls, twins of the same age as him, approached him.

One of two with dark skin, a revealing leather outfit, an eye patch with a sculpted-like face giving off a delinquent boss vibe said:

"Another morning argument with Paul?"

The girl was called Ghislaine Dedoldia. She had tremendously large breasts for the age of 15. And she gave off the feel of a female amazon warrior from some fantasy story.

Also, she had beast-like ears and a tail like a tiger's with thick fur.

The other, her sister and imperfect twin, Baiken, grabbed her hips, saying:

"When do you plan to grow up, John?"

Unlike her sister and older twin, she didn't have cat-like ears. And her hair was pale red.

"..." John sighed. Just when he opened his mouth to answer the twin girls he grew up with, like Paul, the classroom door opened again.

Two people entered, and a middle-aged and black-haired MILF wearing glasses said loudly:

"Good morning, and quiet everyone, please! I have a very strong, smart, and cute transfer student for you today!"