Fic Power levels

I originally figured it wasn't necessary and would be more confusing than anything. Still, I decided to include some power levels. Or rather a power identification…

They don't decide fight outcomes, but I want readers to have an idea of mutant strength.

What I'm going to show is to be taken with a grain of salt. These power levels are only meaningful regarding lethality and crowd damage (unawakened crowd damage or danger toward regular citizens, if you prefer). Not insta-battle-victory between mutants.


-Disturbance (non-lethal injury, non-lethal sickness, non-lethal damage, etc.)(small or great)

-Kill (Slaughter)(Anything that leads to death. Instantly or not)

Crowd damage:







Anyway, you get the gist. You just add those two to get an idea of the lethality+crowd damage.

For example:

-small crowd disturbance

-Great crowd disturbance

-City disturbance

Other examples:

-small crowd slaughter

-Great crowd slaughter

-City slaughter

and so on…

Naturally, the injury category is somewhat stupid and will rarely be used. Because most mutants have slaughter abilities. Some, though, don't. Or some do and use abilities that don't kill. It's just that simple, so there you go.