Chapter 21

If most mutants were rampant in this world, not everyone was. And neither did all of them live above ground.

Tonight, John was about to make an underground finding and get an underground preview. But for now, he was examining his gains from his PE teacher.


[Supreme authorities: Gym-boss, Gender-alpha]

[Mutant gene: Masculinity and femininity]

[Mutant skills: Minor indestructibilityX1000, Minor healing X1000]

[Jobs: Spy, Athlete]

'So it looks like I don't need to penetrate women to get something from them. I had doubts, but it seems to be the case.'

'The trigger element seems to be my sperm. Or is it the exchange of fluids? No, if it was just that, I would have gotten something from Ghislaine, right? There's no evidence or guarantee that I'm just receiving talents from awakened mutants, but she's already awakened hers….'

'...I should fuck somebody with latent genes to find out.'

On the way back from the pastry shop, John looked at his new gains and theorized. Though he got a basic understanding of his abilities thanks to Juhachi, the in-depth workings had to be explored. Well, only concerning his MNF. Supremacies didn't need to be studied, only strengthened.

'Another thing is that I can't seem to get mutant skills after all….'

John thought with disappointment, coming back from a coffee-and-pastry shop with the Dedoldia twins.

'No matter how often I fuck mom, I only got that spy job from her...So the chances of getting more than one thing have to be studied too. Either mom only has spy talents, or the chances get lower the more I fuck? I can't tell, bro…'

John tried to think rationally but wasn't one for probabilities and other mathematics. In his past life, he was a literature graduate (Old European schools program). And he became a shrink.

In this new life, people didn't care much about maths either. The world was so advanced that all mathematical formulas, theorems, and operations were understood and completed by AI(s) and computers. Even at his high school.

'Well, let's look at that [athlete] job then.'

Disappointed but not mad at what he got, John decided to open and read the description. At least he had obtained something just by getting his hairy and beefy cock sucked. This was a good life.

The next moment John opened not just the new job but the old one too. He wanted to compare the different talents:

[Spy (description): The Spy is a gifted undercover secret agent and detective. He specializes in camouflage and espionage.--Notable talents: Speed, agility, dexterity, intelligence, perception.--]

[Athlete (description): Athletes are gifted in every sport and physical exercise. The Athlete is born to condition and to train his body and reflexes.--Notable talents: Anything physical.--]

'Anything physical?' John looked at the notable talents of the [Athlete] and was surprised. Didn't that mean he was talented in anything that had to do with tempering the body? Or the body in general?

'Wait…Are pornstars athletes too?'

When John's thoughts drove in a perverted direction, the pink-haired Baiken asked:

"John, are you sure you want to meet and tell mom about you and Sis today? Did you think this through?"

She was rarely serious, but for some reason, this afternoon, she was.

"Why? You won't be jealous now that you have no chance with me, and I'm your bro-in-law, will you?" John joked and replied. Though he also had his eye on Baiken, he did that innocently.


He didn't know that Ghislaine would glare menacingly at him and that Baiken would blush.

When the latter did and began to stutter something incomprehensible, Ghislaine approached him to whisper:

"Hey… Don't get overconfident after what happened earlier. My sister is off limits, alright? She's too innocent for your dirty hands…."

"Dirty?" John frowned when he repeated his girlfriend's word. Smiling a second later, he whispered, "Want to see what I can do with those dirty hands tonight, then?"

"Hmph." Ghislaine only snorted lowly. She didn't mind his teasing and only said, "You think it's so easy to sleep over at our house now that we're all grown up? Dating even? If you're daring, you can try, but Baiken wasn't scaring you; mom will ask you to marry me first, I think…."

"I know she wasn't scaring me," John replied with some memories of Ghislaine and Baiken's mother in mind. The woman was beautiful, but she was muscled like a superhero. He wouldn't believe it if she wasn't hiding some stuff.

Her general disposition wasn't so good, even if kind. And that temperament got worse whenever people bullied her daughters.

Though he thought that, John didn't know how much the woman kept secret at that moment. Or that she would become the first of his many snu-snu-generals…

..A complicated and multi-layered term he couldn't understand yet either.

After all, even if John had begun to understand many things in this new life, he was still underrating the mutant lifestyle.

For the greater part of the talented, mutant genes was only the key to the door leading to strength improvement.

Like in his old world, for the 99%, training and discipline were what determined somebody's future prospects.

Training…Even if the woman, one he identified as a cool MILF, pretended to be a regular housewife, she was an actual savage and a crazy person. A wild beast in human skin.


If deadbeat dads were a unique breed, then overprotective mothers from hentai worlds were also eccentric. Call it coincidence or a twist of fate, but John was reborn amid a treacherous family structure.

…One just as nasty as the Chaebol Korean dramas he used to watch in his past life.


Central City, Late afternoon,

In the back garden of a luxurious manor, two women of very distinct age, features, and beauty were meeting.

One of the two, one with a scar ruining half of her pretty and mature mug, spoke:

"We'll discuss the price as soon as you complete the task. What I want to know is how confident you are..."

Balalaika said grimly. She was staring at a rabbit-like humanoid.

That humanoid had an athletic build with muscular arms and long, athletic legs. She had dark skin, red eyes tilted slightly inwards, long eyelashes, and straight white hair that reached past her waist. This person, a young and healthy-looking woman, also had a pair of long white rabbit ears pointing upwards with a slight crook on her head.

Another of her distinctive features was a tail. She had a round white tail.

"Boss, I already told you that murder isn't my thing...Why do you have to force me?" Rumi Usagiyama, a mutant working as a bodyguard for the Howard household, replied, her scowl only increasing. In her profession, she also went by the alias Mirko. But she was too close to the members of the Howard household to be referred to that way.

That unreasonable and stupid woman thought she was being difficult because she wanted more money…

Another young woman with blonde hair, blonder than Balalaika, whispered in the rabbit girl's ear at that moment:

"Rumi, you're already in on it. Mom told you about the plan…If you keep this attitude and stance, you know what will happen if he dies at someone else's hands, right?"

This young blonde woman was called Olivier-Mira Howard. Most called her Mira except one person, though. She was one of the household's daughters and the strongest after Lust, the eldest.

Rumi, who also went by Mirko in this field, turned. Looking at her childhood friend, Mira, she inhaled longly to reply:

"You guys will kill me? No…Will you, Mira?"

Asking, Rumi didn't show fear. In her expression, there was dare and disappointment. She didn't doubt whether her friend could do what she suggested in terms of strength.

"What are you two whispering over there?" Sitting on an outside couch, Balalaika watched her second daughter speak with Rumi near the pool and asked impatiently.

"...Mom, if she doesn't, I'll do it." After a quick yet heavy frown, Mira walked to the front and proposed. Her friend's previous words seemed to strike a cord or something in her feelings.

"That won't do," Balalaika replied curtly. She knew her daughter's close ties with this bodyguard they practically raised. But she didn't want her children to have any hand in the dirty deed.

"But—" Mira was about to retort something loudly when someone appeared from their side and asked with a bloodthirsty chuckle:

"Who do you want to kill, Balalaika? I'll give you a lovely price this time…."

"Mmm?" Stunned by the abrupt arrival, an arrival nobody detected until the person spoke, Miss Howard also Dimitrescu scowled.

Glaring in a certain direction, her eyes widened.

After the surprise, she laughed happily and said:

"Kotaro…I didn't think you would be interested in such a low-class kill. When did you arrive?"

"A long time? A short time? Who knows…" Kotaro chuckled. "But does it matter? Who's the target? Another of your sons, I suppose?"

"Don't ask what you already know," Balalaika said unhappily. That woman's nature was terribly crooked, but her assassination-and-cleaning skills left no room for doubt or discontent.

"How can I not ask about my target? Don't joke around, Balalaika." Kotaro stopped smiling when she remarked.

"..." Seeing that expression, not just Miss Howard but Mira and Mirko shivered together.

"Haha, why are you girls suddenly so tense? We're just having a nice chat…Nobody gets my pranks these days, sadly..." The orange-haired and brawny woman laughed and told. When she did, the killing intent from earlier evaporated. As if it had all just been fictitious.


When everyone went mum, Kotaro now asked earnestly:

"Anyway, give me the name of the target and his details already. I'm in a bit of a hurry. My eldest daughter called and is bringing her first guy home... You can't miss that even for the best of kills, right?"

Gulping, Balalaika, who also wanted Kotaro to leave her house now, quickly said:

"It's Geese's latest bastard. Some John. John Bogard."


When Kotaro was stunned by the name spoken, so much that her under-boobs almost fell from her inefficiently-tight clothes, another meeting was ongoing.

Meeting a mob of mutant hoodlums, Geese Howard, who was just as deranged as his trophy wife— but in another way— exclaimed with hands in his pockets:

"How much do you guys want to beat up that kid?"

Saying, so he was showing a picture on his phone.

"Mister Geese, is that really necessary? I don't think that Baki needs help to beat your son….Hasn't he just awakened days ago?" Ken remarked, standing next to Geese in the vast and dimly lit warehouse. He didn't understand why his uncle Yujiro was so cruelly odd. And he understood even less this person named Geese…

What kind of father invited their old opponent's trained son and paid thugs to beat their own and newly-awakened kid to anger or injury?


"... What's happening to me? Do I suddenly feel stronger?" Alcina probed her hands and the rest of her body with a curious frown. She was resting at her most expensive high-class home when her usually cold and quiet blood stirred, and she felt a little jittery. As if it needed a release from something. Or rather as if she—Alcina herself— was overlooking something significant. Something she should know and find.

"This is the first time I feel like that in 140 years….I only felt a fairly proximate sense the night I awakened,"

The ageless mutant, who awakened at an age younger than her appearance suggested, was lying on her bed in a tall tower. Eyes on the glass wall with city view, a city she lived in for over 150+years, she reckoned after a sigh.

On the light-yellow bed where she calmly lay and tried to luxuriate in aged wine without massaging the flower between her two legs— again— she spoke out loud yet to herself:

"Maybe I've been too turned on lately…I can barely wait for our Saturday date…."

"...Knowing what John would be doing at this time also makes me curious…Perhaps he is thinking of me? I don't think I should call him again so soon…."

Alcina spoke her thoughts out loud. It had hardly been a day since John had called as they settled in the elevator. Although she wanted to hear his manly voice, the woman was a corporation's aloof president. She had to show some elegance and class…

…At least until the boy shows what magic he can do with a cock...

Alcina, who knew John was probably packing something remarkable in those pants, still had no exact clue how much he was packing.

But she had her own idea and wet dream.

"Hmph...He should probably be wooing or fucking little dolls his age, shouldn't he? This is likely considering his handsomeness and cheekiness..."

"Speaking of...Should I also change my age for him? He seduced me when I looked like this, so there should be no reason...Right?"

"Mmm...He must be into women my age and figure..."

The woman feeling a little jealous, considered. With her [vampirism], changing age and features was nothing for her.

Fortunately, she was intelligent and understood the pervert who lured her into his degenerate net.

"He could even leave that strong first impression on my granddaughters...He must be quite the player with those young girls..."


Gaping at the darkening sky, the realistic and mature Alcina, who knew exactly what she wanted, calculated with a snort. One that sounded more like a sheepish chuckle than a snort.

After all, the GILF was envious; she fell for the boy as soon as he entered the room. Before their eyes could meet. When those did, her lonely crotch tingled.

She wasn't planning to let go, no matter the cost, and that was figuratively and literally speaking.

These days, all she could think of was his cock, the one she imagined. To be precise, she fantasized...About how she would enjoy dripping tastes and scalding thrusts after the boy lost or wildly threw his underwear.

Yes, the old woman needed her insides to be stuffed with that good dick. Some old-school sexual healing...

Because of that, she didn't notice something odd happening here or in other places as undead.


Above the sacred void,

Juhachi gazed down somewhere where a gate was slowly making a hole in space.

Scoffing, yet doing so with some interest, she spoke:

"So it has begun…This is the first one, is it? Night creatures and undead lords?"

"Interesting…But the pets and minions shouldn't be able to get through the dimensional chasm before the next two years."

"...As for those domination and empire-driven lords, it could take even longer…."

Juhachi looked surprised but not surprised at the same time. Only she could tell if she was omniscient, half-omniscient, or not omniscient. Or even if omniscience was a fun power in the

hentai-making-megaverse and hentai-worthy-supremeverse— a place where she was simultaneously the highest power and the last word.

The next moment she said, she turned to look at her doppelganger, her alter-ego from another verse, who was still sleeping deeply.

Smiling, she felt it would take less than a year for Cammy to finally open her eyes.

…After all, the husband she chose was the highest tier of what the degenerate mortals called a lucky pervert…

Feeling so, the blonde and forever-more sacred entity she was stared down at a mature-looking and vampiric woman in a tower.

The latter was fondling her breasts and biting her lower lip, thinking of a young man they both loved.


John, who had no idea what storms Graphene and other planets would experience years later, finally arrived at the Dedoldia household.

Looking at his girlfriend's glorious back and booty— the latter of which was opening the door of her house with her own spare key— he said:

"Ghislaine, do you lift?"

Saying so, he didn't know that he would speak the same words to his girlfriend's mother. Or many other women, including an elder sister he didn't have or, rather, turned yet.


Central City, early evening,

At the exact time when John entered the Dedoldia twins' apartment,

A woman wearing sunglasses—one with blue hair and who looked and dressed everything like a high-ranked cop—ended a quiet phone call.

In the second that followed, shunning the discreet yet macho stares landing on her irresistible body, she turned to her colleague and said with impatience:

"Chunli, forget anything you're doing; we've got to rush somewhere; I just received a big tip."

"A tip? From whom?" The exceptionally fit yet healthily erotic detective Chunli stopped heating water in a kettle before she asked. She wanted to pour herself a cup of coffee after a long and exhausting day. When she did, her head and eyes shifted to her direct superior and police partner...Sergeant Rinko Iori…

A mutant as copiously gifted, if not more than the Asian-looking Chunli in terms of ripe womanly assets. Her body, her pear-shaped ass to be precise— an ass which filled a bit too well her black jeans— was what the horndogs she worked with in this precinct would qualify as naturally bouncy. And not just those who had a type...

Simplistically speaking, the woman was born with a dick-maddening and cock-satisfying booty. Nothing was fake, and nothing needed to be.

Her onion booty was a feast for the eyes and a quencher for the spirit.

From the front of her loose, light-beige jacket— a detective-Colombo-like jacket she wore over a white and buttoned shirt— men with incredibly wandering eyes and perverted sight could discern a naturally-swollen cameltoe...One too well-drawn and too conspicuous despite her deliberately attempting to conceal it.

Caring about her pussy lips, she wasted more time dressing each morning.

Last but not least were the woman's breasts. Those perky, pointy, and massive milkers, probably her best aspect, were more tempting than anything else she was difficultly cramming. Looking at them from a distance, anybody, women or men, could accurately judge their fatness and heaviness.

Basically...No matter her clothes, it would be hard for Rinko to hide her innately saucy and juicy physique...Under the shirt she was sporting, her immense chest suffered from even greater claustrophobia than her crammed buttocks.

Not willing to disclose the name of her information broker, a friend she always knew privately— one named Maya —Rinko adjusted her sunglasses. Acting evasive.

Doing so, while she rushed her partner to get a move on, her mind clearer, she only chose to divulge the alias gaining notoriety in the broker trade:

"...Her name is Crimson Viper, an information-and-valuable-news broker from the City...She's quickly growing if you haven't heard yet..."

"...Anyway, we can't be late and miss a show this time; we must be fast..."

As the two single-by-choice, yet men-magnets ran toward the flying police car, Chunli, who only had coffee and caffeine in her mind seconds before, spoke unhappily:

"Crimson Viper? Who's that? And where are we going?"

Chunli rarely used or dealt with brokers without a go-between, so she wouldn't know.

They were finally getting to their car when her more experienced partner, Sergeant Rinko, opened the driver's door and revealed:

"Didn't you want to catch Geese Howard? We got the chance to fetch incriminating evidence tonight...The info I got is that he's about to do something public and maybe noisy..."

"Geese Howard?" Surprised, Chunli raised her brows as she precipitously sat in her seat. Then with growing excitement in her belly and a scowl, she wondered curiously, "Are we finally making a move on that asshole? You and I alone?"

"Yeah..." Rinko, who started up the engine and turned the steering wheel, responded. Doing so, she withered and smiled at the same time. As if she had recalled a memory both pleasant and unpleasant. Something perhaps close to a long-standing and well-kept grudge.

In the next three seconds, when they rushed out of the precinct and she showed superb driving skills, she continued her thoughts sarcastically:

"...Just you and me. It's not like we have moles at the precinct, right?"


Chunli was 26 compared to the 38-year-old Rinko.

As a young, trusting, and passionate detective, the immature mutant was naive sometimes.

After hearing her partner mention informers and moles, she quickly understood her thinking and procedure...That case they had with Geese Howard for eight years now had always been tough, after all.

He wouldn't be so tough to catch and slippery without moles and friends that he could call in the police.

"We'll see exactly what's going on once we get to the destination. We'll be prudent as always, though. Unless the two parties fight and exhaust each other, we won't move rashly..." Rinko, who drove the spaceship-like car past the streets and the neighborhood's congested buildings, remarked.

As she did and the vehicle flew out of the police precinct to sail aboveground, officers and men down the streets ogled— or rather watched this time— something different than her hormonally blessed, greek-war-goddess shape.

...That being the case, she didn't have to worry because one day— one not too far— a young blond would gladly give her a solution to her cameltoe-related troubles. And more for an eternity of mutual orgasms and mutual benefits.


John's deadbeat dad, Geese, didn't know how closely he was watched by what people in this world called brokers. And neither would he care if he did.

His son, who had even fewer clues concerning his likewise lousy and looming night, was sitting in Ghislaine's apartment. Admiring the living room he had memories of.

"Mom doesn't seem to be home. Mind waiting?" When John was getting familiar with other recollections gifted by his supreme wife, Juhachi, Ghislaine said.

She was getting out of an unlit corridor.

"Haha, you're making such a fuss just to present me this rascal you grew up with?" Before the young Bogard could reply, a voice said and praised. Then she added playfully, "I already know him very well, just not as your boyfriend. Good job, baby. But as a mother, I have a job to do..."

When John jumped in surprise, checking the living room's surroundings, Baiken, who was in that corridor from earlier, blurted in an incredibly apprehensive tone:

"Ghislaine! Tell John to run! Mom's weapon stash is open and empty!"


Fuma Kotaro, also Dedoldia, from a deadbeat husband she tried hard to keep secret from her imperfect twin daughters, decided to materialize in the living room. Right after, Baiken cried out.

"How long has it been, John? Have you been well?" Kotaro smiled and inquired. She didn't know or care how creepy her actions or expression were at that moment.

She held or kept weapons on her back, hands, and body. Weapons of assassinations. A trade and career path not so secret from her daughters but hidden to John—the boy she wanted to test as a son-in-law.


Flashback, minutes before Kotaro returned home,

"John Bogard?" Hearing the name from Balalaika Howard, one of her usual and most precious employers in the City, Kotaro asked, surprised.


"...Yes, d-do you know the bastard?" Noticing the strange face Kotaro suddenly made as soon as she spoke the name, Balalaika inquired. Stuttering for a second despite how arrogant and proud she was.

Perhaps others wouldn't know, but she did. The woman with orange hair in front of her was the greatest killer in Central City. And killing was just something she did for fun and cash.

In a straight fight with a mutant, even one of her husband's caliber, Kotaro wouldn't easily give way…No, maybe she could win. She wasn't even sure…

"I do, sadly," Kotaro replied with a sad face.

When she did, Balalaika wasn't sure if she was sad because she couldn't get a kill tonight or because she had to kill someone close to her.

Gulping again but willing to take her chance to get rid of that evil spawn, the woman born with dual and transgender genitals said:

"Now that you know who it is…Will you still take the kill?"

Balalaika didn't want to ask how the woman knew the teenage boy. Lest Kotaro accidentally recalled some unknown friendship or complicated ties.

The earlier reaction made it possible to tell that they weren't too close.

Kotaro didn't immediately reply.


When the atmosphere went quiet again, she inhaled a long sigh and then said:

"I'll contact you tomorrow to talk. I have something to do tonight…."

After she did, she vanished like magic.

"Wait!" Balalaika, who saw her figure haze into an outline only to quickly disappear, just had the time to yell this.

She wanted to know what she meant exactly. Her words were different from her usual style.

"Mom, Who was this woman? Has she taken the job?" When her face was dismal and vexed, Balalaika heard her daughter Mira's question.

"...I don't know. I honestly can't tell." Miss Howard replied, her face still dark. Then she added, "But whether she has or not, we can't interfere for now."

"What do you mean?" Mira and Rumi asked together.

"...You don't want to know. Listen to me and go to sleep." Balalaika only answered. Thinking:

'…Kids these days either have delusions or disregard things quickly. These two girls were frightened white when that hateful woman showed some killing intent….'

'…Now they are asking why. Hmph.'

Seconds later,

Although she was annoyed when Balalaika walked away from one of her manor's multiple pool resorts— this one built at the southside— she felt clever and experienced.

Though her soulmate, a soulmate she couldn't stop loving, was a cheating scum, she deeply apprehended the sheltered ways of this mutant world.


Present time,

When Kotaro asked her question to John, her daughter's boyfriend, though her face showed a smile, she released some killing intent.

Only John's way. And that was because she could control it.

"...Mom, what are you doing with your weapons?"

"Put them down, please!"

"Mom, if you kill John, sis and I will die as old virgins!"

Frightened, Ghislaine and Baiken yelled one after the other. The latter was a weapon fan and weapon madman, but not because she wanted to follow her mom's career path. Even if she did, it wouldn't be to scare or kill her family and friends.

"...What are you saying, you idiot?"


Hearing her sister saying how she was going to die an old virgin too, Ghislaine remarked lowly…Sadly Baiken was too dense to notice how she had confessed her feelings, or at least attraction, publicly.


John, who had no idea what kind of spiritual practice he had completed with Mizuki yet, or what links he created with her—thanks to his mother, Pam, mostly— was walking outside. In a public park and with the three women of the Dedoldia household.


Central City was extensively large.

Places like the park Kotaro, her daughters, and John walked in could be as big as an entire city from a world nobody except one knew.

When Kotaro felt like she had walked far enough and that the area of the badly lit forest they entered was quiet, she stopped.

Hands over her hips, sharp weapons and chains all around her body, she turned to face the group she led all the way here. Her eyes were on the young man she was testing as her future son-in-law when she smirked and spoke:

"Do you know why we're here?"

John's expression looked as clueless as Ghislaine's or Baiken's, but it looked less worried when he shrugged and replied:

"I don't have a clue, honestly. But it shouldn't be for something I'd like, right?"

Hearing his answer and seeing his smile, Kotaro made something between a chuckle and a snort. Grinning with appreciation, she then said:

"I heard you've awakened."

"I did, yeah... Did Ghislaine tell you?" John replied, his face curious.

"She did..." Kotaro gave a quick glance at her silent daughter when she answered. After a quick sigh, her face turned a bit serious when she continued:

"...But that doesn't really matter. You should've begun wondering why we walked to such a drab and barren place, right? What do you think?"

"Fight?" John asked, raising his brows curiously.

"Haha, a fight? That's cute, John, but that's not why. You were close, though." Kotaro chuckled and said. The boy was cute and straightforward; no wonder Ghislaine fell for him after he saved her that day years ago.

"If not a fight, what then? You're killing me with the suspense." The cute and handsome young man said, frowning now. He was looking very impatient.

Kotaro didn't know why she felt like playing more with him. He could make killing jokes…How amusing…

'Eh? What am I thinking? That's my daughter's childhood sweetheart and brand-new boyfriend….'

When the woman's thoughts started to wander in a precarious path before Ghislaine could notice her blushing through her very territorial [beastly senses], she coughed and told:

"I'm here to offer you a gift. Or several of them if you pass my test."

"Gifts? I like gifts…What kind?" Kotaro saw the boy's face turning happy and perverted at the same time immediately after she offered.

'This kid…'

Seeing how the boy ogled at her body, not so furtively at that, she reckoned he had grown balls since the last time she met him.

Thankfully for him, his girlfriend couldn't see his expression from where she stood.

Kotaro, who was oddly liking the lecherous gaze of the horny-looking teenager, quickly changed the suggestive subject when she said solemnly:

"...Let me give you a hint…I'm good at killing people, so you can take a guess."

John's eyes narrowed when he asked:

"Killing? Are you a killer?"

This time it was Ghislaine who answered. Arms crossed, she said:

"Yes, mom is a professional killer."

"Eh…That's cool. You got a badass mom, Ghislaine. I guess I shouldn't bully you around like I did in the old days if that's the case." Kotaro, who expected John to squint or wince from fright, was stunned when he answered not just calmly but elaborately.

He was creepily spontaneous about the discovery.

"You shouldn't bully anyone in the first place. Especially not your girlfriend."

After Ghislaine said, and when John was coaxing her, Kotaro asked with some disbelief:

"John, are you really okay with this?"

"Okay with?" John asked. "You being a killer? That sounds like a cool job. Speaking of cool jobs, I think my mom is a spy..."

"What?! Is Pam a spy?!"

"Your mom's a spy?!"

Kotaro and her daughters exclaimed with widening eyes when John said. The former was just as stunned.

"I said, I think. Can you imagine Mom being a spy with her heavy-leaning corpulence? Don't get me wrong, she's pretty and strong, but…."

When John began raving about the needs, necessities of his mother's job, and her motherly beauty, Kotaro listened quietly…Thinking:

'...This kid grew up a lot different than I imagined…I guess I could inform him and eliminate that woman for him if he passes my test….'

'That's against employer-client policy…But it's not like anyone can force rules upon me in the City….'

'What's more…he's my daughter's boyfriend….'

Thinking the last thought, Kotaro, who was starting to appreciate John in ways she didn't register or capture, felt a tinge of envy.


The masculinity from John's MNF started running at an all-time high as soon as Kotaro showed up back at her house.

Aware but not fully aware of how hypnotizing, powerful his supremacy was growing, John lasciviously examined Kotaro's hulking— yet also milky, mouthwatering— abs-and-waistline when she said:

"Let's start the test and see how you do then."

"What's the test?" John asked, bewildered. She had spoken about his awakened mutant gene but clarified it wasn't a fight.

"You know about gene-stimulation and the sequels those can leave on newly awakened mutants, don't you? That's one of the first classes they teach in high school." Ghislaine, John's smartass and Grade A+ girlfriend, spoke for her mother. When she did, she didn't know that thanks to this test, nights, not just this one, would become long and a bit crazy for her boyfriend.



Or, as an undying and startlingly beautiful lady from a show— show which John watched not as religiously as he would've liked in his previous life— would call:


John always revered and treasured the night when he was still Mister Castle.

...Even if he didn't know why he repeatedly heard the rackety sound of a sleepless biker and his sleepless motorcycle. Mainly whenever he was about to do something comforting yet annoyingly self-conscious.

The man lived in many countries, but that enigmatic biker followed him all over the globe. And he showed up at unique hours. Hours John ended up pinpointing...

Yes, John didn't believe in coincidences.

Though he loved it, the night was a spooky thing to him. One to be explored and studied with supervision.

No matter which world or afterlife, apparently...


When John heard the sound of a fast, powerful motorcycle—a sound coming from the nearest road—Kotaro grinned somewhat fiendishly and turned her head. Right in the direction of the sound. A sound the Castle, now Bogard was still trying to identify...

Then as if nothing happened, she picked up where her eldest daughter stopped speaking, saying:

"John, do you know the main difference between demonic mutants and the others?"

John knew the basics of this matter but didn't know more. So after he shook his head and said no, Kotaro continued:

"Baiken has yet to awaken, but Ghislaine and I are demonic mutants. And that's not because of coincidence…."

"..." John listened silently when Kotaro enlightened him.

"...Ghislaine was originally only a beast type, but she became a demonic and beast type thanks to me…Can you see where I'm getting at?"

Kotaro smirked and revealed. If John didn't understand now, he would be a little slow.

"Dual type?" John inquired and said. "But I'm already a dual type of the defense and healing classes."

There was a difference between having two mutant genes and being a mutant with several types. Being born and getting two different mutant genes was impossible. But a mutant could wield several types of powers and skills in the same gene.

There were things he didn't totally understand, however. Things Kotaro began clarifying for him the next second.


To answer John's doubts, Kotaro spoke:

"It doesn't matter how many types you have; the talents and skills you develop will generally follow a route at the image of your gene's name and theme…."

"...And yes, contrary to what you were taught in the public and general curriculum, mutants can have more than two types. In fact, types stop mattering when you enter the night road and start feeling the fiendish void…."

"Night road? Fiendish void? What do you mean?" John frowned. He knew about demon-type mutants, but not any of this new night-and-fiendish stuff.

"Something humanoids have forgotten, and I wish I never encountered two decades back..." When Kotaro said, she sighed and glanced at her twin daughters. Thinking:

'There are good and bad guys among those denizens of the dark…Hiei, Yusuke, and Kurama belonged to the light side….'

'... It'd be nice to see and thank them, but I don't want my spirit to unrelentingly wander toward that realm again…Accidents are easy to happen without that technique...'

'...Now that I know not to repeat the same mistake, I shouldn't worry excessively…This kid must become powerful if he's to marry Ghislaine….'

'...They also said that they can never come down for some reason…I have no excuse to keep fearing Sesshomaru…I should do anything I want….'


When everyone except Ghislaine was totally confused, Kotaro, who was growing impatient and wanted to stop thinking about the husband who impregnated her immaculately— in a long dream, spiritual voyage toward a foreign land— said:

"So what do you say?"

"About what?" John furrowed his brows.

"Your test is simple, John. You still don't get it?" Kotaro said before adding:

"...If you want to date Ghislaine, you must follow any of my unorthodox arrangements and training. Your girlfriend already did long ago…."

"...Depending on how you do, I'm going to give more than one gift….Or none..."

"...But if it's none, I may or may not have to kill you speaking of which..."


When John was silent, Kotaro chuckled and said again, "So, what's it gonna be?"


While John underwent the test that Kotaro was growing impatient to give him— a test between nightly realms— the biker or rider he heard was parking her dual-wheel vehicle.

That biker was somebody he knew yet would have never thought of.

"Mom, you're saying John is here? How do you know?" When Terry got down from the bike with his mother, Pam, he frowned and asked curiously.

He didn't know why she was so strange tonight or when she began owning a vehicle. Especially a vehicle like a bike…

"Don't ask now." Pam, who wasn't in a very good mood after seeing what her son was doing—with whom to add salt to injury— replied.

The next moment, she took off her shiny-black helmet and said:

"...Follow me, and don't make any reckless moves unless I ask you to…."


Terry was terribly chaotic, but he did what she said after she walked and led the way. Angry Pam was something he feared like every other Bogard household member...

Doing so, he didn't know how long the night would be or that the father he was trying to get close to would get killed by one of the people they were searching for.


There were as many nightly-and-demonic verses as people who tried to enter them or wished they existed. But in the greater expanse known as the demonic plane— in a lunary verse, to be specific— John's spirit was wandering between dimensionally-and-metaphysically-chaotic gates, not knocking…He could thank Kotaro for that because she used a secret night-road technique. Something about some [fiendish yoga]…

The young man didn't wonder whether his initiator would teach him said technique later. To be brutally honest, it was the least of his worries where he was.


"How many spirit lights do you think he will see?" Smirking with great interest, anticipation, and curiosity, Kotaro asked her eldest daughter, who had undergone the same test. Or so did Kotaro think.

This time, the initiation, or test, which she thought she knew well by now, had gone a little different. Not in a bad way. But certainly, not thanks to her.

No, it was because of her future son-in-law...Him and his odd specificities and supremacies.

The demonic realm was strange; abnormal things happened when existences just as weird wandered at its peripheries.

"I don't know, but let's hope he gets two at least…If not, you'll probably kill him, won't you?" Ghislaine replied to her mom. Very realistically.

Kotaro didn't comment. She didn't need to when her smile just turned foxier. Only she knew fully whether she was playing or not.

"..." Seeing her mom's expression change, Ghislaine grew paler than before. She stared at John— his back to be specific— who was sitting cross-legged, meditating.

She was hoping for his success…A success related to not just their futures but his safety.


"The fuck is this place?!" John, who had already met a supreme god, was shocked when he opened his spiritual eyes and found himself floating in black space. His body and clothes remained this time. But he found that bright cosmos and luminescent stars were all around him.

When John was losing his calm, he exhaled a long sigh and recalled his deadly mother-in-law's words:

"Remember…Once you get there, if you don't follow my instructions and panic, you're as good as toast wherever you land…."

"...You shouldn't move during your demonic initiation…If you spot any, wait for the lights to rush towards you…."

"...Time dilation is a thing between this world and the other… Don't worry about spending a few weeks, months, years, or even centuries there…It will just be a few seconds when you come back…."

When John was done recalling the most important parts of Kotaro's instructions, he sighed again, muttering. Or at least trying to mutter since space was quiet. Even for spiritual bodies.

"So I just need to wait…Well, at least there are more spirit lights than she said…."

Looking at the countless numbers of lights in space, John assessed a little calmer.

He was taught how to go back anyway. All he needed to do was to recite a sentence in his mind.

"...Years, huh?" John, who was alone and was somewhat of a natural worrier, thought about something creepy.

"What if I forget the sentence?"


John swore he had never repeated a sentence so many times in his mind.

Thankfully for him, as he floated in the otherworldly space without moving much, things moved faster than expected.

After only a few hours, the lights, which he thought were very far, suddenly rushed at him at a visible speed.

"What's going on? Why do those things look alive?"

Seeing how those gigantic and small rays were racing towards him like sperm rushing to fertilize ova, John furrowed whatever he had for spiritual brows.

"Do I look attractive to whatever those things are?"


"...Mmm, whatever, she said to wait until at least one enters my spiritual body, right? I shouldn't be scared."

Done reassuring himself, John waited until the first light finally entered.

Then the second, the third…

…When the ninth light finally entered his spiritual body, almost as if he was full and couldn't accommodate more, he disappeared from space.

His spirit was automatically returning to the park where his body was.

He didn't notice that the bigger and slower lights, still rushing towards him, seemed to throw tantrums when he left. They shook around in space and flickered on and off like ghosts playing with house lights in scary movies.

Wherever they came from, whatever was happening to them, or whatever he should do with the lights, John couldn't tell. Not yet. Only Kotaro and Ghislaine could tell him.

The only thing he was certain of was that he probably wouldn't eat those lights he had absorbed...And that was because they, the feminine-sounding lights, seemed to know speech...


"Back so soon? Impressive…How many night terrors did you get?" When John returned from his demonic trip, one spiritual, Kotaro asked excitedly as soon as he opened his eyes.

"I got nine of them. Those tiny terrors are noisy, speaking of which." John replied, standing up and patting the dust and grass on his backside and legs.

"Nine?" Ghislaine was aghast. Her eyes enlarged when she said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Baiken, who was confused but curious, asked.

"It's too soon for you to ask, baby…Just watch quietly." Kotaro stated before turning to John. Not as calmly as she would've liked.

She was too amazed to conceal the frenzied and frenetic passion in her eyes when she did. Her eyes flickered with maniacal light, Lust, but not from sexual desire. No...Instead of lewdness, whatever she felt stemmed from curiosity, interests, and hobbies. Demonic hobbies.

"C-can you tell me their names?" Kotaro asked with a somewhat stunted breath, very unlike her. Her tone was a little too euphoric and active.

At the same time, she thought, 'Nine…Fucking nine! What John has done is unprecedented...'

"Oh, sure, I haven't thought to ask, should I?" John answered.

"What? Did you not ask? You absolutely should!" Kotaro teetered, stunned, hearing the reply.

'The kid's gotten nine terrors, but he's calm. I'm staggering from shock for him instead...'

'...Doesn't he get that it's like getting nine qualified experts to guide him all his life for free in the themes they're good at?'

At that moment when John made her envious, Kotaro also recalled:

'Since he's gotten nine of them...Did he also get that legendary one by chance? I should ask him directly...'

When she was done thinking, John responded to her previous statement, saying:

"Alright, give me a minute… Those girls were talking all at the same time in my head…. It was too loud for me to ask anything of substance yet..."


After he took his time getting used to the voices in his head, John, who looked outwardly silent yet had been inwardly turmoiled, stated:

"I think they said it was...Sin, crime, pain, savagery, tyranny, dread, vengeance, monstrosity, and calamity…."

"... That's what those nine said. But that girl called Sin wanted her name to be cited first for some reason….She says she's powerful..."

"Y-you got Sin? Calamity and crime even?"

Nine terrors…Thinking of that fact again, Kotaro breathed with some difficulty.

Hearing John, the MILF had the suspicion, but she stuttered when she got the confirmation. The kid had gotten so many powerful terrors. And he got the legendary one, Sin.

"John, you really got Sin?!" Ghislaine was stunned. She knew what that meant. "What demonic spectrum is she from?" And she continued to ask.

John nodded to Kotaro's question, then scratched his head when he faced Ghislaine.

At the start, he wasn't sure what this was all about. But hearing the crazy and domineering voices in his head, plus Kotaro and Ghislaine, he was getting at something now.

After asking a question in his head, he answered Ghislaine's question:

"They're all from a place called the TYPE-MOON Omniverse..."

"...Don't ask me more. I'm not sure I even understand what they're talking about…."

"Haha! John, come here! Do you have any idea what you've done?! This is unprecedented!"

Immediately after John answered, Kotaro laughed happily and said. She opened her arms to invite him for a hug. One as unsuitable as the young man liked.

"..." The woman was weird, but looking at her delectable and tasty-looking fun buns, John didn't think too much about how Ghislaine would react.

After another nod, a flush one, he walked towards his mom-in-law—One with a face too beautiful and a body a little too snu-snu-like. Two things he was highly powerless against.


"Mom? What do you think you're doing?" Ghislaine asked frowningly.

"I'm just giving your boyfriend the first of my many gifts. Nine of them, apparently. Don't mind us, dear..." When Kotaro replied, John hugged her, his head a little too close-knit to her unthinkably soft boobs. Her body configuration was mysteriously satisfying.

When he was enjoying a smell just as soft and one making him wish the woman was his dad, she looked down at him and said with a bashful and reprobate tone:

"You won't mind this first gift, will you? Or do you want to change it over with something else?"

"...No, this is perfectly fine. I don't want to switch. Let's stay like this as long as you wish, mom..." John replied audaciously, hypnotized by all sorts of things, such as the woman's voice, mature gaze, or smell.


But Ghislaine lost it at that moment. Killing his growing boner quickly.


Both Baiken and Kotaro laughed heartily. The latter didn't say, but she also enjoyed the warm moment much more than she had considered. She also caught something swerving below her waist.


After some time,

Kotaro finally explained in detail to John what happened. She also taught him how to mute and pause the voices in his head. Basically, the demonic way in this mutant world was the crazy way…

But as far as John knew, only Kotaro and her daughter had free and naturally attuned teachers—terrors— in their heads like he did. That meditation technique Kotaro used was one of the ancient and lost ways to the humanoids she had mentioned.

Wherever she obtained it, he didn't think to ask her.

"What's the use of that spiritual and demonic space besides amassing spirits and putting them in my body, then?" John asked when Kotaro was explaining to him. "According to what you said, nine is my demonic number, and I can't get more, so what's the point?"

"That space is used to hone your spirit with the time dilation or learn other bookish things. You didn't think Ghislaine was that school smart just because, did you?"

'Eh? Oh, a lot of things make sense now….'

"Mom! You're talking too much now!"

When John thought, Ghislaine exclaimed in dissatisfaction and shame for being exposed.

"...Haha, baby, there's no need to be mortified over this now; it's all family..."

The girl's mom was on a roll. And John loved it.


After she felt like she had laughed and teased her daughter sufficiently, Kotaro said to John:

"...Anyway, John, you already got Sin, you don't need the eight other terrors you got, and I'll explain why when we get back to the house; it's getting late…."

"But just so you know...I only got three of them, and Ghislaine got two…."

When Kotaro was saying, John, curious, asked, "What's yours? I mean, what's even your mutant gene, Kotaro?"

Inquiring, he was speaking to the MILF informally this time. She had granted him that privilege without him asking in the past few minutes. She was in a great mood and was growing closer to him.

John couldn't tell yet if she was doing it deliberately. Her being a professional killer was probably true because, in addition to easily hiding her presence, she was seemingly gifted in disguising her actions and thoughts.

The fact that John had changed a deadly crisis into a good situation didn't help. His [gender-alpha] supremacy wasn't running as intensely after the potentially serious death threat.

"My secret terrors go by Lie, disguise, and brutality…As for my gene, I noticed how you've been inquisitive about it. I never told you, did I?" On the way back, Kotaro replied, smirking a little proudly. Her mood was still very good when she did.

"I've really been curious, yeah...I won't lie about it. So, can I ask? What is it?" John was too interested not to insist.

Seeing him so adamant, Kotaro stopped teasing and answered honestly, "...My mutant gene is called [Night Kill]. It's complex, but let's just say I was likely born to camouflage and kill people quietly…."

"Night kill? If it follows the theme implied, aren't you like unbeatable at night?" John wondered.

"Mmm…Not exactly; my skills don't get affected by daylight. They're just as good."

"But if you have to inquire, I like the night. But that'd be for more personal and old habits," Kotaro answered as if it wasn't a great concern. She also said something strange.

"What habits?" John was even more curious now.

"Don't ask things nobody wants to know, John… Let's just go home…" Ghislaine said, spooked by her mom seemingly.

"...Okay, babe…" John, who wasn't dense, didn't keep inquiring.


Half a minute later,

John and his group were unhurriedly returning to Kotaro's apartment when they heard footsteps from two directions in the forest. One group, which seemed to have many feet, was making more noise than the other.

Glancing the opposite way at that moment, John was stunned to see a woman appearing from behind a tree. Getting a good look, he exclaimed in astonishment:

"Mom?! What are you doing here?!"

"I should ask you the same question, young man..." Pam, who looked furious, said lowly to her youngest and vagabond son. At that moment, her glaring stare aimed at the MILF walking next to him. And she didn't have the demeanor of John's favorite cock slut.

It looked like she was about to fight for what she legally owned and gave birth to instead.

Things, however, wouldn't proceed in the direction she thought in a few seconds. And she wouldn't fight against the side she assumed she would. Thanks to a certain deadbeat—One who she had been happy to cuck with her son so far.


"Looky there! Who's here?"

"Pam, I thought you were just a normal single housewife…Haha, how did you find us so far and in such a dark place?"

"...Should this be just the power of motherhood? Or…"

When Kotaro sensed Pam's indignant and emphatic glare, she met it and said with sarcasm. John gave her food for thought with that spy suspicion...

...The reality was that as a ninja and killer, it had been minutes since Kotaro spotted Pam and her convulsive and startling ambiance. When that motorcycle vroomed earlier. Which was long before John even entered meditation and contacted his night terrors.

She just didn't know till now that the person coming was Pam. All she perceived was that the aura was presumably scouring the vicinity for her. And not to exchange pleasantries once they ultimately met.

The situation developed exactly as she predicted. It was just that Pam showing that kind of powerful atmosphere amazed her.

'...John is probably right about her, then...'

'...Geese is already a strong mutant, but he couldn't so easily give birth to a son like John if the mom was too ordinary...'


Kotaro's thoughts and eyes moved quicker than everyone around her. Recognizing Terry, when she wondered if he was special too, Pam spoke with a threatening tone:

"...Let's not beat around the bush, Kotaro; what have you taken John here for? Don't think about lying to me. I know exactly who you are and what you stand for..."

The Bogard's mother wasn't in the mood to act. She understood that she was exposing some things about herself that she kept secret from her children. But she didn't care in front of this orange-haired and red-tattooed nightmare.

Over the years, she had secretly monitored John each time he visited Ghislaine. And she was guarding against that kind of event...

...She and Kotaro belonged to two very different secret societies, and despite completing their assignments the same way, they worked extremely opposite jobs.


"..." Everyone, including John, watched with bated breath. Feeling the atmosphere between the Dedoldia and Bogard women getting heavy.

"...Mom..." When Terry muttered nervously, neither he nor John had doubts anymore. Their mother was definitely an awakened mutant.

Before Kotaro could reply, an arrogant, smug, yet also somewhat vexed laugh resounded, however:

"Haha, Pam, why do you always love to ruin the parties I throw...And who's that woman you're glaring at?"

Seeing his deadbeat father swagger inside the clearing, John was now dumbfounded...Even more so when he saw and recognized two coomer-like muscled men behind him.

'Ken Masters...And Baki Hanma?' John's eyes went wide. His mind was in a total mess tonight.


"Geese?! What are you doing here?!"

"...And who are those thugs you came with?!"

Pam scowled and exclaimed when she saw her ex-lover and progenitor of her three blond children...Now she didn't have to worry about just that wild nightmare, but about the crazy mutant in a black suit.

"Wait...Isn't that Fuma Kotaro?" Another blond in the vicinity who wore a black vest and sunglasses this time said. "Hey, mister Geese, this isn't how you told us it would be...Let's go, Baki; we don't want anything to do with that wild beast from Central City..."

"What? Boy, wait!"

When Geese exclaimed, a chest-naked and excessively muscled teenager said curiously:

"Why? Who's she, Ken?"

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know..." Ken uttered with his forehead turning pale. The next moment, he quivered after a quick glance at the smirking nightmare.

Without wasting any time, he grabbed and pulled the boy he called Baki and ran, yelling:

"Mister Geese, I'm not sure what's going on, but let's meet another day if you survive!"

"Hey, you shitty kids, I said wait!" Geese shouted, his body beginning to glow with a bright, transparent yellow hue.

His elbows were touching his waist when Kotaro suddenly released a blood-and-luminous-red aura around the whole vicinity and spoke:

"You're not like the rumors say...You seem more idiotic than your wife, Geese..."

The next moment she turned and asked someone standing next to her:

"...What should I do with him, John?"

"...I have yet to give you my second gift..."



John didn't have the time to answer. Rather, Kotaro looked too bloodthirsty to care at that moment. For some reason, he wasn't certain yet.

"Who the hell are you?" When the thugs around Geese passed out and fainted, he asked. Turning to stare at Kotaro, he completely ignored the kids who ran just now. "...And why did you insult my wife?"

Kotaro chuckled and ignored Geese. Her killing intent blasting powerfully on him mostly—one he had difficulties shaking off—she turned to the scowling Pam and said:

"Pam, considering how you spoke earlier and what John told me about what you do, I think you know what's about to happen...You know my hobbies, don't you?"

"..." Pam remained quiet, somewhat numb from anger and other new emotions—emotions she never thought she would have toward Geese. But she turned to meet Kotaro's bloodthirsty gaze.

"Give me the word, Pam..." Kotaro said with a death reaper-like countenance. "...Nobody needs to know..."

"What about the children? And what about those two runners?"

Pam asked, glancing around at her children and Kotaro's.


Neither had the energy to speak. And that was caused only by the aftereffects of this woman's aura...She was even more of a monster than what rumors and the information she had said.

"Mmm?" Pam's eyes widened when she was still thinking about what to say or do.

"John? Where is John?" She asked, confused.


"Let me go, Ken!"

Ken was running out of the park with his cousin Baki. More like dragging out the latter...And at a pace that he and Ryu had only reached when they faced situations they couldn't handle.

...The last time he wanted to run like that, even before their Shadaloo adventures, was when they met Guile. But he didn't give him a chance to run. When they realized their mistake, it was late. He had beaten them up like dads would their children.

The man went so far as to throw them in the trash in that bar's back alley.

"Baki, stop complaining; it's too late to go back even if you want to...That woman works fast...Too fast..."

Ken's breath was weary due to him drinking and smoking too much in the past few days. When he thought that he and his cousin were finally safe and had run far enough not to fear that monster with orange hair, a person spoke:

"Ken Masters, huh? It's you..."

"...But where's your best bud, Ryu? I always wanted to meet and try out his Hadoken..."


At the same time, when Ken's figure exited the park and reached a dark street, two police officers parked a small spaceship-like car.

Getting out of the vehicle, one with very attractive Asian-looking traits and a jaw-dropping figure glanced toward a man wearing a vest and said, perplexed to see him here:



Seconds before,

When Ken had yet to run out of the park,


Becoming the master and wielder of terrors…

The non-initiated and non-demonic mutant would ask what advantage such ancient and hidden art may bring.

…At the moment, however, John knew. And he understood it wasn't only about becoming some night trickster with cute vocabulary.

[Sinful speed], [Sinful strength], [Sinful stamina], [Sinful recovery]...Those were a few examples of the benefits brought to the oddity known as John Bogard now. Directly at that.

Thanks to his MNF, John could take a shortcut concerning the mysterious learning process Kotaro was planning to hand over.


…Sin, Crime, Pain, Savagery, Tyranny, Dread, Vengeance, Monstrosity, Calamity…

With Sin as the legendary big sister, the one overwatching all the other problems, night terrors taught their owners and influenced genes...In ways, the latent, non-demonic, and non-practiced mutant— in the ancient and lost arts— could hardly care or conjecture.

Thanks to his MNF's main ability and his MNF's weird attaching skill, John soon found out how he could spiritually bind his terrors to his gene. And to his job's ingrained talents. To create combos like [sinful perception], [criminal camouflage], [vengeful strength], [monstrous stamina], etc…

The ramifications of the gene linkage and talent increases worked exactly as the adjectives implied. So very brokenly, illogically, and unreasonably, yes…

Speaking of which…Kotaro didn't lie because SIN was really the most all-rounder and powerful.

This weird ability— one he discovered and had innately, thanks to his MNF's main and auxiliary attaching abilities— shortened much of the terror-familiarizing drills. Drills that Kotaro was planning to introduce him to days later.

'I wonder how Kotaro will react when I announce this…' John, who was chasing Ken and Baki at a cheetah-like speed, thought about his mom-in-law.

...When he did, he didn't understand why he had obtained so many terrors in terror space. Or if her giving such a big gift was another coincidence arranged by Juhachi...

...As some things were better left unsaid, some were better left unknown...



With a monstrous, childish, and restless voice unwilling to go to sleep in his head, John canceled his [monstrous camouflage] to appear in front of Ken Masters when the latter asked.

"It's me. You saw me earlier, don't you remember? Weird considering how you guys probably came for me, I think." John said, this time using a version called [Sinful intelligence].

"...Kid, when did you appear? Is that your mutant gene?" Ken asked with a serious scowl.

When he finally put Baki on the ground, the latter complained, saying:

"Ken, I can fight this guy at least, right?"

"Idiot! This was the person you were supposed to fight to begin with! Why do you think we're running?! That woman is related to him!"

"..." John watched this go on with an interested smile. Feeling his new strength, he wasn't worried. He knew that Kotaro would probably not give way to his dad.


Chunli, who got out of the car and saw Ken rubbed her eyes to see if she saw things.

"What's wrong?" Rinko's head peeked out of the car, a phone in her hand. She was done checking new info with her broker about their target's next and exact location.

"I think I saw an old friend…." Chunli said. Not adding the prefix 'boy' to the suffix' friend.'

"Where?" The blue-haired and blue-eyed Rinko looked naturally naive when she asked. She glanced around until she saw three figures standing in the darkness.

"Ken Masters?" Familiar with the world of professional wrestling and mixed martial arts, the woman automatically identified one of three young-looking men. "What is that guy doing in Central City?"


Back with Pam and Kotaro,





A fierce fight between the two sides began with John's mother still a little hesitant.

However, the cruel and blood-crazed Kotaro was using her [brutality] with her [night kill] at full force...

Geese, who exchanged the first few blows with her sharp hand weapons, held his arm and cried painfully for the first time in a long time:


"Did you injure me, bitch?!"

"That's impossible in this City! Who are you?!"

"..." Pam and Terry were stunned and scared.

Ghislaine and Baiken not so much...

Kotaro rushed him again and laughed like a maniac, roaring, "Your wife sure is smarter than you are, dumbass!! Die! Haha!!"


In addition to the MNF, John had his [1000Xminor indestructibility] and [1000Xminor healing]. So facing Ken and Baki together, he didn't shrink nor plan to retreat.

Looking at them with additional and sinful talent— sinful talents he could feel coursing through his veins starting from his brain— the young man grinned. Fiendishly so.

He wasn't planning to spare them. That despite knowing that things could get complicated if Baki had the same father in this strange hentai world.

Yes, by now, John had totally identified that world as such. And that wasn't because of his new [Sinful] abilities. No, after fucking a lesbian and having her like it, he understood that he was the hentai protagonist.

"...John Bogard, was it? Don't do anything irresponsible. Bravery isn't bravery when you're a daredevil." Feeling the teenager's blood bubbling from excitement most probably, Ken said with an experienced glare—One a bit guilty yet prideful.

"...Sorry for whatever happened earlier, but we're leaving; you need to give it up. Let's forget this before things turn upsetting for both of us….You don't want to showboat with me, I promise you." Out of breath, this time, when he inhaled some air, Ken's tone wasn't just caring; he warned John against stupid teenage instincts.

Ken and Ryu in this world were famous professional fighters. Though he seemed to have run too much, more than his bursting musculature could support without exertion, John could feel that he wasn't a doormat.

But he wasn't one either...

"You're shameless…And you underestimate me." John replied. Planning to rush and punch him in the face the next second.

But the second he was about to attack, he heard womanly shouts:


"Ken?! Is that you?!"

The voice came from across the boulevard.

Turning his head and squinting his eyes, John increased his visual perception with his sinful abilities. His hawk-like vision quickly caught the face and figure of Chunli from Streetfighter.


…But her face and figure, gorgeous ones, weren't what caught most of John's awareness at that moment. Noticing a car and a badge, he chuckled and conveyed to Ken and Baki:

"You were lucky tonight, but I won't leave without giving you a gift…."

"Chunli?! Hmm?!" Ken's perception wasn't as good as the Bogard's. The moment he noticed Chunli, he heard John say. His attention was totally split when he was caught off guard.

But to be frank, even if it was otherwise, John would have accomplished his goal regardless. Ken was tired, and he was too fast now.



John ran and grazed his targets. Ken on the arm and Baki on his naked chest. He did that too fast for them to understand what he was doing.

His task was achieved whatever they thought, though.

The next moment, he speedily withdrew to warn his mom and Kotaro about the police coming. The smoke from his sex-altering powers smothered Ken and Baki when he did.

"What's going on?!" Rinko rushed from behind the police car and Chunli to inquire.

"Who was that kid? Should we pursue him?!"

"..." Chunli's gaze was simultaneously on the running young man and the smoke. Worried about her handsome ex, she waited to see if that smoke was harmful or not. He could be a jerk and was one the last time they met, but she didn't want to see him die when she accomplished her detective duties.

Recalling some old yet often resurging feelings, what she saw next left her appalled. All the fantasies churning in her belly, couple-related fantasies she didn't think she would yearn for again, died down...

...As if someone had thrown ice water on her.


John was racing back toward his mom and Kotaro, waiting to hear loud, furious womanly cries...But he heard nothing...

'I must have run too far...I'm fast as fuck now...'

Smiling to himself at what he did and listening to sinful praises in his head, he didn't return to see his work of art. A female version of Ken could be tempting, but not Baki. Definitely not Baki...

'The police are in the vicinity; let's stop joshing around...' Thinking to himself and speaking to something in his head, John's face turned sober again.

Not like he feared getting to the station over being a target, but he didn't know how deep or how dirty cops were yet. Getting arrested and stepping into a precinct was avoidable, so he did.

He wouldn't have run away if the cop was someone other than Chunli. But Chunli was dating Ken in his memories...Making quick choices with all the info he had, he left quickly...


Geese Howard was a man who thought himself powerful, informed, and experienced.

But facing that orange-haired fury that so easily wounded him, he inwardly started questioning this misstep and his overall worldview.

What he would remain unconscious of until the moment of his death— imminent and brutal death— was that his murderer was called Fuma Kotaro.

The woman was a feared ninja that he should've known. If not for his trophy wife using an ability to make him forget things over the years…Very specific things...

...The ability was limited by duration and other strenuous memory-related limitations.

But it was strong enough to let Geese overlook an important person. Just one...

Other stuff he should've known if he wasn't bewitched by that mutant technique...Things more relevant than the number of newly-born bastards his wife had killed each year:

In the Central-City *darkness*, also dubbed 'underground'...After defeating her teacher, a year ago, Kotaro became the true and first head of a dark and secret cult—One of countless that always worked in the shadows of this world's cities.

Very broad and far-reaching shadows. Not always dark or hazardous. Yet that, not every talent could or wanted to touch…


John, who had no idea that his underground preview was just beginning tonight, ran. This time even faster than a cheetah.

Using his healing when he turned a little out of breath, he finally arrived near the scene he had left minutes before.



"Fuck!! Who are you, bitch?!"

"Why are you so strong?!!


"Hahaha!! What use is there to know?! All your struggles end now, Geese!!"

Looking at the horizon, he saw two lights fiercely clashing. One red and the other yellow.

The yellow one, which he quickly identified as Geese, was roaring with anger and madness…The other creepily laughed.

'Is that guy losing? So quickly?' When John wondered how strong Kotaro was, he detected another powerful presence participating in the battle. Somewhat covertly.

It took him some time to see clearly because that presence did not exude any bright color like the other two. But he eventually managed to catch and recognize the figure.

'Mom?!' Seeing his mother move at speeds he never thought she had, John was startled.


Geese, who was fighting two against one, was not just at a disadvantage; he was in a precarious state.

Seeing Pam join the battle and hindering him with fast, cowardly strikes every now and then, he cursed inside:

'That fucking whore!! She's made some progress in her Seiken again!! I won't be able to reverse the situation if she uses her tricky gene too!!"

Recalling her gene, [Cavewoman's physique], Geese's face was dark. The *woman* suffix didn't do honor to her powerful flesh and bones.

She was never stronger than him, but Pam had always been close with her mastery of the Seiken.

If it wasn't because he was already tied to Balalaika and the Dimitrescu family two decades ago, he would've undoubtedly treated Pam better. Perhaps even married her if they met another decade earlier than that.

Seeing Pam use better than him the martial art his older brother taught them both, Geese was jealous of her talent.

Now, he could only curse at her lack of ambition.

Serving the government? That was the job of a fool…

When he thought, trying hard to escape one of Pam's blindsiding blows— blows she loved landing from his back, as if she had an evil grudge— The orange-haired fury arrived from the front.

She held the two crazily-designed, chain-bound, and sharp weapons in her hands, yelling:

"Geese! It's over!"

"..." Geese, who was already tired and wanted to escape by gathering energy in his feet, couldn't. He couldn't avoid the attack either.

That was because, by now, he'd lost too much blood. Too much of it, at least to resist that woman's enigmatic and paralyzing-red murderous intent.

Feeling the amount of bloodlust locking his limbs, Geese finally felt like he would probably die for the first time.

...The first time because dying again was possible. And more precisely, because his soul was long since saved online...

Not too worried, yet a little regretful to have been reckless tonight, Geese embraced the looming death.

When he was thinking about how weak he would be in his new body and what kind of gene he would awaken this time, he didn't realize a problem yet...

A cucking problem...One he gave birth to and shouldn't have tested...