Hidden Foe

The weight on his back wasn't heavy, but it hit hard. Shinra was flattened to the alley floor before he knew what happened.

'What? I thought we killed all the assassins.' He didn't know who attacked, but it was an entire guild of assassins, maybe they already found out about the massacre. Shinra wasn't at his best right now, it had been a long day of fighting and he was spent. He didn't think about that though.

He pulled his knee up under his chest, then explosively tried to stand. It turned into more of a roll, as the attacker held onto his shoulders, so he twisted his torso and launched a spinning elbow strike as he fell over onto his side.

Shinra wasn't an expert at fighting mages yet, but this was the first one he'd hit that felt like a brick wall… 'Shit, did I break my elbow?' he thought as he continued the roll. He doubted how effective the attack was, but the hit and the roll were enough to dislodge the person from his back, and he scrambled to his feet.

He turned to face the attacker and just saw a shadow racing forward, so fast, too fast to think, so he sidestepped. Right into a roundhouse kick that he didn't see until it hit him in the side. The impact launched him further down the alley, skidding, until he lost his footing and rolled awkwardly. 'Act, don't think!' he yelled to himself.

In a fit of inspiration, perhaps fueled by his confidence in his growing dexterity and strength, in the midst of his uncontrolled backwards roll, he shoved his hand against the street, hard. It launched him up, and he used the momentum to roll and twist in the air, while drawing his sword with the other hand and swinging in a broad arc. He felt it slice something, though he wasn't facing forward yet. 'Yes, I knew they were already attacking.'

Shinra finished the 360 twist and landed facing the attacker, sword at the ready.

"That is a decently magical sword you have there, kid. It managed to cut me, and the wound isn't even healing on its own yet!" The attacker said, the tone amused rather than angry.

"Selena?!" Even in the gloom and shadow of the alleyway, Shinra's enhanced vision could see her clearly. Her cinnamon skin was darker in the gloom, but still captivating. 'Am I under her spell? Why is she so interesting to me?' Then he realised why he could see her skin so well, his attack left a gash from her right shoulder to her left hip. The ruin of her shirt was dangling at the end of each of her wrists.

'Ah. She is naked,' he thought, and now he couldn't look anywhere else. Even the slowly bleeding sword wound didn't distract from her beauty. 'I'm definitely under a spell, or in love,' Shinra thought again.

"Hahah, you didn't notice me following you at all! I've been on the rooftops and in the shadows since you left your place. I don't even have that camouflage skill of yours," she said, putting her hands on her hips. She was either unaware, or unconcerned that she was half naked.

Shinra had to admit, he had no idea he'd been followed. Which was impressive with his senses. He needed to get better, clearly. He shook his head, and tried to look Selena in the eyes, "Why were you following me though! You're supposed to be laying low with the rest of the delegation. We don't know who set you up yet!"

"Exactly. We are grateful for the help, but we can't rely on two kids to save us. Besides, what if you were part of it? Like a backup plan if the Lycan didn't take us out?" she said. Her voice was thoughtful, but didn't sound angry.

"I don't think Sardi and I are much of a threat to any of you, let alone all of you together."

"True, and now I know that you didn't leave us trapped in a building while you went out to gather another attack squad. Trust, but verify. And, you have some decent fighting moves," she said. "Against those thugs, you assassinated them more than 'fought' them…. Which makes sense. You are a zombie, but that camo move… and your skills…" she started walking towards Shinra as she spoke, her shirt trailing behind.

Shinra wanted to step back, but he found himself looking into her eyes so hard that he didn't dare move. Her hand reached out, and she touched his cheek, and circled around him, her fingers staying on his face and head the entire time. He shivered a little. Probably in fear. 'This woman is dangerous,' he thought, but his sword was lowered to the ground, as if it knew it wouldn't be enough. As she completed the circle and stood in front of him again, he couldn't help but notice that the wound had stopped bleeding. It hadn't closed yet, but she was definitely healing rapidly.

"You, my young friend, are an enigma. How far could you go if you had some real power, instead of tricks?"

"Uh, what?" Shinra said, snapping his eyes back up.

"Everyone knows zombies can't use magic. Your tricks must be from some item you stole. You're not supposed to use magic items, or weapons, so eventually they will be taken from you. There are other ways to gain power though." Her smile was wide and delighted. Then she looked at the scrap of shirt hanging down from her wrist, and followed it to see her exposed chest and wound. "Wow. My young friend, you owe me a shirt, my virtue, and some blood. I bet that is more than you can afford!" She laughed, a sound that somehow hit his heart instead of his ears.

"I guess I'll start with the blood." Faster than Shinra could see, she pulled him in tight to her chest, and he noticed they were basically the same height. With the hand that had been gently stroking his cheek, she forcefully angled his head to the side.

Sharp pain exploded in his throat. 'Fight!' his mind screamed, but instead he let his katana drop to the ground and his body fell limp into her arms. 'Is this poison?' he wondered, unable to move his limbs.

He felt her cool lips on his neck, and her hair washed over his face like a veil, tickling him in a way that he found soothing. It felt like a tender embrace. Even the pain had been replaced by something deeper and… pleasurable. His body throbbed in time to the insistent sucking at his neck. He sank into the feeling, not bothering to try and fight anymore. If he could move, he'd probably hold her back tightly, turning it into a passionate embrace instead of his last one before death.

'Maybe this is love, and lust. I know I'm dying, but I love it,' he thought languidly. His body felt light, and his mind was calm. 'I guess this is the end. I hope they leave Sardi alone. I hope the Sheriff's keep taking care of Naori, like they promised.'

He closed his eyes for the last time…


[Foreign Substance Detected]


[Resistance to poison: High]

[Poison resistance… Failed]




[Poison resistance .... Failed]




'Will the System follow me beyond the grave?' Shinra wondered. He hadn't thought much about the afterlife, but he hoped it was more than just the System screen forever.

[Poison resistance …. Failed]

Poison. Did she poison him? She was a vampire. Their bites were deadly, he'd just assumed it was from blood loss, but apparently they were poisonous too. He thought maybe, just maybe, Selena liked him. He had shivered when she licked his wound, and his body had an undeniable reaction when she kissed it with her bloody lips.

'Is the poison in her teeth? Like a snake, or a spider,' he thought.

[Poison resistance … Failed]

He could almost feel his body, like it was just behind a curtain that he could pull back and reach it. Was that the difference between living and dead? A thin curtain. Another insight he couldn't share with Loren or Sardi. They'd both be interested, he thought.

[Poison resistance … Successful]