Hidden Motivations

The room was tense, very tense. Selena's smile slipped as she looked at Lord Cardual. Even Eltast and Mimi went still, sensing the tension

She dropped to one knee and lowered her head, a knight before a king. He looked down at her waiting, and the room was absolutely silent. Vampires didn't need to breathe, and their hearts didn't beat often, so nothing broke the silence.

Cardual stood before her, a stony expression on his face, but he didn't move, or prompt her to speak. He was not the type of ruler who loudly asked for respect and obedience, he just expected it.

"My lord…" Selena started, her voice a little shaky. "I won't make excuses. The boy, Shinra, is dead. I attempted to turn him, and his Zombie body couldn't handle the process." Her voice was calm and deferential, but even she was worried. They all had enormous autonomy in their own lands, but Cardual made it very clear that they would be nothing but perfect guests in the Tardel Empire. The Emperor even let her eat a political prisoner yesterday, so it was not like they were being poorly treated… 'Well, except for the Lycan attack. Definitely not the Emperor's doing.'

She kept her head lowered, waiting for Cardual's judgement. She heard nothing. Not even a soft breath as he prepared to speak. Would he speak at all, or just rip her head off with his god-like strength? Selena was one of the most powerful, and oldest, beings in the world, but she knew that she was nothing in Cardual's eyes. He was so far above everyone that he didn't think about life, death, battle or strife. He was consumed with governing and maintaining the balance of powers.

She waited. Her neck tightened involuntarily.

"I'm surprised. That Zombie seemed particularly strong, and interesting," Cardual said, quietly. "Are you sure he's dead?"

"Quite sure my lord," Selena answered, raising her head and looking at her Lord. "I left his corpse on a rooftop. I didn't want the death to impact our diplomatic mission."

She looked at her Lord, but, instead of anger, he looked thoughtful.

"Yes, we will have to tread delicately. Young Sardi is more important than he is telling us, and we must get back to the Palace without further incident." He still had a far off look in his eyes.


[Wintersbane and Advisor Greenbough talking about the attack on the vampires, and scrambling to find them….

Wintersbane is going to be surprised to hear that Shinra is involved

We will learn more about the war, the alliance, and the marriage we hinted about earlier

"Gods, I hate this shit," Wintersbane muttered as he pulled the thick fabric of his dress uniform into a more comfortable position. It wasn't even the blue and gold of the Sheriff's, he was now in the grey and red of the military. 'How did this happen?' he asked himself often.

"Don't be vulgar, we are about to speak with the Emperor, and I need you on your best behaviour," Advisor Brightbough said. The man was dressed in a plain white robe that looked very modest, but Wintersbane knew that it was intricately embroidered with white gold thread, and significant weaves of magic. He was wearing battle armour disguised as humble monk attire.

"Don't forget, Major, that I had to exert considerable influence to move you to the Military."

"Yes, which I never understood. I was already a senior ranked Sheriff… I believe I still am." Wintersbane said, still tugging at the uniform.

"Yes. A Sheriff is useful to solve a burglary, but they aren't cleared for state secrets. I brought you in to figure out the Shadow Monster attack on my nephew," he paused then and looked at Wintersbane. "Was it prophetic that I started our inquiries? I did not realise we'd be neck deep in politics with one of the leading Monster Nations shortly after the attack." Brightbough turned to look at Wintersbane. "I don't believe in coincidences. The Vampires may not be behind the Shadow Monster, it could be one of their enemies, but it is all connected somehow."

"And you believe the attack on your nephew is political?" Wintersbane had been over this with the Advisor dozens of times, but he liked hearing the answer.

"My nephew was worthless. The family is better off without him. Still, it could have been a message to me, a warning that they could reach someone actually important if they tried. Now, shut up."

The Emperor's office was larger than the Sheriff's building. The entire back wall was spelled glass that had an ever evolving stained glass picture. Currently a lion was eating a unicorn, slowly.

The other walls were covered by multi-layered book cases, bursting with scrolls, books and artefacts. People sometimes forgot, with all the wars, wives and governing, that the Emperor was an accomplished researcher before he took over the Imperium.

It was a lot to take in, but Wintersbane only had eyes for the Emperor. The man was larger than life, a barrel chested man with ball shaped shoulders and massive arms. His desk was larger than Wintersbane's apartment, but the muscled bulk of the Emperor made it seem small. 'How can a man look so strong and be so old? He's at least 200 hundred and I bet he could snap me in half.' Wintersbane had seen the Emperor many times in his life, almost 40 years, but this was the first time the man would speak with him directly.

"Brightbough," The Emperor said, in acknowledgment. His face was calm and untroubled, but his tone held a hint of anticipation.

"Emperor," Brightbough said, then bowed, his head and shoulders making a 45 degree angle to show his respect.

Wintersbane dropped to one knee and raised a gloved fist to his heart.

"Major," the Emperor said, and Wintersbane rose back to his feet. He knew not to speak though. He motioned to the many seats in front of his desk, and Wintersbane and the Advisor took seats.

"As you know, the Delegation from the Vampire nation was attacked. And it happened within the confines of the Imperial grounds. This cannot be tolerated." The Emperor spoke calmly, but there was an edge to his words.

"Yes, Lord. We know it was one of the fundamentalist factions, but none have claimed responsibility yet. Still, using a monster to assassinate other monsters feels like their theatrics," Brightbough said.

"Quite, but I don't have time for their petty politics and backwards views," Emperor Tardel said. He ran a large hand through his thick, slightly greying hair. "Those four Vampires could tear through the Capital, and only a handful of mages here could stop them. Don't be fooled because they don't use spells… their magic is profound and terrifying." Tardel shuddered then, and it was the scariest thing Wintersbane had ever seen.

The Emperor had single handedly destroyed the armies of some of the smaller nations on the continent, back before he was called 'Emperor'. His magical knowledge and mana levels were legendary. 'How scary are these vampires?' Wintersbane wondered.

"I don't think I need to overstate it, but the threat the Vampires are facing will affect the entire continent. I won't let politics, or an insignificant marriage, cause me to lose a war," the Emperor said.

Wintersbane was struck by how focused the man was on winning. 'I guess you don't lead this long, or create a giant empire, by letting the little things slow you down,' Wintersbane thought.

"We do know that they escaped with two deputies who were in attendance, and have gone into hiding. The Sheriffs are sending a team to find the deputies, and Vampire Delegation, to bring them back into protective custody. We expect the deputies have brought them somewhere safe." Brightbough looked like he was about to say more, but Wintersbane couldn't help but speak.

"Deputies were with the Delegation? Why? That is suspicious in itself."

A look passed between the Emperor and Brightbough. Wintersbane didn't know what it meant, but they communicated something.

"One of your new Deputies has a distant relation to the Imperium, it doesn't matter how, but we decided that he should be part of the Vampire's welcome entourage. It allowed us to show respect, and minimise some of the politics that happens with these things," Brightbough said. His explanation was vague, and Wintersbane knew that was on purpose.

"Sure, politics. Why were there two deputies? Do we have another with political or imperial connections?"

"Oh, no, it was just a coincidence, they arrived together. The other deputy is the opposite of connected. In fact, he was a zombie."

"Shinra!!?" Wintersbane almost yelled.

Brightbough looked startled, and even the Emperor raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, sorry. Just, there is only one Zombie deputy, and I brought him into the service. Did he survive the attack on the Vampires?" he said, but started correcting himself, as if he was alone. "Of course he did, you said the deputies helped them escape. He is a very resourceful zombie."

He stopped, finally realising where he was. "Apologies, Emperor, Advisor. I feel a little responsible for the boy."

"Well, if he is with Cardual, there isn't anywhere safer in the City," the Emperor said.

"Except maybe here with you, Lord," Brightbough couldn't help but point out.

Wintersbane noticed a little twist to Brightbough's smile, and couldn't tell if he was upset the Emperor was praising the Vampires, or if he doubted how safe he was with the Emperor.

'Politics are worse than crime,' he thought. 'I hope you're ok Shinra.'
