Chapter 53: Let's have dinner:

"Now, now it's ok Camilla. We all know you didn't mean it. Stop fooling around and let's have dinner. I'm not sure of your taste buds so I just asked the cook to make a few dishes," ordered Uncle Robert as he rushed us into the hall.

Damian POV:

Why is she trying so hard to make conversations with me? It feels so weird. It's so. I don't know how to describe it. Yet I still feel scared when I'm talking to her. It must be because of what she did to me in my past life.

Looks like the cat out of the bag. It was funny to see how Camilla was rushing around denying everything. But why did my heart feel a bit weird? Ahh, perhaps I'm just hungry. That must be it.

Lexi POV:

Is it obvious that I was trying to make a conversation with Damian? I must've looked very weird considering our first interaction.

It was kind of funny in the way Camilla denied everything. She will learn everything in time. After all, as the only princess etiquette is something she can never run away from.

Yet shouldn't he also feel a bit weird? He is acting as if he already knew this. That's so weird. Perhaps I'm looking at it wrongly. That must be it. There is no way he already knows this considering the fact he grew up in an orphanage.

Grand Duke POV:

I feel very happy when I saw Lexi trying to talk to Damian although it was a bit awkward at first but, I sincerely hope those two can get along well. Because even when I hand my title to Damian I hope then he would still treat my birth daughter well. Perhaps when I die, Damian will look after Lexi for me without me asking him. But I'm sure even if Damian doesn't do such a thing, Camilla will watch over Leox for me. I don't wish to die so early but because of my job who knows when I might be injured in battle...

Watching Camilla so flustered when Lexi explained to her the meaning of flower was very funny. However, I saw in the corner of my eye Damian was looking at her very strangely. I couldn't quite place my hand on what the look meant. But I could tell it wasn't just a friendship sort of look. Damian, I'm literally warning you. Don't you dare have any improper thoughts about Camilla or else I don't think you can keep your head. I'll be the one who chops it off.

Shaking these thoughts away I guested towards the butler to start the meal. "You three enough laughing now and starting eating. Camilla, the chef wasn't sure what you like to eat so I told him to make a lot of stuff," I explained.

Camilla POV:

"But what if we don't finish everything?" I asked. Even if we do have money but we shouldn't waste food. Food is a precious lovestruck that some people in the kingdom don't always receive. I think that might be the first thing I do when I get back to the Palace. I think experiencing poverty myself has really changed my perspective of the poor. Even before I got here my parents and a fair amount of money. We weren't the riches people but we weren't poor either. I suppose you could call us middle classed people.

"Oh, don't worry Camilla. Usually, if we don't finish the food we would share it with the maids and servants in the mansion. If there was still some we would pack it up and bring it to the charity shop that her majesty owns. This chair shop mainly helps homeless children find a place to live and learn. To be honest it'd quite well-known why she created this charity shop. I think it's because she hopes that someone like her might be able to find you and help you just like she has helped so many other kids. And from the people will hand it out to the kids that live in the shelter for them to eat. Many nobles do this as well," he explained whilst I nodded.

Since I had his confirmation that the food won't go to waste then I ate heartily. Completely forgetting that I was going to meet 'my' parents.

Throughout the meal, the grand duke gathered a lot of information about my food choices. I can't eat too spicy food. I prefer sweet over salty and I really love seafood. Even in my old life, these were still my eating habits. Huh. Why do I suddenly find that so weird since the original Camilla also had these taste buds? The inky thing different was that she was allergic to mushrooms and I wasn't.

As soon as we were done with the meal the duke asked the maids to prepare a quick bath for me and even told me to wear one of Lexi's clothes. It was only then I clicked that I was meant to meet with the Grand Duke in his office. Yet why was he telling me to wear a nice dress and have a bath? Unless... oh no I haven't even got the time to mentally prepare. I had forgotten that the grand duke wanted to see me. If he hadn't reminded me I would have still forgotten about it.

What should I do when I'm there? Oh, dear...