Chapter 80: Teaching some snobbery people.

My brothers looked at each other and nodded saying we would get this. As soon as the assistant brought the jewellery for us to see, the nobles opposite us shouted that they wanted this set.

Their assistant explained that my dearest brother had already brought this set. People in the Theodo Kingdom used bronze, silver and gold coins to pay for things. 100 bronze coins were 1 silver coin. 100 silver coin was 1 gold coin. Most of the items could be brought with bronze or silver coins. But this wolf set was 20 gold coins. For commoners it was expensive but for the royal family, it was nothing. 

"What? Did they bring it? Can they even pay for it?" sneered one of the nobles. I recognised her due to the book's description, she was one of Camilla's sidekicks. She was the second daughter of Baron John, her name was Salina John. She had long green hair with green eyes. She was talking to her other friends. However, I still heard what she said. Looking around I realised my dearest brother must have realised as well. 

William was going to 'talk' with them however, I pulled him back and shook my head at him. I didn't want a fight to happen right now. "Thank you that will be 20 gold coins," the assistant said as we walked over to the counter. I watched as my brother was fishing out the gold coins. 

"Look they can't even find the money," sneered Salina. William's temper was the worst he was about to say something when I pulled him back again. "William, don't argue with people who will only lower our status," exclaimed Christopher. "Haha, staus? What status?" laughed one of Salina's friends. It was Camie Aliceson the only child of Baron Aliceson. Christopher wanted to retort however, again I stopped him. 

When Brandon finally fished out 20 gold coins in the whole bag filled with coins. "oh, they actually have enough money. Who knows if they actually stole the bag of coins," mumbled Camie. "Stole the bag, haha, my family owns the most money and power. Why would I have to steal some money just to buy stuff for my little sister," retorted William.

"Haha, who the hell do you think you are? You are literally wearing poor clothes, you most likely are just commoners. What unless you guys think you are part of the royal family," they sneered. Well, they aren't wrong. We are members of the royal family. "Well, you really did say it correctly. We are members of the Royal family, but we are just in disguise," stated William. They all burst out laughing. "If you were really the royal family there will be no need for you to disguise yourself," they mumbled. 

"I suppose you guys don't really know the etiquette of the royal family. We aren't allowed to go outside the royal palace freely. The only way we can is if we disguise ourselves," explained Christopher. "Let's not argue with them," mumbled Brandon as we headed out. He gave the present to one of his knights to look after. We all turned to step out of the shop however we were blocked by Salina's sidekicks. 

"Move," uttered Ryan however they didn't. "Who do you think you are to say that to me?" Salina asked. Oops... Here's the thing with Ryan he has an even worse temper than William. "You can't tell who they are yet you must be able to tell who I am," growled Ryan as he took his hood off.

It revealed his jet-black blue hair and red eyes. Everyone knows that the Ravert family's big distinction was their red eyes and jet-black blue hair. Everyone in the Rvaert family had this distinction. 

I noticed that their face turned a weird expression. I think they realised who he was. "Mis... mister Ravert," stammered Salina. "Ahh... that's no fun. how come you have already recognised me," uttered Ryan as he stepped towards them. "Ryan don't," I muttered. He turned towards me and smiled saying "Yes, Your Royal Highness, Princess Camilla,". I noticed their face turned a pale colour. It seems weird that I had this feeling of delight. 

Christopher opened the door and we all stepped out. Before we stepped out I heard Bradon say, "Baron John, Baron Aliceson along with Baron County hasn't really been doing their job of teaching their child. Looks like you don't need to come to any future parties,". 

Well, it seems he does care. It's just he cares in a different way.