Chapter 105: Strange (2):

The next person was Mr Loveland. "Her Highness seems to be quite a quiet and obedient child, she knows simple patterns, which she explained that she learnt from the orphanage. This part seems to be true. I have also noticed that she learns really quickly. So, in today's lesson, I taught the Princess 5 different skills/designs. She was able to pick that up really quickly. So I think if we give her a few months she will definitely catch up to her peers or maybe exceed them," suggested Mr Loveland. Leonard looked at Robert before nodding.

Nexwas Madam Ravert. "Her Highness is one of the best students I have taught so far. She picks languages up really quickly. She already knew a few words in other languages spoken in the empire. I think she might actually be a genius when it comes to languages," she praised as Leonard nodded. This was a good skill for the royals. Communication with other countries was very important. It was usually easier with a translator.

After everyone had finished speaking, Leonard asked them to leave the room before looking at Robert. "So, what do you think," Leonard asked. "This matter is quite strange. Camilla seems to know things that are suitable for her situation/age but then she also knows other stuff. And I definitely do not believe she learnt it in the orphanage. I received a detailed report of the orphanage's circumstances, they could hardly afford for everyone to eat let alone study. Furthermore, there weren't any books she could have read nor any instruments she could have played," explained Robert.

"Sometimes, I get this feeling that she isn't her age. Do you understand what I mean?" Leonard asked as Robert nodded. "On the way back, she didn't seem to me as a curious child who was going to meet her parents. Instead, she seemed more mature as if she was already an adult," uttered Robert. Leonard nodded in agreement as he thought back to their relationship.

"She also seems very smart and sensitive. Like during the illegal auction, she could immediately feel something going wrong. She was also smart enough to send someone to find me. I asked Lexi and Damian what they thought about her and they seemed to have similar views. Damian said she seemed to have changed form before. And Lexi said that she could tell our tricky relationship very easily. She was also able to mend it. And during that time at the Ravert Manor. She easily sorted out Ryan Ravert's problem with a story," suggested Robert when Leonard nodded.

"Do you think she is actually your daughter? I mean you can always change your appearances and everything," questioned Robert as Leonard shook his head in disagreement. "Even if she was using magic to change her appearance the ancient ruin would have changed it back, but nothing happened. Which means that is her original appearance," he replied, "Remember we even found a few fake princesses at the beginning due to the artefact,".

"Perhaps the body belongs to Camilla yet the mind doesn't?" suggested Robert. "Who knows?" retorted Leonard. "I mean it is possible that her mind is being influenced by the Goddess Skylar. She did appear in Camilla's body once," he told Robert.

Robert took a sip of the wine and asked, "So the real question is, what secrets is she hiding?". Leonard chuckled and replied, "I suppose we will never know unless she tells us,". "Yet I don't think she will. There is far too much mystery surrounding her," stated Robert. "But everyone has their own secrets. As long as she doesn't do anything to harm the kingdom, she will always be my daughter, Princess Camilla Rose Avery," retorted Leonard.


This conversation would never have an answer until when the truth is revealed many years later. But that's for the future, right now let's focus on the present...
