Talking to Myself

"Kiirion, Pearis, Sandra! Come here!"

A minute or so later, all three of them appeared before me. I told them to go and do as planned, tell Grede all the 'good' things that I did for them. I gave them a glass of water mixed with aphrodisiac, I told them to give it to her and make sure she drinks all of it.

The drug will start to affect her an hour later. Though I will have to wait long, the effect will be flawless.

After they left I sat down on my bed and laid down. Although I can't get tired, mentally I'm drained. So much happened in such little time. I got reincarnated, became a ghoul with insane abilities, massacred a pack of wolves and now I have servants...This is a lot to take in.

I also became immortal, I'm not going to age since all my cells are dead. If I won't get killed, then someday day I'll become 5000+ years old, it's crazy, imagine then how strong I'll be. Then I won't remember anyone from Earth, not even my children, because my memories will eventually fade. Though I accepted that I have died, I can't help but miss them. I know that I'm trash throughout my life a lot of people told me that, at first I thought that I'm pretty normal, but as I got older, I realized that I am trash, though I didn't have any desire to change, I only put up the good man act when was with my kids. To be honest, when I first got my bitch pregnant, I found I had a pregnant woman fetish, that's why I got 3 kids, maybe, even more, it's just that I don't know about it.

"Now that I think about it, am I fertile?"


"System! Am I fertile?"

[No, but after your first evolution, you can choose to be fertile. That is thanks to your Sub-Class.]

"For real? Now that I remember, I didn't check what use my Sub-Class has."


[Name: Oxzad]

[Age: 31]

[Gender: Male]

[Height: 203 CM]

[Weight: 103 KG]

[Race: Ghoul]

[Level: 15]

[Class: Rogue]

[Sub-Class: Lust Master]

[Stats: HP: 6100/MP: 1000/Strenght: 30/Agility: 50/Dexterity: 50/Vitality: 61/Intelligance: 10]

[(Active)Abilities: Creation(-MP)/Apprasail( MP)/Stealth(-5MP)/Hamstring(-7MP)/Hypnotic Voice(-10MP)]

[(Passive)Abilities: Racial Ability Stealing/Backstab/Detect Stealth/Penetrate Barriers/Cheapshot/Interbreeding(LOCKED)/Enchanted Allure]

[(Racial)Abilities: Bludgeoning Vulnerability V/Biological Penalties' Resistance/Critical Hit Immunity/Dark Vision/Death Immunity/Disease Immunity/Drinkin and Breathing is Unnecessary/Energy Drain Immunity/Good, Light, and Holy Vulnerability IV/Good and Holy Consecrated Areas' Vulnerability II/Mind-affecting Immunity/Necromancy Resistance/Paralysis Immunity/Physical Penalty Resistance/Poisoning Immunity/Recover by Negative Energy/Sleep Immunity...]

[(Stolen)Abilities: Superior Hearing/Superior Smelling/Recover by Fire/Fire Immunity/Muscle Mass/Despair Aura/Electric Immunity/Frost Breath/Frost Aura]

[Stat Points: ]

"Huh...These are useful I guess..."

When I looked at my new skills, I thought it would be more useless, but I guess it's not so bad. Still, [Spellthief] would have been better. It's no use crying over spilled milk.

*Knock, knock*

"Come in!" I yell while lying on my bed.

Kiirion comes into my room and bows down elegantly. I told them to act like real servants. I know at first I called them slaves, but that was because I was full of rage, having a butler/maid is way better, at least I think so.

"Master, we talked with Grede and gave her the aphrodisiac."

"Umu...Did she believe what you told her?"

"She looked like she bought it."

I nod while sitting up.

"Hm, now go away..."

I shoo him away with my hand. When he left, I stand up and go in front of the mirror.

'I still have an hour.'

I look at myself from head to toe, and think 'I'm ugly as fuck.' On Earth, I used to be handsome, but now I'm a monster. It's not like I care about my appearance, but if my look was at least average, it would be easier to have bitches fall for me. But now that I look like this, it will be harder to have them break and be madly in love with me.

Anyways I should make a plan as to what to do after I broke Grede. I mean, I don't want to stick with just her, eventually, she will get boring, and I will need to switch things up, and now that I am immune to diseases I do not have to use a condom! In my past life, even though I didn't want to, I had to use it, I mean I didn't want to have gonorrhea and have greenish stuff on my dick, who would want that?

I look at the clock on my wall, I still have forty minutes. I lie down on my bed and rest mentally speaking.

(Sorry, Lion_KingSimp1, but I have to change the POV or it won't make sense)

-Lucas POV-

After I had an amazing night with Amber, we went to work again and made some money. Later on the same day, we saw an advertisement that stated that 'there is a ship that will take you to the Uqax contitent', and for 20 silvers! We made enough money for the trip and we decided that we will get on the ship. Because, why not? We wanted to be away from the church as far as possible.

That's when it came to us that the so-called 'Hades' Minion' is on this continent. But we didn't worry about that, since what's the chance that we will get in touch with it, right?

After a 12-hour journey, we sealed at a town called Gruotan.

As we get off the ship, the ship's captain called us over.

"Youngsters, look over there." He pointed his finger toward a forest that is near us.

"If you're not at least a class C, then do not go into that forest. Just a day ago, it was reported that a manor appeared on the mountain near the town. It was reported that it's nothing serious, it's just some crazy guy that likes to live near danger. Anyway, I only tell yall this, cuz, I know you are young, and youthful people like to do dangerous stuff, I have kids of my own. So, take care youngsters."

Amber and I look at each other, and we nod. At what we nodded? Well, we want to meet this crazy guy. But not now. We need money, to hire people to escort us to that mansion.