3 VS 20

-Oxzad POV-

[They are coming, boy!]

"*Sigh* Thanks for the warning, Hades." I said as I got up from my bed.

Checking the time, it is 8 AM.

They seriously got up in the morning, to fight? It is fucking obvious that they are hopeless kids.

In the morning your mind is still fuzzy, you can't think as clearly as in the afternoon.

As I walked to my front door, thought about capturing the strongest kids, about 5 of them. They would be good as combat servants, and maybe make some of them housekeepers.

"Let's go guys."

My servants appeared behind me faster than before.


While walking in the forest, I spoke up.

"Make sure to not kill too many of them. I need more housekeepers and more combat servants to help yall out as well."

"Yes, Master."


-Tony POV-

While running in the forest, I shouted.

"Make sure to rip that son of a bitch to pieces!"

*Battle Cry*


-Oxzad POV-

After walking for a few minutes, we saw 20 kids running toward us.

Feeling a tiny little threat, I released my [Despair Aura III] and [Frost Aura III].

Feeling my intense aura, that I focused on them, the kids slowed down significantly. Ice started to cover the ground and some youngsters felt the urge to turn around and run away. I could see it in their eyes. I saw those eyes before when I was robbing banks.

They felt even more creeped out when they saw my face when looking at my beautiful servants I even saw confused eyes as well, probably thinking 'Why are they with is ugly motherfucker/monster'

And yeah, I didn't wear my mask and gloves.

Can't bear my auras, they stopped running. Only able to walk, they walked in front of me.

"HAHAHAHAHA~ What's up kids? Where did your fire go? Don't tell me, you're scared. Hahahahaha~" I laughed in their faces.

"We're gonna kill you motherfucker, and we'll be able to go home finally!" Shouted a very burly student. Looking at his face and expression, he must be a class delinquent. He looks similar to me when I was his age.

I started looking at him intensely for a second.

'No, he is not my son...Thank Hades!'

"Big words kid. Anyway. I don't want to drag this out for too long. My servants, yall too...Attack!" I shouted as I ran toward the burly boy and punched his chest, causing him to fly away 20 meters.


-Narrator POV-

As Thorvald flew away, Tony instantly slashed toward Oxzad's neck. He leaned away from the cut, countering with a perfect liver punch. This caused Tony to fall on one of his knees but quickly recovered.

He was surprised at the monster's strength, his punch caused a huge dent in his armor.

As Tony got back up, he saw that Oxzad's leg was in the air, dropping his heel toward his shoulder.

He fast retreated. Oxzad's heel dropped to the ground, causing a somewhat huge crater.

'That would have probably broken my shoulder.' Thought Tony.

Oxzad wasn't stopping and ran after Tony throwing hooks, jabs, uppercuts, and body shots. Some landed and some were defended or avoided.

Tony not only took it, but he also attacked with stabs and slashes. Sadly after tens of slashes, only one landed.

"Boy, you're not too shabby, but I have way more experience than you!" Oxzad shouted as he landed a push kick on Tony's belly.


Tony flew away 5 meters.

While Tony and Oxzad were fighting, Sandra was fighting four students.

Sandra was fighting with the dagger that she got from Oxzad.

A boy thrust his spear toward Sandra but she deflected it with ease, at the same time a girl cast a fireball and sent it toward Sandra. The spell hit her maid outfit. The magic didn't do any damage. The girl was surprised for a moment but got herself together and cast it 10 more times, but it wasn't effective.

Another student sent a roundhouse kick toward Sandra's temple, but she quickly ducked down and kicked his leg out under him.

The boy with the spear pierced toward Sandra, who was still squatting. He almost got her, but she again deflected the spear, then quickly kneed him in the groin.

As the spear boy fell to the ground in agony, Sandra immediately went after the boy who wanted to kick her and kicked him in the face, instantly knocking him out.

As she knocked him out, a war priestess slashed her sword toward Sandra's waist, Sandra fast pulled her dagger up and deflected the sword. The war priestess didn't want to give her time to rest, she kept attacking her, but it was in vain as she wasn't as strong as Sandra nor she didn't have enough experience as her.

Sandra found an opening and threw her dagger at her opponent. The girl didn't expect this so she didn't evade, because of this the dagger pierced her neck.

The mage girl was constantly casting spells but it wasn't affecting her, and she was starting to run out of mana.

Sandra wasn't even using any Active Abilities, and she was taking them out with ease!

After she killed the war priestess, she turned toward the spearman and knocked him out as well with a stomp on his forehead. After he was knocked out she turned to the exhausted mage girl.

The girl was just looking at Sandra with fear mixed with hatred in her eyes.

As she walked toward the tired girl, she pulled her dagger out of the war priestess' neck. She stopped before her as she was cleaning the dagger with a handkerchief. She put it away, and she punched her side of the jaw with a perfect right hook, causing her to be out cold.

As this was happening, Pearis was playing around with 8 students.

He was casting spells, punching and kicking left and right, killing 3 students, and knocking others out.

Kiirion was taking care of the students easily as well with his powerful spells.
