Ghoul Town, Farm(1)

A/N: I was sick...again, I can't fucking believe it...anyaways, here's the chapter.

-Narrator POV-

After defeating the 'heroes', Oxzad instructed his servants to bring them down to the basement.

After bringing the down there, he leads them to his secret prison, where he kept Lucas before, then after saying the password the door opened and they put all the students, that were left alive, in the prison cells. (He had to create more cells, btw.)

Like this a week went by. Everything went as before. Hunting, eating, and having sex, of course when the kids are asleep.

But then Oxzad had something coming to his mind.

'If these kids came to kill me, and Amber and...whats-his-name has been transported to the world too, then there are more of these kids who wants to kill me.' He thought.

Oxzad has been acting recklessly, somewhat, in this world as well as in his previous. He had things to lose on Earth, but in all honesty, he didn't give a fuck. After hearing what Amber went through, he realized that he fucked up, big time. He technically ruined her and his 2 sons' life. They had to move to a town where they didn't know him. (I don't have to tell yall how he ruined their life, right?)

Now though, he, again, has things to lose, but now, he cares what will happen, he doesn't want to fuck up again. But that doesn't mean he will become a softie, he's only a softie with his kids.

'If I want to keep my children safe and myself, I have to make sure I have enough manpower.' Oxzad thought.

With this thought in mind, he figured out what to do. He called his servants and told them his plans.

"Okay, this is my plan. We will go down to the town, and take it over." Oxzad said.




Sandra, Kiirion, and Pearis just stood there not understanding what he meant.

Gathering some bravery, Sandra asked.

"What do you mean by that, Master?" She asked.

"Take it over. What do you mean by what I mean? We're gonna turn everyone there into ghouls, and I will control the town."

After a minute of silence, Pearis spoke up.

"We can turn others into ghouls?"

"Obviously? You have ghoul poison too, it's just the ones that you turn into a ghoul will be only a lesser ghoul."(The system told him this.)

"Oh..." Sighed Pearis.

"Any more questions?" Oxzad asked.

All three of them shook their heads. Oxzad nodded once then told them to do what they had to and will start tomorrow afternoon.

After going their ways, Oxzad headed upstairs to spend some time with Jack and Myrrh.

The next day in the afternoon Oxzad met up with his servants, then they headed down to the town.

With incredible speed, they attacked the town. With Oxzad in lead, they poisoned the people in the town turning them slowly into ghouls. There were some people who had a chance to resist, but of course all 4 of them took them down effortlessly and then turned them.

In 15 minutes they turned half the town into ghouls and lesser ghouls.

"You guys take care of the rest I'll take out the town lord," Oxzad said.

After he said that they shouted, "Yes, Master!"

Oxzad ran full speed to the town lord's house. Arriving there, at the entrance door, there were 2 guards, but that didn't faze Oxzad one bit, because after checking their strength, he realized they were only level 30. So Oxzad, just to make sure used all his strength when he punched the guards' faces.

When he connected his fists with the guards' faces, their heads exploded, painting the wall behind them red with blood and brain remains.

"That looks tasty not gonna lie." Said Oxzad.

After saying what he had on his mind, he went and let himself in.

After going in, he turned as many people into ghouls as possible, and went straight into the town lord's office and found him.

He has short brown hair with blue eyes and is slightly overweight.

"*Sigh* and what are you?" Asked the town lord, whose name is Ervin, with a small tremble in his voice.

"You know, I thought about killing you, but you're still useful. Is there anyone else in this place, by the way?" I asked

"No, sadly it's just me," Ervin answered. He thought he should be honest, so he can have the best outcome in this situation.

"You're a smart guy," Oxzad said as he leisurely seated himself on the couch that was in the office.

Oxzad plan has now become that he will turn Ervin into a servant of his since his first plan was to kill him because he thought he would be a cliche nobleman that will resist till the end. So after Ervin becomes his servant, he will take care of every minor problem, and Oxzad himself will take care of everything important. Even though he decided that he will become more careful, he still wanted to have fun, he didn't want to be seated in an office all day long, and that just doesn't fit him, he can't imagine himself being like that.

"So, listen, Ervin, it's going to be like this..." And Oxzad started explaining what was going to happen to him, and what he will do.

"*Sigh* I, see..." Ervin sighed.

"But, look at the bright side, fatty. When you turn into a ghoul, you will be more handsome, and you will also lose the fat you have, hahahah~" Oxzad laughed

"Hehe...he" Ervin fake laughed nervously, trying to not displease Oxzad

Suddenly Oxzad stood up and grabbed Ervin by the head and forced his body to stay seated because of Oxzad's impulsive movement Ervin tried to stand up in reflex. Oxzad bit Ervin's neck and released his poison into him. After that, just like everyone's, his skin started moving like slime and his body became muscular, his fat turned into toned muscle. His hair became healthier than it was before, and his eyes became color purple.

Ervin woke up a few seconds later and looked into the mirror in the corner of the room.

"Master, you weren't kidding, I really am handsome...I'm handsome as fuck!" Said Ervin as he quickly got on his knees to show me his loyalty.