I'm not slut!

"Welcome!" greeted a woman on her forty-five, Cassandra Rodriguez; she still looked beautiful at her age. She is the chief housekeeper at Twinnies Palace.

"Henry said there are seven. Why is this nine?" she asked as she counted the nine servants who had just arrived.

"The other two servants were chosen directly by Young Master Xavier," said the driver who drove them there.

"Oh, the dissident is back in action," Cassandra murmured. It was loud enough that everyone there could hear what she was saying.

"Alright, I'll split in two, four people for young Master Noah's residence—"

"Noah?"Anya muttered; the name reminded herself of a person.

She was convinced that what she saw this morning was not a hallucination. At that time, she saw a figure very similar to Noah, the man who met her at the commuter station. Since that meeting, the man's shadow has often flashed in her mind.

"Hey, you!" point Casandra at Anya, who doesn't seem to be focused on what she's saying.

"M-me?"Anya pointed at her chest with an index finger.

"Yes, you. What's your name?"

"Anya, Anya Smith," she said quickly.

"Miss Smith, you will be assigned to wash the entire bathroom and toilet in young master Xavier's residence!" Cassandra yelled, the servants' most dreaded chore, making Anya a laughingstock.

Anya turned her head and realized that Shelina was sarcastically glaring at her.

"M-me?"Anya did not expect that she would be appointed to it.

"Yes! Don't you like the job I gave you?"Cassandra asked in a harsh tone.

"N-no." Anya shook her head slowly.

"There are eighteen bathrooms and toilets. So you have to be able to manage the time so that all the tasks are completed on time! Do you understand?"Cassandra asked with a smile by raising one corner of her lips. Anya just nodded.

Since Anya was the first to be given the mandate, she was directly asked to leave the room, and another woman greeted her in the front hall. She is older than Cassandra. But she doesn't look evil like Cassandra; she seems gentle and motherly.

"Poor girl, what's your name?" she asked Anya.

"I'm Anya, Madam."

"Don't Call Me Madam; I'm just a servant in this house. My name is Marimar. You can call me Rimar, or you can call me Aunt. It's up to you," she said with compassion.

"It's going to be a little tricky. But I hope you never give up. I'll show you what you need to do. I'll also show you where you need to clean up, " Rimar said as she guided Anya through the room.

Anya followed her, climbing the twisting stairs to the fourth floor. Rimar explained about the House. The first floor is specifically for entertaining guests, with a kitchen, dining room, family room, and living room consisting of three meeting rooms and a ballroom. The very back on the first floor is a room for servants. There are two large rooms that several maids can sleep in at once. On the first floor, there are three bathrooms and a toilet.

The second floor is a room for guests. There are nine rooms, all of which have a bathroom and toilet. Then on the third floor, there were three rooms for the large family of the young master, and Mrs. Xerena Roseanne Dmitry—the grandmother of Xavier, used one secret room when she came to visit.

And the last one is the fourth floor, where the young master Xavier is studying to prepare for the exams that the grandmother will give to find a new future leader of the company.

There are three rooms, all of which have a bathroom and toilet. Even if the young master does not wear it, it must still be cleaned.

Anya nodded understandingly.

"I'm sorry, Anya. I can't take you to the fourth floor; at this hour, young master Xavier must be studying. Therefore, I will tell you only tomorrow."

"All right, aunt. Thank you, so what do I do now? Should I start my job now?"Anya asked. Rimar shook his head, " I've done those tasks this morning."

"Really? Are you done cleaning everything up?"Anya couldn't believe what she had heard.

"I start cleaning everything from two o'clock in the morning because the young Master will be furious if I brush his bathroom too late. He didn't want to be disturbed while studying, so I had to do it quickly before he came back from morning exercise."

"Of course, he's an annoying grumpy guy," Anya said as she walked downstairs to the ground floor.

Rimar smiled, " you're wrong. He is a very kind and sweet boy."Then Rimar left Anya in the middle of the large room.

"Sweet? Hmmm ... I think you're getting senile. So it can't tell the difference between annoying and grumpy," murmured Anya.


Anya becomes a servant at Xavier's house with the four others. Paris, Emily, Diana, and Rose. Of course, only Paris was kind to her, so she and Paris decided to stay in one room. The other three slept in another room.

Rimar tells them that young master Xavier will have a party tonight, and he invites some of his friends. So they have to help, Gio-chef in the house to prepare food. The two of them must be willing to serve the guests of young master Xavier, even until the morning. Yes! The children of the rich will be partying until morning.

"Of course, for this job, you will be paid three times as much as usual as overtime," explained Rimar. Anya is uninterested in what Rimar offers; she even pretends to be busy helping chef Gio organize his food. Angel and Diana were the most excited. Both look eagerly even when Rimar has not finished explaining their job desk.

"Before I say Who will serve the guests later, I will ask the young master's opinion regarding this. So ... "Rimar sighed.

"I'll be back after this. You guys keep working; help chef Gio."

Rimar leaves the kitchen and heads to the fourth floor to meet Xavier. Shortly afterward, she returned to the kitchen to announce who the young master had chosen to serve the guests later. Anya was not curious and did not expect to be selected, so she kept busy with a pile of laundry cooking tools chef Gio used.

"Young master Xavier has already chosen two of you," Rimar said, looking at the servants.

"Angel, you are chosen," Rimar continued.

"Ahhh... Thank you, Rimar!"

Screamed Angel-The Girl of Chinese American descent looked happy.

"Congratulations, dear!" Diana and Rose hugged her tightly. Paris looked at the deceptive friendship with a half-sneer. She knew they were stabbing each other in the back. Behind Angel's back, Diana often gossips about Angel and her strange dialect. While behind Diana, Angel often tells about the surgical scars on Diana's back that look like keloids or growing flesh.

Each other stabbed and cursed; only all were equally good at acting and wearing masks. That makes Paris sick; she has revealed all these things to Anya, and she did that to warn Anya.

"Mrs. Rimar, then who is the second girl?" Diana asked impatiently; she was so confident that she would be the maid for the party tonight.

Rimar smiled, then turned to Anya, who was still trying not to care what was happening behind her back.

"Anya, young master Xavier choose at you," Rimar said with a smile. The dishes that Anya was washing almost slipped out of her grasp. Why should she? She doesn't want to see the man who brought her here. The man who now made her had to wash eighteen bathrooms in a day. Just imagine if she spent an hour washing, she could spend eighteen a day wallowing in a stinky toilet.

"Anya," called Rimar, who did not directly get a response from Anya. Slowly the girl turned around, changing her gloomy face with a fake smile that was made up.

"You have to get ready now," she said.

"Yes, aunt."

Anya looked down, and it was hard to walk. If she could, she would love to swap her role with Diana, who is very eager to be chosen. She could see by the tail of her eyes that Diana was now muttering while glancing sarcastically at her. Not to mention, maybe she's pissed off.

She then glanced pitifully at Paris, who instead gave her two thumbs up and congratulations even though Paris knew very well that her friend did not want this.


At about eight to ten pm, all of Xavier's invited friends were present. Anya and Angel are forced to work together because now they are the ones who hold the responsibility for this little party. Only eleven people attended, consisting of seven girls and the rest were boys.

These people are, of course, the children of wealthy businessmen and politicians. It's also possible that some of them are the children of mafia members. She believed people with a lot of money would likely do bad things and break the law. She doesn't think there are purely decent super-rich people.

Anya also believes that many of them are doing illegal business. And that is the source of their infinite wealth. The law will not easily touch them because the law is easy to buy. Money conquers all; therefore, not a few people in the world who so worshipped money.

"Anya, why are you even daydreaming?!"

"You must deliver this to the girls immediately!" shouted Angel in a bossy tone.

Angel had deliberately ordered her to serve the girls, and she served the young men. Anya didn't argue. She just did what Angel told her to do. There's no point in arguing with her; it's just a waste of energy.

After delivering the drinking glasses for the girls, Anya returned to her place. She kept an eye on Angel, who didn't leave the boy's area. She even joked around and pretended to be friendly with one of Xavier's friends. But strangely, Anya didn't even see Xav's figure there.

Anya turned her gaze here and there, looking for the party master. Her stares accidentally fell on the figure of a man peeking from behind an open ballroom window. Their eyes met for a few seconds. Yes, it took Anya a few seconds to realize that the vision that saw her was him. Young man meeting at the commuter station. Noah.

"Noah..." Anya whispered.

The man smiled at her, but Noah stopped as she was ready to step towards the door to meet him. The man motioned with his hand. Anya undoes the intentions as well.

"You! Ms. Smith!" Xavier shouted. Anya doesn't realize when the man has come. Maybe Anya has been too immersed in the sky-blue eyes guy. So she didn't notice Xav's presence. Anya just looked at the man with a perplexed face. She didn't understand what Xav meant.

"You, Anya Smith. As my servant, you must not stand far from me. You must always be close to me because I don't like screaming when looking for you."

"Th—then, how about this task?" asked Anya. She was looking for an excuse.

"I'll tell Marimar to add one or two more servants. You don't have to worry about that."

Xav turned around and walked toward his friends. Only a few steps later, he stopped and looked back. He found Anya still standing at the same point.

"Anya, you have to follow me wherever I go. Why are you just standing there?!" Xav shouted, which made Anya realize that now all eyes were on her. Anya also had no choice but to follow in the footsteps of the annoying young master.

"Who is she, Xav?!" A girl suddenly blocked Xavier's steps. Anya was surprised by what that girl did.

That girl is lovely. Her beauty is nearly perfect, at least; that's what Anya thought when she saw her.

Her beautiful and well-proportioned body was wrapped perfectly in a white dress. Whatever was attached to the girl's body was an expensive and luxurious item.

"None of your business, Courtney! Get away from my sight, now!" snapped Xav. But it seems the girl never gave up; after getting an unfriendly answer from Xav, the girl turned her gaze to Anya. She staggered and quickly grabbed Anya's hair.

"You're that slut. Huh? You're the bitch who took my Xavier?! Don't you know that he's my fiancée?!" shrieked Courtney. Anya was about to groan. If only she knew that the drunk girl would do something crazy to her. Maybe she'll run away.

"Courtney! Stop it! Are you crazy?!" Xavier directly turned around and helped Anya.

But Courtney didn't want to take her hand out of Anya's hair.

"Help me!" she shouted to his friends.

"Call the security!" tell Xav to Angel.

"Xav, why did you stop me? I want to scratch this bitch face!"