Couple fight

For a good part of the night, Mercy and Evelyn watched different movies and slept almost at dawn. Mercy was too drunk to go anywhere.

The two friends slept to 10 am before going out for shopping and other stuff. Then an idea struck Evelyn while shopping and decided to buy a few more clothes and stocked in her hotel room. She went further to book the whole suite for the next year. Mercy tried to ask why she was doing it but she only got few smiles.

Whatever evil plan Evelyn was conducting, she knew nothing about it

" I think I should go home now.' Evelyn settled everything she had planned for the day and went home.

As she opened the door, at the steps going upstairs, was a man sleeping on his arms. He seemed to have waited the whole night with little rest. She actually didn't care. It was Sunday and didn't have much to do. She stopped going to church after a while. It wasn't because she could not find answers she was looking for she just didn't go.

She tried to be silent but the man woke as soon as she closed the door. He strode to her like a crazy man, "where have you been? Do you know how far I went looking for you the whole night?" he was neither angry nor concerned. He had a look in his face that did not show much emotions on the outside.

There was a number of time he had that look. It was when he felt hopeless an defeated

"From this moment, where I go or not go does not concern you. You have your life I have mine" she didn't give him a chance to talk much and walked past him. It would be okay to say she pushed him out of the going upstairs. Deep inside, she was happy. She felt a sense of fulfilment. It has been years since she felt that way.

Martin was furious. He had waited the whole night worried about her safety and all she had to say was she had a life.

Watching Evelyn walk inside the bedroom, he stroke calling after her. He had not eaten anything and had a sandwich in the morning when the maid came. He was fumished, sleep eprived and all she could say was that.

He could not take it anymore and walked to her. She seemed tired taking her clothes off. Her heels were in the middle of the room and she had the zipper of the black short dress she wore open. She was in the process of taking it off when he charged in.

" How could you do this to me, I haven't slept the whole night worried about you and all you could say was you have a life?" she didn't even look at him and silently stripped her clothes off. She threw the dress on the bed and had only her beautiful black lingerie.

She looked too beautiful. He could not understand how he could leave a perfectly beautiful woman at home and went out for a different ones. He took a step close to her but Evelyn walked to the bathroom without as if he didn't exist.

He could not take it anymore and pulled her before she could enter the bathroom, " did you doll yourself up to sleep with a random man?' just the though of some other man touching his wife was crazy. It was crazy to the point he could kill whoever it was. But his previous actions hindered his right as a husband

Evelyn looked at her husband and swung her hand off him, " let me go. Whoever I sleep with from this point onward is none of your business"

" How could a married woman behave like this? You have lost it. If people found out about this I will be humiliated. How will you face the society if it goes out?' Martin pulled her even closer asking raged. He was too raged to notice he was hurting her

"Let go of me. Don't try to pin this on me. You want to say its okay for you to sleep with other women but not me? Do you think you are the only one with desires and needs? Speaking of being a married woman, when have you treated me as one? When was the last time you performed your duty as a man and satisfy my desires?" she struggled to get out of his grip but he was holding her too tight

" I know I failed as your husband but I promised to change and do everything possible to make this marriage work. You doing the exact thing I have been doing does not help the situation. You are pulling us further apart" he become too emotional and lessened the grip on her elbow but still pulled her closer

" I am here for your emotional, physical and mental support" he tried to talk more but the more he did the more infuriated she was. When she needed the mental, physical and emotional support, where was he

" Its too late…" she tried to get rid of him but he held her tight and threw her on the bed. He didn't give her the time to get up and threw himself on her. Holding both sides of her hand on the mattress he looked into her eyes, " was it good last night? Was he any better than me?' he asked stupid questions. Inside Evelyn was happy, she knew her goals were slowly reached. She wanted to see him tortured. It also showed he was inlove with her.

Well, it could be love or the man was just possessive. But did not matter to her. He wanted all those emotions she felt to be real to him too

" Yes. He was too good. I don't remember the last sex we have but this one is imprinted in my mind. His moving body, his tongue on my skin. The way he made his way in was all manly…. I"