Family of scums

Looking at the sleeping woman, he sat down and caressed her face. They didn't talk since the vomit incident. He went out early due an emergency at work and then his mother called him home. He wasn't surprised to see Aliya there but the closeness between his mother and her had been a concern since he married Evelyn.

He had one headache he could not solve easily. He was expecting a child with Aliya. He tried to solve the issue so she could go abroad and raise their kid form there but she proved to be more of a problem.

He didn't understand women sometimes. How could she be so greedy to have him to herself just because she was carrying his child? He could not deny he was eagerly waiting for a child this time round. He didn't want to lose another child. The only way to protect his marriage as well as his child is to have both women far from each other. They had discussed the issue in length with Aliya but she went behind his back to communicate with Evelyn. She exposed herself and him.

She was proving more of a threat than help but there was nothing he could do about her being the soon to be mother of his child.

Another problem is to explain it to Evelyn if she found out about the baby. He knew how sensitive she was when it came to children. He also knew how hard she worked to have another child but he was just not around. Even when he was, it was always the wrong time of the calendar.

It won't be wrong to say he did it intentionally. If there is something he was afraid of at this point of his career is to have issues with his wife. He hid a lot from her. Though he loves her in his different way, it cannot come over his career. He had a thought this last few days and decided to choose his career first. He can always fight time to make up for his wife.

He thought he could leave everything behind and live with Evelyn as a normal couple when asked but things were not simple. Without power he was nothing. Without power he cannot protect himself. He was a man from a very different background. To be where he is he has done a lot including illegal and criminal.

At the Mayor family mansion

"Son. How is your wife doing?" Mrs. Mayor asked her son. She wasn't concerned about her but had to out of courtesy. She didn't want people talking about how bad she treats her daughter in law. To the public. She was the loving and pampering mother in law

"She is better, I haven't seen the doctor yet but the nurse said she is okay for now and she will be discharged tomorrow." Looking at his sleeping wife he thought she deep asleep and spoke as he pleased though in a hushed tone

"That's great. We need to meet tomorrow and talk about settling Aliya and your child. It's urgent you do it as soon as possible" she changed her tone so fast that you would think Aliya was her real daughter. Even Martin noticed the change in treatment between the two women a long time ago.

"Mum, this is not the right time to talk about this. I will handle the issue with the baby so you stay out of it" he was annoyed just thinking how complicated his life was at the moment. He didn't wait for her rattle about other things.

Eve clenched her fist hard under the sheet as she listened.

'What a scum of a family' her anger had reached a different level. She swore deep down, she will return tenfold of what they have done to her. Even if it means using the power of her family

Pretending to be asleep sometimes helps but you get tired of pretending and have to wake eventually… That's how her marriage has been for the last few years. She pretended everything was alright though she was hurting inside. But she had reached the end and cannot pretend anymore. She has to wake up and face her reality

She feigned waking up at that moment, which startled Martin

"Honey, you are awake… how are you?" he hurried over to her from the window with a surprised expression. He didn't know if she had him talking or not

"What are you doing here?" she asked in an indifferent tone. For a moment Martin was stunned before he smiled shamelessly

"Why ask, I am here to see my wife of course. What happened to you?' he sat down on the sit next to the bed intending to hold her hand. She didn't give him a chance to do and dodged his touch. His hand remained midair as his smile stiffen, "what's wrong? Have I offended you again?" he could not help but ask

"Not again… your presence just sicken me. I would prefer you stay away from me." She went ahead to press the button attached to her hand holding her chest with pained expression. Soon Dr. Jeffrey Anderson and nurses rushed over. He checked her pulse and everything. In all the ruckus, she winked at him asking for help. He could understand her immediately. He turned to the rest of the people in the room especially her husband.

"I am sorry sir but I'll have to ask you to leave. The patient suffered a mild heart attack and slightest provocation could make it complicated. Nurse give her a sedative and monitor her blood pressure. No one is allowed to visit her until she is stable..." he sounded so awesome that Evelyn was impressed.

"Heart attack…How is this possible?" he didn't get a chance to continue to stay as the doctor and the nurses moved to save the patient. He had no choice but to go out. As soon as everything settled, the nurses looked at the doctor confused, they could also notice everything was fine except for the pained expression on Evelyn's face. They were familiar with her as one of the best surgeon at the hospital but they had never associated closely

"You guys go ahead.. But keep whatever happened here to yourselves. It's for the safety of the patient."

Waiting for the rest of the group to walk out, he sank down on the chair next to her and laughed, he could not hold himself and laughed holding his mouth, " I think you took the wrong professional Eve… you could be a very good actor when you out your mind to it…hahahaha" he just could not hold it

"Stop it… I don't want to see him. I feel so sick just being in his presence… I found out something sickening and shocking today" she laughed back at her reaction but soon it turned into sobs

He didn't expect the change in her emotions so quickly, "hey, hey it's okay. You can talk to me about it… It will help you get out of your chest" he leaned closer to her holding her hand.

"What happened?' he asked really concerned, " its okay if you are not comfortable talking about it." He could see she was having trouble composing herself.

"Give me my handbag. There is something there you need to see." She requested while wiping the corner of her eyes. She then took a small chip from the corner of her handbag and placed it in her phone. A video played

It was conversation between Aliya and her mother in-law….