Exposed affairs

" Ohhh Evelyn, what's that for? You want to kill me" he held his stomach in pain as Eve came back to reality. She just looked at him. She didn't feel sorry for him. But she wanted to apologize immediately it happened but then she stopped

"Why did you sneak up on me? You deserve that" with that she walked away from the dining into her room.

Martin had a lot to think about the whole day, he was thinking of her words and promise as well as what might happen if he make her his enemy. He also wanted to know how much she knew about him. With that he decide to sign the divorce papers for now and then deal with the rest later. Also Evelyn was a person of her principles, she would never go back on her words as long as she promise to do it.

Since she promised to help with his campaign even when they sign the divorce papers, she will surely do it.

Going to his study, he took out the already signed papers and brought it to her. In the agreement, they will all split what they had half and the Governor keeps the house. To him that was fair. He felt entitled to it as well since it was his money that bought it in the first place.

What he didn't know was she left it because she knew she wanted to cut ties with anything to do with him. Also, it was a house that has so much painful memories.

He knocked on the door and waited for her to open. she didn't. she was just there laying on her bed reading a medical journal. " I know you can hear me. I have signed the papers. But we need to talk." She pretended for a few more seconds before opening the door.

" What do we have to talk about?"

" Our agreement not to tell anyone about our divorce until the end of the presidential election." E looked at her while saying this. He wanted her reassurance. Evelyn was praying he doesn't ask for a written agreement.

" I promised you that I will keep you company as you campaign and help you in gaining popularity all over the country. In exchange for my freedom. Since you have delivered on signing the papers then I will have to support you." She smiled at him while he looked annoyed. She seemed happy as she looked over the signed papers. He felt he lost something deep in his heart but he had a plan. On this time that they divorce, He was going to win her over again. With love and sincerity.

What a dreamer

With that the two were officially separated. It was a matter of filing it and waiting for the certificate.

But what Martin forgot was a rained on lion is not a cat just because it looks like one. He had ended what united them and there was nothing holding her back now. She was ready to take everything that belonged to her and pay them what they did to her

She sent the file to her lawyer to be filed.

Friday came, As a dutiful 'wife' she was there to oversee everything just like she did for years. All the arrangement was done and people started streaming in at the Venue. They still chose the El Luna ball room for the event. They wanted to maintain their visitor's privacy as well as keep whatever was going to happen in there private

But they didn't expect Evelyn had her own plan for the day. She promised to make him popular, she will do just not in the way he expected....

It was a meeting of the high in the society.

Evelyn wore this beautiful dress that showed her beautiful figure as she moved. She looked like a queen. It was a long time she wore such a revealing yet decent attire. Even Martin could not keep off his eyes over her. He felt a sense of loss just by looking at her but also, he felt jealous with all the men in the room looking at her with lust

Dave his friend came after a long time. He walked to him and gave him a tight hug

" Hi man. I thought I could get here last week but was help up with work. But as I promised I am here. Where is your beautiful wife?" asked looking around the hall. He had always liked her. She was sincere and a happy person. Her cheerful nature could enlighten anyone's life.

" Not anymore. I signed the divorce papers last night. We are just putting up a show here" Martin chuckled thinking of his absurd decision. He could not understand why he signed those damn papers. He thought of his child and how he wanted to be there for him the moment he was born, also his reputation. If they went to war over the divorce, it would not be good for either of them more especially his reputation.

" You are insane. How could you do that to her? That woman has sacrificed so much for you. Do you even know half of what she had endured because of your unfaithfulness and your family getting between her marriage?" Dave was raged that he almost shouted

" Calm down man, everyone will hear you. I know what she has done for me but I have also suffered loss in there. I lost my child and then got emotional torture with all those mockery of being successful because of her. How do you think I feel when they look at me and think of her as my help. Even if I am sincere with loving her, nobody sees it. They see a bastard that used her to go on top" he had been keeping those inside him for so long. His deep resentment over his marriage is marrying a top class woman

"But that is what you did from the start but that does not matter. What you need to do is show her how much you love her and man repent for you silly mistakes. If you lose her, I am telling you will regret big time." This time Dave patted his shoulder somehow understanding his feelings and feeling disappointed

"That's not going to happen. Aliya is pregnant…" before he could continue. The shocked Dave looked at him all eyes open