I missed you

Looking at the speeding car, Jersey was more determined to go after him…

" Whoa…. I like that… I must make him mine. His charisma is too strong…. No matter how cold you are, I will make you mine" she was not disappointed at all rather she was motivated. She looked so scary with the look of determination on her face. It's more to say she looked like a psycho

On his way to see Evelyn, Jeff was so tired but his mind could not rest until he saw her. It was routine he developed the last week seeing her every day at the hospital. She was his motivation factor. She could somehow calm him whenever he was tire from work. Today was a hectic day and he almost lost his patient three time on the operating table. He felt his mind was tired but still he wanted to hug her. Well, at least sneak hug her. She was a tough one and sometimes she was too conscious of body contacts