I cant Operate on her

Looking at the old woman lying on the table, she could not help and curse her luck. How could she meet her ex mother in law in a situation like that. She came back to her senses and dropped the scalpel on her hand. 

" I cant operate on her...." she said walking out of the room. The nurses, doctors in the room were surprised. This was the first time in a long time they have seen her scared to work on a patient. That could mean she knew the patient very well

" Why.." the veteran doctor followed her outside and asked. They were running gout of time and if nothign was done soon she may die..

" She is my enstrained mother in law... If anything goes wrong in the operation it won't be a simple case... Please take over doctor..."

" You are a professional doctor Evelyn I don't exp3ct this prom you. You should separate your personal issues from your work... I expect better from you.."