
A new story emerged that happened 12 years ago. A group of youths went camping, but a son of senator John Hamilton was among them. But the funny thing was the family was called to release ransom if they wanted to see their son again.

Money was sent but what was found was the dead bodies of five youths dumped in an abandoned building.

It was painful to the family, but they could not find the culprit. Close to a hundred million was sent, but no trace was found. It was a mystery that baffled the whole country.

But there seems to be news about new evidence and a witness from the police. 

As the news was being reported, Martin was home watching the news. The mention of senator Hamilton triggered his deep fear. He remembered what happened back then and what caused the problem. The money was sent to the man in charge, and he got half of it, but that scenario changed his life.