Lonely nights

  Looking at the man sleeping beside her wrapping her in his embrace securely, Evelyn could not believe her lonely nights were over. She could remember the nights she was all alone waiting for a man that did not consider her his wife. A man that would stay out late and come home in the morning. A man that was disgusted by her body to the point he could not touch her. She could not help but reminisce the days of her loneliness.

Now she was in the arms of another man but the feeling were complete opposite. she felt secure with him sleeping next to her. His love assurance everyday makes her want to keep him. But deep down she still  had her guard down. She knew it was a wrong move but her body, mind could not stop itself from reacting to it. The depression and the state of her mind before was still fresh to her. She felt everything was a dream and she may wake up one morning and find him and everything related to him gone.