Going Crazy

Looking at the bloodied clothes, his legs gave in and he fell on his knee shaking. He dropped the gun on his hand down and stretched his shaking hand to try and pick the pieces of cloths.

He could not process what was happening his mind going blank. His wife could not die for nothing. 

His devastation scared the hell out of his men. He looked like he could kill the whole world. But there was something that caught his eyes. A small sign no one would notice unless they are so much prone to details.

He bend down further to inspect and found it.

It was something only he and his wife knew.

They had a discussion one day and discussed some of the secret words they could use . A smile appeared as he read them then erased it. 

He stood completely a different person commanding his men. His change was confusing to the men. He took huge strides back to the car and started the ignition.