[Bonus chapter] Intimidating Aura

"I came to see my relative but I am going home. Why are you asking why I am here sir? Is it wrong to  come visit my father.?"

The man looked directly at her and then walked inside the building. Evelyn turned and continued to walk out taking the small care she hired 

Before she could go far, the old man came back pointing at her car " Get her here, she should not leave" He had just entered and acquired about her. The nurse didn't say much and just she came to see Old dog.

Old dog has been a pain. Anybody in contact with him at this point was a red flag

Evelyn did  stop and stepped full gear threateming to knock down the gateman if he dare close the gate

The men chased after her but they could not react on time.

They took their SUV and drove right behind her. It was a long road in the middle of woods with no sign of life or other vehicle in between the chase.