in danger

"Ouch," Grandma Mildred struggled to stand up, looking around. Whatever hit her had disappeared again.

"What is that," Mary asked. She only saw a beam of light appear and disappear simultaneously. She didn't even have time to digest what was happening.

"What the hell?" she asked when something hit her on the ground

"Get off me" she tried to push whatever was on top of her, but no. she could not move it.

Everyone stood in the room confused, looking at the scene. Denis was asleep on top of Mary as if nothing had happened.

There was amusement in Levi's eyes. He walked to Denis and crouched down to look at him better. He hardly touched him when the body disappeared again into thin air.

"Whoa," Levi jumped and fell on his back in shock.

"What is happening?" Mary, still on the floor, asked

"I don't know, but it's fun," Levi answered mischievously