
For the past 13 years, life had been fun for Jason, with friends and family being around.

But what made Jason who he was, was being a hunter. He loved the duties and responsibility it came with. It gave him a purpose in life. Being a protector of the town, he loved every bit of it. But few people knew about him being a hunter. Their lives were secret in the society

Since he was five years, he had known there were supernatural beings out there. They were responsible for ensuring innocent people didn't get hurt.

His training days always start with his dad Mr. Jayer Mackenzie and his night training with his mom, Miriam Mackenzie. His mom was versed in magic. She was a witch and a healer. Jason took some of the abilities from her.

For as long as he could remember, his days and nights were always training or hunting and school, of course. School is a different matter. He was a different person as well. Innocent, quiet, and weak.