
(A/N: check character art for Luther's and Luna art. \~.~/)

As Luther walked behind Jonn, Luna tapped on his shoulder, as Luther looked at her, his eyes land on Luna grey skin that was looking more beautiful than ever. The air breeze with the scent Luna was giving off Luther was slowly losing the slim thought of helping Megallan. At first Luther thought finding Megallan and helping him would be fun but the more he thinks about it the more he hated the idea. "If they can capture him, nothing stop them from doing the same to me." Luther thought to himself.

"Why are you back so early." Said Jonn as he took a cigarette out of his pocket.

"That's the thing I want to talk to you about." Said Luther as he gave his wallet to Luna. "go sign us in the hotel."

"Ok." Said Luna as she pass Luther and Jonn up.

"Can you give me a light?" Asked Jonn as he reach his cigarette to Luther. Luther just smiled and snapped his fingers as a small lightning bolt flew from his finger and graze the tip of the cigarette.

"Thank you." As Jonn took a huge puff of the cigarette he release a huge smoke clouds. "Do you know these doesn't work on us human?" Jonn asked Luther.

"Yea, it would be pathetic if a race bless by the elements can't over come a simple plague." Said Luther as he raised a eyebrow.

"Hahah! That was the funniest thing I heard today." Said Jonn as he took the cigarette out of his mouth and looked at it. "A simple…" Jonn mumbles under his breath as he toss the cigarette in the air.

"Ohh, you throwing it away?"

"Yea it's useless."

"A small conversation was all it took to change your mind?"

"Us humans are such small minded creatures, when I was younger I thought that we was on the top of the food chain, then I meet the demons, elves and beastmen, That day change my mindset forever. When I heard that you were a dragon and the two of my wives were a leviathan, it all came full circle. Life is meaningless, power is everything." Said Jonn as he gave two dollars to a man who was selling cool gold deer meat.

"I love that notion, it you don't have power what do you have?" Asked Luther as he catch one of the deer meat.

"Try it, it's one of the best in this small town." Said Jonn as he walked away with Luther. "Nothing, you have nothing. You end up a slave or die a coward." Said Jonn

"Exactly, every day I wake up with the urge to gain more, be more, once I thought it was because I was a dragon, it took me time to realize it was my true nature." Said Luther as he chews on the deer meat.

"I was once like that but those damn prince and princess ruined it for me."

"That's the difference between me and you, nothing and I mean NOTHING will stop me from climbing higher, we'll maybe death but I still feel like I can overcome that. Said Luther as he toss the rest of the deer meat away.

"I wish I still have the confidence like that… life is hell, well I mean was hell. When I went to school I wasn't ready for the horror or the torture the teacher let the students do to each others.." Jonn stared was staring in the sky as memories of the his younger age flashed through his mind.

"I believed you can't lose confidence, you can only gain it." Said Luther.

"I feel that… what was the thing you need help with." Said Jonn as he walked into the hotel. The hotel they walked in was the same hotel they stayed at before.

"My adopted father was somehow kidnapped, I don't know if I should try and help him or just let him do it himself." Said Luther. Jonn and Luther walked pass the hotel receptionist and went straight into the guest dinner room.

"If I had a hero mindset I would jump to tell you to help him but I know how the real world works. They are people even the king of human's don't know exist with the strength to hurt him, it would be a fool and dead man to enter a enemy headquarters without knowing their strength." Said Jonn as he snap his fingers. A waiter lift up his head and began walking towards the table.

"Hero… I don't like that, why would I save someone who would hold their life above mines."

"I known people with that mindset only have two results, death or slave to other." Said Jonn. The waiter finally reach the table causing Luther and Jonn to pause their discussion. "I would like the strongest drink you have and a steak for my friend."

"Ok sir." Said the waiter as he bowed down and walked away.

"It's fun to mess with less people but it's gets stale, the thought of mindset that allows others to have some type of control over you disgust me." Said Luther

"I had that mindset once, I saved a family from a gang only to find out the father was abusing the mother and daughter."

"What did you do to the father?" Asked Luther

"I turned his body to guts and piss. Do you want to know what the mother and daughter did after that?"


"They acted like I killed him and cold blood and was going to sell them to slavery. I was toss in the Black Forest for 5 full years of my life, I had to fight to survive and escape. When I got back home the mother and daughter had all of my money, they was living in my house that I worked for and I had nothing. I lost my hunter license and was a homeless on the street. Do you want to know the icing on the cake?"

"Tell me more, now I'm interested." Said Luther.

"The family was working for the gang the whole time." Said Jonn as he rest his head back and let out a sigh.