Chapter 2 Return in season 2000/01

1 October 2000, in Lisbon, Portugal.

"Congratulations Quaresma, today we will sign a new contract that you will have a monthly salary of 4000 euros, a four-year contract, and a penalty of up to 25 million euros."

The process of crossing made me a little dazed, I could not believe everything was true but when heard this sentence, I still feel incredible.

"Are you feeling okay, Ricardo?"- Mendes asked nervously.

Rubbing my eyes, adapted to the transition from a claustrophobic space to a bright environment and I could only see a Western middle-aged man sitting next to me on the sofa.

I recognized at a glance that the middle-aged man next to me was an agent of Ronaldo, Mendes-the Portuguese predator who covered the sky in European football.

This place is a club dormitory and on the table is the first contract in Quaresma professional player's career.

"Ricardo did you not feel well or did the contract have anything you want to change, I can go to compensation again with the club."-Mendes asked again.

"No, there is nothing wrong with the contract, I just feel a little dizzy so don't worry. I need to sign here right?"-Quaresma asked.

"Yes, and if you have anything don't understand, you can ask me 'cause I'm your manager of course."-Mendes says with a bright smile.

"By the way, coach Augusto Inácio wants you to report to the first team, then introduce and practice with new teammates, receive a shirt number, and have medical care."-Mendes disappears after saying that.

"Okay, I got this."- Quaresma replied.

The weather in Lisbon is clear, and the breeze is warm, lying on the sofa in my dormitory but before thinking about what to do next I suddenly hear a voice.

"I'm sorry to show up now but I finally solved your problem and I am also busy in charge of the traversal of heaven and the world so let me explain to you first."

"Since you have successfully crossed into Quaresma then there is no way to change and rest assured that we have given you two compensation."-The voice quickly explained.

"The first compensation is to allow you to directly inherit all the abilities of Quaresma's predecessor and the second is to compensate you with a system, as long as you work hard, you can always improve your abilities."-The voice continues.

Heard this, Quaresma could not help crying cause if he go to practice the ball to try skill just now, it will be very embarrassing but anyway, the system is coming.

Host: Quaresma

Age: 17

Speed attribute: 81

Dribbling capacity: 81

Physical fitness attribute: 67

Strength attribute: 55

Response attribute: 71

Shot ability: 65

Passing ability: 63

Defensive ability: 12

Teamwork: 42

Open the system interface, Quaresma saw a list of data, it is easy to understand.

Looking around, some technical attributes of Quaresma are very good.

Speed 81, dribbling 81 is a very high level in world football. The defensive ability is very weak just 12 and teamwork is not even reaching the pass level of just 42 and this is also the reason that limits Quaresma to become the top star.

Go to Edward VII Park near Sporting Lisbon dormitory to experience the ball game inherited from Quaresma.

The ball is like a happy elf, jumping back and forth between Quaresma's feet, with an inexplicable sense of familiarity flooded into my heart.

Left feet, right feet, head, back... Quaresma improvised a series of difficult ball movements that I never dare to think about and with his ability to fancy the ball, it is estimated that playing on the street is enough for him to support his family.

Afterward, several consecutive obstacles were placed on the court. Quaresma made some magnificent and fancy action without delay or jerky, everything was natural so it seems that he had inherited Quaresma's skills without any discount.

An hour later, Quaresma opened the system panel with great expectation, his face showing a self-satisfied expression. One hour of training increases 0.02 dribbling and 0.01 response attributes.

Tomorrow is the first day Quaresma practices in the first team and this is the season that the head coach will be replaced three times in season 2000/01 so I need to practice hard and make a good impression with the new head coach to have a chance to play in the league.

Well, I need to rest soon and prepare to report to the first team tomorrow.