Liam and her "boring!!" life ....

Liam jin is 25 years old . In this 25 years of her life she has created a lot of miracles ....

youngest genius...!!

youngest entrepreneur of the year....!!

Top 10 richest women in the world .....!!

President of one of the top 10 multinational company world wide....!!

She had everything beauty , fame , wealth , she has everything a normal person longs for but ....she is not satisfied with her life she feels that her life is so ... so... so... boring!!!

Lets take a glimpse of her so-called " boring", life ...

" President today's schedule is ..... first meeting with RH enterprises ..then lunch with DD & SONS and then dinner date with Mr Rosewalt , mam he has specially requested for this appointment .. you have been putting him in waiting list for almost two months but this time we have to finalize this deal.."

Liam while doing yoga : " Not interested .."

Assistant "....."

Another one....

" President , the madam of TM groups and the young lady of GAMA Industries has an outing appointment with you .. mam they are the rich ladies of some competent companies with whom we can establish partnership ... I think you should go with them this time ..."

Liam while watering her potted flowers : " Will it be interesting ?"

Assistant : " Even if it is not...intere....."

" Not interested...!!"

Assistant "..."

Yet another one.....

" President, our net turn over has reached the mark of 500 billions!!! this year .... so we are planning to organise a party ... President you will attend right?!"

Liam while twirling her pen : " Will it be interes....."

" Interesting!! off course interesting .. how can it not be interesting ..." assistant said with 100 watt lite bulb like eyes...

Liam finally paying attention : " Ohh !! How is it interesting ??"

" The world class pianist is invited , the renowned dancers from all over the worlds are invited , the most popular games played in today's time is arranged , the most eligible bachelors and heirs of top companies are also coming and top class michelin chefs and wide range of drinks are also available.. ".. The assistant has researched for a whole week to come up will all these interesting things , so he was very confident ...

" Ohh..." Liam nodded ..

" So... mam are you coming ??"

" Not interested ..."

Assistant and other board members : " ... "

Liam herself didn't know what she is interested into ... One day ,she dissed all her body guards and was strolling by the street ...

She saw a old book shop .. the walls was worn out even the signboard was at its last breath.. there were very few people on that street and even few people in front of that shop ...

Liam felt a sudden curiosity towards the shop which she had never felt before ... so how can she leave this chance.

She moved into the shop.. The shop had not a single person the place was eerily silent ....

Only the sound of " Cher....Charr .." was coming from the aged wooden floor ..

Liam was not scared instead she was thrilled , her blood was boiling but she didn't know the reason why ...

After walking for around two minutes she reached a door above the door was a sign board that says.....

" HALL OF NO RETURN !!! " ....

Liam was a little nervous after reading but not to the point that will make her back out... She took a deep breath and reached out to open the door ...

" CREAAAAK !!! CHYAA!!" The door opened with a noise...

Liam entered the room and found herself in the middle of the sea of books ... books of all genre were shelved neatly ...

Liam had a strange attraction towards mafia and underworld stuffs since she followed her heart and went to the dark section ....

There were so many books in the dark section that Liam almost drooled .. she read books all day without eating or drinking anything and the strangest thing was that she didn't feel hunger or thirst at all.. she was so immersed in reading that she forgot everything else ...

Here in the outside world .....

After two days of Liam's disappearance , the company appointed a new President , Everyone felt that liam's presence is very vague in there memory . About a month later, there was not a single person who knew who Liam jin was ... it was like a person named Liam jin NEVER EXISTED IN THIS WORLD !!!

During all this time Liam was locked in the room reading books after books after completing all the books in the dark section she moved to fantasy section then romance, horror ,cultivation and then historical after reading the last book she heaved a sigh...

" How wonderful it would have been if I could be the female lead of the novels .. I could face challenges , setbacks ,form forces and win over the world with my own power "

" everyone think that I have everything, but they don't know how it feels to have your own life planned since birth .."

"There is no excitement or joy for achieving something everything is so boring.... sighh...."

As she was complaining to herself , a bright light surrounded the entire hall , all the books vanished from there places and a golden book with fairy wings appeared in front of her ...

Liam was awestruck throughout the process ...

After the book reached in front of her , it stopped moving then pages after pages kept turning like a flip book ...

Liam saw a very beautiful and charismatic lady with guns in her bandolier .. then she saw how she defeated her enemies .. attained powers ,met the love of her life, but before she could grow her power and reach the top .... her love backstabbed her .. he was actually a spy sent by her rival force and then she died with regret in her eyes ...

After seeing this novel she felt a little speechless . She was obviously a very brilliant lady just what were the circumstances that forced her to become a lovesick fool.

" If only she would not have made a decision in haste and trust someone so blindly after meeting someone for a short while .. sigh... She called it upon herself who can she blame it on..???"

[ Congratulations you have got the right answer..!! ]

Liam was startled by the sudden voice.. then without giving her a chance to speak .. the mechanical voice sounded again ..

[ Do you want to enter Jinga lala magical world??]

[ Your options are :-

1) YES !!!

2) Absolutely yes !!


"Wait!! what !!" Liam was utterly confused by the events unfolding in front of her what Jinga lala, what... option and what with this damn!! voice!!

[ You have not selected any of the options ,therefore by default your answer is option one ...]

Initializing ....1%...15%.....56%.....79%...100%.

External help detected...

System integrating....1%.....27%...74%....89%....100%

Stabilization..... CHECKED....


Liam's body became transparent and disappeared from where it was before ...

What Liam didn't know that where she was before was the myth of starlite city ... after a person enters this place they mysteriously disappear and there only picture is left behind in the hall of no return...

All the books present here is actually the path to a parallel world ... No one knew about this but one there was a king who entered this place and never returned . The king had a lot of followers so he was not easily forgotten by everyone ....

One of his most local followers has used a method to preserve his memory which he passed from generation to generation and that's how the myth was formed....

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