First step to success...

Liam didn't forget her 3 months deadline..

Now her position as a future head of the family is extremely hollow in other words.. she might be the future head but only in name..

To establish strong foothold in the family she first had to interact with the core members... with this thought in mind she called her personal maids Emma and Mia..

"I have a very important task for you.." As soon as they heard this they both stood up seriously and said in union.." yes!! young miss."

Liam was very happy by their reaction "Ask the leaders and all the core members to have an appointment with me tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. sharp..."

The poor little made were a little baffled by this sudden order... the young miss has always kept herself away from family politics so why suddenly....


They had to follow her orders... after a few words they both left to arrange... Liam saw them leave with a crafty smile on her face In her previous life she was know as the smiling fox when ever she smiled a deal is bound to be finalised.. "let's see how much you can resist me..."

Next morning...

The conference room was filled to the brim... all the leaders except those who are in mission along with the core members and the elders were present there..

although most of the people didn't think highly of Liam , they still had to respect her orders according to the family rules... but that didn't mean that they are obliged to listen her..

They were here just to watch her make a fool out of herself..Everyone had their own opinion

while everyone were waiting for Liam she was busy choosing her outfit...

After transmigrating she found out that although her face is unparalleled.. extremely beautiful but it was actually very cute that gave her a childish vibe resulting in people to not take her seriously so now she was busy to pick outfit that would make her look a little more mature..

After rummaging through her cupboard for about half an hour she found herself a Maroon suit with white shirt inside pair with black high boots... she looked that her reflection with satisfaction.... although she was still very cute but she could still make do with it ..

"Miss it's time now everyone is wait...." emma's words we are stuck in her throat while seeing her ....she knew that her young miss was very beautiful but seeing her in such a mature outfit gave her a heavenly goddess vibe

'if I were a boy then I would even dare to kidnap her away..'

Liam was busy tieng her hairs into a bun when she saw Emma standing there in daze ..

"what's the matter Emma.." Emma came back to her sense and blushed hard can you think about your young miss like this she mentally rebucked herself..

"Ahem!! ahem!! young miss everyone has arrived you should make a move .."

"ok!! i will be there in a moment.."

"As you wish young miss .."Emma bowed slightly before leaving..

Inside the conference room ....

"Do you know why this meeting has been arranged..??"

"What else can it be for this is arranged by the young miss I bet she would surely lecturer us to choose the righteous path blah blah....."

"yeah right why is she hell bent to not follow this family it's not like we are killing people.."

"chosy you are a core member from Assassin guilt..."

"Aham!! Aham!! we don't kill people for fun.." she corrected herself embarrassedly ..Rosy who had rebuked her, rolled her eyes although she also didn't like this young miss she but didn't want to shamelessly throw allegations on others ...

This was the scene that liam saw when she entered the room.

' It seems like these people are not that bad.. good for them . maybe convincing them would be easy..' Liam thought to herself..

She moved towards her seat.. her presence got completely unnoticed except The Great elders..

"Greeting!!young miss ..."they said and that was enough to attract attention of every person present in the conference room..

They were flabbergasted to see Liam

"oh !! my!!God!! so it was true that the young Miss has awakened her powers at the age of 17..."

The look in their eyes changed from scrunity to admiration and that was the first step for liam to conquered their hearts..

Yes !!!she knew that she couldn't get anything by forcing them to accept her so decided to take a carrot and stick approach ...

"Greeting to all of you " Liam put on an Innocent smile and looked at them sweetly...

Everyone felt a cupid arrow shooting straight to their hearts.. how can their miss be so cute...

Although many people were attracted to her cuteness they didn't lost their mind.. they could clear adjusted themselves...

"can you say the objective of today's meeting young miss" said an expressionless boy he was one of the most genius disciple of the branch family and had been a competitive man since young.. he was about 20 years old and was ambitious ..

Liam had gone through the important informations about her perspective competitors before coming for the conference meeting... the man in front of her was Laurence Baldwin.. he had slightly red coloured hairs showing his fire attribute sharp, Phoenix eyebrows and peach blossom eyes he was a kind of Low key handsome man..

Liam sorted out his identity and passed him a sweet smile although Lawrence remained expressionless there was a suspicious red tent on his white face.... oh so he is a tsundere type..

Liam was amazed by her Discovery..

" All the big brothers and sisters core members and the leaders I am here today to announce my decision.... from today onwards I will officially take over my position as the higher of Baldwin family the entire conference room was silent for a total 1 minute before bursting into a franchise .."

"oh my God am I seeing things our princess upright has finally decided to join our family.."

"no, I think I have also heard what you have heard our genius young miss has finally compromised I can't be anymore happy.."

"what is there to be happy about... I bet that she will surely change everything.."

"now that you have mentioned it I also feel the same.."

"I am very conflicted should I support the miss or should I stand against her what if she makes everything clean what about the profit that we receive.."

"everyone I have a plan why don't we instigate young miss to follow her previous plan.."

Liam's mouth twitch as she heard the discussions it was all the fault of her Assassin type ability... she could hear anything within 500 m range...

"Aham!! Aham!!" Liam cleared her throat to gain everyone's attention

" I know that the decision is quite abrupt but I really want this join the family I had went out to gain experience and I was enlightened the fact that not every Mafia family is bad I want to lead everyone to a better future.."

Everyone looked at Liam as if she was an Alien... as for her words they were skeptical

Liam saw that her words were not that useful ,she sighed and switched from carrot to stick method

"If you want to test my capabilities then anyone under the age of 30 can come to me for dual without using super abilities... if you defeat me then I will give up the position but if I won then you have to follow me for next 3 years .."

Liam threw the bait and as expected a lot of them where tempted but they were a little afraid of offending this young lady what if she broke one arm or leg who will be accountable ..they didn't want to be expelled by the patriarch for hurting his beloved daughter ..

As they were contemplating whether to go or not a voice came from the back..

" I want to compete ..but ,what you have to promise is that if anything happens to you we won't be accountable.." Liam looked at the direction of the voice owner and was stunned speechless..
