Liam's charm 2....

Everyone turned their head towards the sound...

Margaret was standing there stumping her feet, trying to make the move freely everyone saw her behaving like a lunatic...

"did the poison had a side effect!!?? why is behaving like this...??"

"I think it had affected her brain why is she stomping her feet and throwing her hands in the air.. look look she is even rolling her head..."

Even Liam was a little stunned.. it takes almost 10 minutes to undo the effect of a acupuncture..

Margaret indeed had an explosive strength, she only took 7 minutes to do so..

yeah, it was different that Liam had used her least effective Acupressure point on her .. she didn't want to hurt the little girl afterall..

After stomping and rolling around for a moment.. she was finally able to gain full control over her body, the first thing see did was too rush over to Liam..

Everyone thought that Liam was done for... they were waiting for Liam to be sent flying with a punch but what is this ...

Liam was ready to launch an attack but she didn't have any chance because Margaret was kneeling on one knee staring at liam with her big puppy like eyes

"master.. "

The members of Solaris and Moonchester could feel their face burn ...ah its so embarrassing

where is their fierce, arrogant and cocky junior sister ... and what's with this puppy face..

Liam was stupefied by this turn of event what she had expected was some dog blood drama then she would slap their faces and send them flying... but the situation before her was not within her expectation ...though this little Lolita is quite cute right now but... still ah!!

"Young miss what have you done to her why is she behaving like this..??"

"she didn't....." Margaret tried to explain

"don't say anything Margaret, we know that you have suffered ..we will surely get an explanation for you.." a member of Solaris said with heart ache

"but she didn't...." Margaret tried to say desperately

"yes ,Margaret you don't have to be scared we will definitely protect you.."

"Absolutely Margaret you are our junior sister if we can't even protect you then we will definitely loss face.. how can see poison you just like that.."

" Are the members of solaris so easy to bully??!! we will definitely not give her our support.."

"yes we will withdraw our support from the direct linkage, let's see how can she take over her position without us.."

Everyone started clamouring among themselves..

"But she didn't poison me." Margaret shouted on top of her lungs.. the surrounding suddenly fell silent

"but Margaret...." someone started.

"she didn't poison me if you say anything else I will beat you up..." ,Margaret said errely.. the person swallowed back everything he wanted to say, is it a joke or what !! fighting Margaret is like seeking death ..

"she didn't poison me she just pressed a point on my neck and back to restrain my movement I couldn't move myself no matter what but it didn't pain I am completely fine don't even dare to throw accusation on her or I will beat you up so badly that even your mother won't recognise you Hump!!"

Then she looked at Liam with eyes asking for praise Liam's mouth twitched... but she said nothing .

Margarets face fell "master .."

"don't call me master I have not accepted any disciple yet.." liam said

"so take me as one.. I am very good at almost everything ,I can cook food I can even message your Shoulders no one here is as powerful as me, I have many abilities, I can even help you convince the Solaris and Moon chesters to support you..."

Margaret shamelessly promoted herself... It seems like she really wanted to learn her techniques ..she was literally fangirling..

Liam didn't pay attention at first but when she had the last line she somewhat considered taking her in .

"let's talk when you have convince them.." Margaret's Eyes lit up like a hundred watt bulb she nodded repeatedly ..

"please wait a minute.." then she turned towards the Solaris and Manchester group with a "sweet" smile... the members of both the groups had a bad premonition and as expected ...

"I want to take her as my master I want to learn her techniques so I am going to pledge my loality to her.." Margaret declared with no room for discussion... and these words were like mountain falling on them....but they knew that this is a Irreversible change after hesitating and worrying for about half a minute they sighed together.....

"we will also pledge our loyalty .."

Is it a joke or what.. she was their baby sister how can they let her leave their side what if she got bullied... Margaret smiled triumphantly towards Liam... Liam was surprised she really convinced them within a minute .. convincing this 8 Mighty mountains was no easy feet to achieve Liam knew that getting these 8 members in her side she had already conquered the core members of the family ..

As expected ...

All the members within the age of 30 got down on their knees "we are willing to follow young miss for the next 3 years" they said in union ..liam was still not used to this strange tradition to get down on their knees she wave her hands awkwardly ..

"Fine.. fine.. stand up everyone you will have to follow me for next 3 years after that if you are not satisfied or you have any other reasons to change side then I won't stop you. but... if you betray me..."

Her voice turned extremely cold "I won't spare you.."

Almost everyone shivered by these harsh words they had thought that this young miss of their's was a pushover but that doesn't seem to be the case , at that moment their respect towards her increased quite a bit ..

Liam was very happy with her success and forgot about the leaders surrounding her and when she got back her gaze towards the leaders she stood dumb for a moment ..

Then she recalled that to successfully get the future head position she had to convince the three great powers - the core members, the leaders and the great elders ..

She had dealt with the core members and now it was turn for the leaders she knew that even with her Martial art abilities she couldn't defeat the leaders who have been participating in wars since young so she changed her tactic from stick back to carrot..

She had to ensure that the carrot is sweet enough to make them support her..

There are a total eight leaders - adventure leader, business leader, underground leader ,inner leader, outer leader, combat leader, technical leader and A Supreme leader ..

the leaders were divided according to their work... the adventure leader was responsible for finding resources for the family... the business leader has to look after the legal businesses he was the direct superior of Solaris group ...

The Underworld leader has to take care of the illegal business under the family name and he was the direct superior of moon Chester groups... the outer leader was responsible for recruiting members checking their backgrounds and getting rid of Spies...

The inner leader had to look after the core members, the daily necessity of the house along with providing wages ....combat leader was responsible for training inner and Outer members according to their fitness chart....

The technical leader took care of the entire server of the family, preventing it from getting hacked he was responsible for storing the secret informations of the family and they all had to report themselves to the supreme leader at their monthly meeting....

After getting this informations Liam new who was her next target... she look at the petite women with green eyes and red hair also known as the supreme leader..

YES!! the supreme leader was a very gorgeous women but the only problem was she was as cold as metal and Liam didn't know if she could ever melt her..

anyways... what's wrong with trying..

With this in mind she smiled sweetly releasing her healing and charm ability simultaneously ...she had learnt this technique within her 10 days crash course.. mixing these two abilities together had a very special effect and the special effect was ....

The supreme leader was still expressionless but if one looked closer they can see a slight trembles in her eyes.." supreme leader.. you have seen my capabilities before right don't you think I am suitable for being the next head of the family.." Liam said sweetly in a slight coquettish tone..

Supreme leader was still silent, no one knew what she was thinking of ....
