

Chapter 8

Walking out from behind the couch, Awerkok ran across the hallway to the door where his mother was standing; he grabbed the handle, turned it, and pushed the door open, his mother walked into the house and closed the door behind her. The two stared at each other in total shock, Awerkok could hear his heartbeat pounding loudly inside his chest, all Awerkok could do was stare wide eyed at the woman before him.

His mom slowly walked towards Awerkok slowly, she seemed to be trying to stay calm and collected, the look on her face told Awerkok that she didn't feel like she could trust herself to say anything, Awerkok could also tell that she was terrified because she kept clenching and unclenching her fists tightly. The woman looked around the entryway, her eyes finally landing on something behind Awerkok, Awerkok looked behind himself and realized that his mother was glaring at his younger sister. Awerkok turned his head back forward again noticing that his mother had started walking around the apartment slowly like she was searching for something. Eventually his mother stopped when she got to the stairs leading up to the living room; Awerkok couldn't help but notice that she seemed to be trying to control herself, even though she had no idea why. His mother took a deep breath and started taking slow steps down the staircase. Her body language became extremely tense, Awerkok couldn't even tell what emotion she was showing on her face.

As soon as she was about halfway up the stairwell, his mother suddenly stopped and turned around to face Awerkok, once she made eye contact with him she broke the silence that had been between them for the last few minutes.

"So you're a witch?" She said in a hushed whisper, she looked completely shocked and afraid of the answer, she was staring straight at Awerkok but still managed to keep her voice quiet enough so that nobody could overhear her.

Awerkok was completely frozen in fear, he couldn't move an inch he couldn't speak, his breathing seemed to have become incredibly uneven as he tried desperately to control his emotions. After a while of Awerkok simply staring blankly at her the woman spoke again, "so you are a witch?" She asked in a more urgent tone, "and you don't know how to use that power?"

After she finished speaking a loud crackling sound filled the apartment, Awerkok turned around to see that his hands were glowing slightly, he quickly let go of the door knob and jumped backwards almost tripping over someone. Before any of the others could question what the hell that noise was, Awerkok ran into the kitchen, slamming the door shut. His breathing was erratic and he felt his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Kai!" Cried Alex running after him, "What happened?!" He shouted as he reached the kitchen,

"My powers got out of control and now I'm going crazy!" Screamed Awerkok backing up until he bumped into the fridge,

"Kai calm down!" Said Aaron running up next to Alex, "you didn't mean to do anything!" He added as he hugged Awerkok gently.

"Don't hug me!" Yelled Awerkok as Aaron tried to comfort him.

"But you were-" Started Aaron,

"I know I was, but you shouldn't hug me either!" He yelled pushing Aaron away harshly, "I'm going insane and my powers aren't under my control and you guys are just going to laugh at me because I look stupid or scared or weird!" He continued.

Alex frowned and stepped forward, "no, Kai we will not laugh at you!" He said, he pulled Awerkok into another hug, "you can't control your magic right? How can we laugh at you?"


"Hey Kai!" Yelled someone shouting in the other room, "We're home!"

Everyone turned their heads towards the doorway to see that Kaelian and Nilesy had arrived home. The moment their eyes met he immediately began panicking. Suddenly he remembered everything his parents had ever told him and how they always warned him to never show anyone his true self and not to ever show his weaknesses, it felt like his entire being was trembling violently, he started to tremble so badly that his legs collapsed under him causing him to drop to the floor in defeat.

Suddenly he could no longer hear the sound of his parents talking, he couldn't even see them anymore. Just then his eyes rolled backward into his skull and he fell unconscious on the ground...


"Kai!! Wake up wake up!!" Wailed Alex as he shook Kai's shoulders frantically.

"Wha-what...what are you doing here!?" Blurted Awerkok as he slowly opened his eyes and sat up.

"You fainted!" Answered Nilesy rushing into the kitchen along with Kaelian, "I don't really understand what just happened, but something's wrong with him!" Added Kaelian

"I agree with Nik, he looks pretty messed up!" Said Alex looking concerned, "He seems to have lost consciousness!" Said Alex continuing to shake Kai roughly, "please tell us what' s wrong with him!"

"Okay okay calm down Alex" Said Alex letting go of Kaelian and giving Awerkok some space, "how about you start from the beginning? What exactly is going on?"

Ack....he wasn't sure he wanted to tell these people what was happening to him, they would think he was crazy; they would make fun of him or worse they'd think he was weird or weak. So he decided to lie through his teeth, "I think I might've gotten sick..." He mumbled nervously, "...or maybe I ate something bad or something..."

"Maybe you should lay down again" Suggested Nik as he helped Awerkok onto the couch, "maybe we could get you something to eat"

"No...please no..." said Awerkok as he shook his head in fear,

"Are you hungry?" Asked Kaelian,

"Yes!" Responded Awerkok with an eager tone,

"Alright then I'll make you something to eat, how does eggs sound?" Kaelian asked,

"Please make it healthy please" He replied timidly,

"Yeah, sounds good, I'll bring you a plate in a little bit!"