

Chapter 12

My heart soared when he leaned forward and captured my lips in a passionate kiss. His touch ignited the desire that I was trying desperately to keep contained deep down inside. When his hands roamed freely over my back and neck, I moaned lightly and placed my own hands on either side of his face, pushing him deeper into the kiss. He groaned loudly in protest, pulling away slightly, panting heavily. His blue eyes flickered with passion and hunger. They gleamed wickedly and darkened as they locked onto mine once more.

"Can't you wait?" he breathed hoarsely. I shook my head slightly in defiance. "Come here. Please," he begged quietly, moving his face closer toward mine. I leaned forward once more and pressed our lips together.

When he pulled away for a short while and gazed deeply into my eyes, I noticed the darkening circles beneath them. He yawned widely and rubbed his face tiredly, causing me to giggle uncontrollably at the sight. He grinned sheepishly and ran a hand through his hair again while he shook his head.

"It's been a long day," he complained half-heartedly. I giggled once more, unable to contain my laughter.

"Sorry. It's not that funny. But don't worry, you are very cute when you sleep," I said teasingly, poking fun at him. He frowned slightly and furrowed his brows. "Besides, don't you usually sleep at night?" I added, pointing out the fact that he hadn't slept in two days. "I didn't expect to see you sleeping here so early in the morning." I blushed slightly at that and cleared my throat awkwardly.

He blinked rapidly and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, actually, it's the middle of the afternoon and I'm pretty sure that I fell asleep in my chair about three hours ago. I didn't have a nightmare and I woke up refreshed when the sunlight was already coming through the window," he explained and laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head again.

I bit my lip uncertainly. "You know, I really think that I should leave soon…if you fall asleep in front of my laptop, you won't get anything accomplished," I said softly as I looked back at the screen, frowning slightly.

"Alright fine. We can go now. You haven't finished the episode you were reading anyway,"