

Chapter 4: Where Are We Going?

It was already past lunchtime by the time the two boys managed to get inside the shop without getting noticed by one of the workers. When they stepped into the store, Andrés found himself staring wide eyed at the sight he saw. They were standing inside a small café, complete with a few tables and chairs scattered around. A few people were sitting at the tables and eating their food, but most of them were busy reading books or listening to music. In the middle of the café, a big screen TV was playing a movie, a group of teenagers sat talking excitedly on either side of the main seat while another girl, probably a bit younger than them, stood near the counter with a bored expression.

The rest of the people who had chosen to eat their lunches inside the café were either sitting in a corner drinking coffee, reading magazines, or just sitting quietly watching the movie while eating. The place was crowded and noisy, and Andrés was glad that neither one of them was going to be recognized.

"Is this a restaurant?" Michael asked.

"No." Andrés shook his head, taking a quick glance around. He still couldn't believe it.

"It's a café!"

"A family business. I'm guessing they use the food there to keep themselves entertained."

"Huh, interesting," Michael nodded slowly. "Can we sit somewhere quiet then?"

Before Andrés could answer, Michael pulled him towards a table that was close to the window. Andrés frowned, wondering why Michael wanted to sit in the middle of the shop instead of the main area. As Michael took the seat in front of him, the waitress appeared behind him. Andrés turned around to watch what she was going to do, noticing her stare fixed on Michael. After exchanging greetings with him, the waitress went back to preparing the two boys' orders.

"You know, they probably won't notice we're here if we don't talk much," Michael mentioned casually as they waited for their drinks.

"They will notice." Andrés pointed out.

"I don't care," Michael shrugged.

"Okay. What do you want?"

"Coffee, black," Michael replied. The waitress gave Andrés a weird look, but left nonetheless. "And for you?"

"Orange juice. No sugar."

While waiting for their drinks to arrive, Andrés thought about how everything he knew about Michael suddenly seemed so different than what he'd read online. He'd learned a great deal about Michael while researching for his thesis on the history of Valko, but nothing compared to the reality he was seeing today.

He was surprised when Michael began talking, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"So tell me, Andrés. How did it feel for you? Being back home again."

"Different," he muttered. Michael looked at him curiously and Andrés quickly realized what he had said. "I mean, different isn't necessarily a bad thing. It seems kind of... nice."

Michael chuckled and Andrés blushed.

"So tell me about life back in Valko," Andrés changed the subject hurriedly. "I haven't been able to talk to anyone for days now; everyone is afraid to approach me because of the rumours. What happened back then? Is the police coming to arrest Gabriela for all these murders? And why are you here? Why did you bring me?"

"First of all, I'm glad you asked that question. And secondly, no one is arresting Gabriela, although they're investigating very carefully."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I need help," Michael smiled softly and reached out to touch Andrés gently.

"How are you doing anyway?" he added quietly.

"I'm alright," answered Andrés shortly, avoiding Michael's touch completely.

"But you're not doing well. At all."

"Do you think I'm fine?"