

Chapter 6

"Hey there Michael," a tall woman greeted warmly. She had dark brown hair in a short ponytail and hazel eyes. She wore a grey hoodie over a simple grey turtleneck and white jeans.

"Mom." Michael greeted back politely. He watched as she walked past him and made her way into the kitchen with a smile, only turning around to face him once again when his mother called his name.

"Andrés, I'd like you to meet my mother."

Michael walked over to stand next to his mother, offering a handshake to the older woman who was smiling politely back.

"Nice to meet you. Your son is such a sweet guy," Andrés smiled at his mother, hoping she'd buy it. However, his hopes were soon dashed when she shook her head disapprovingly.

"You can call me Maren. Now please excuse me, Michael, I have to start the cooking." She disappeared through the door behind her.

Michael's expression instantly fell, and he slumped onto the couch. He didn't bother looking back up. Andrés frowned, realizing that something was terribly wrong.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

Instead of replying, Michael simply waved his hand in dismissal. Slowly, Andrés rose from his spot on the couch and approached the young boy sitting in the corner with his head in his hands. He crouched down next to him.


"Don't say anything."


"Just stay away from me! You're the one causing me problems, you bastard! Stop bothering me!" Michael shouted angrily, glaring at him with burning eyes.

"Hey, calm down! What-"

"Leave me alone."

Without thinking twice, Andrés wrapped his arms around Michael's waist. Before the young student could protest, Andrés leaned forward, pressing his lips softly to the teenager's neck. Michael tensed and tried pulling away from him, but his efforts were futile as Andrés continued kissing him, moving to his cheek and his chin. Andrés stopped once he heard Michael's weak protests.

"I... want to take you somewhere else."

Michael's breathing started getting heavy, and before he could reply, Andrés had already taken hold of his hand and dragged him out of the house and along the streets. He kept his arm wrapped securely around Michael's waist, holding him tight against his body as they passed shops and people who were staring at them curiously. Andrés paid no attention to the stares and continued to lead Michael around town until the city became completely silent once they stepped out of the residential area.

"Where are we going?" Michael asked, sounding tired.

"Shh," Andrés hushed him. He guided him towards the edge of the forest. When they reached the clearing, Andrés dropped his arm around Michael's waist and took a few steps towards the trunk of one of the trees. He sat down on its roots, pulled Michael down next to him and laid his head on the young boy's chest, listening to the steady beating sound of his heart as he rested his arm protectively around the younger boy's body. Andrés closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

Michael's heartbeat always calmed him down; it was as if he was trying to tell him that everything will be alright in the end. As soon as Andrés got used to having this person in his life, the familiar feeling of safety overcame him and the panic that usually filled his mind subsided. This place was safe, and he could rest easy.

The feeling lasted another three minutes before Michael's heartbeat quickened again.

"Please stop it, Michael," Andrés pleaded quietly. "We don't need it anymore." But Michael still remained silent. "I'm scared," he admitted after another minute passed. "I just need you, Michael, but I'm scared too. Everything hurts everywhere. I can't sleep, I can't breathe