Chapter 20
"So, the doctor said that Yuuri will be fine?"
Yakov let out a deep sigh and shook his head. "As long as Yuuri keeps getting the proper treatment, he should be fine. He has a severe headache, but the headaches usually pass within a few days..." he trailed off. "Unfortunately, he is not supposed to be awake yet."
Yakov frowned. "But that's completely impossible. Even if there's nothing physically wrong with him - which I doubt there is given his injuries - there is definitely something medically wrong."
Yuri shrugged and murmured in response, "I dunno, Yakov. I mean, if it was serious enough, wouldn't we have already noticed? Wouldn't it have gotten worse in the past day or two? Why hasn't it worsened any further? Besides, he should be awake by now right?"
Yakov hesitated briefly before replying softly, "He should be, but it's hard to say exactly when he'll wake up - especially considering the severity of his injuries. If he wakes up and the headache is gone and there are no problems, then I suppose I could try waking him up."
As Yakov took the call, Yuri turned his attention back towards Chris and the other injured people and began to check on them. At first, none of the injured people reacted to his presence. However, as time passed, it became apparent that there were some of them that were starting to stir; their eyes fluttered open as their consciousness started to return. Most of them were clearly in pain, however, due to various reasons. There was the usual swelling in the brain that occurs from blunt trauma, as well as the numerous broken bones and bruised organs that they suffered during the accident. The worst of all possible injuries, however, was the bullet wound in Viktor Nikiforov's chest. It was a relatively clean wound, unlike several others that he had sustained throughout the course of his fight with Yuuko earlier. It wasn't bleeding anymore and fortunately, the bullet fragments hadn't managed to hit any major arteries in the process. Unfortunately, the blood loss from the injury could potentially prove fatal given that it wasn't a high dose bullet.
Chris approached Yuri after checking the wounds of all of the people who had been hurt, and he gave him a nod and whispered softly, "All done."
Yuri glanced at him curiously and questioned curiously, "Is anyone gonna take care of these guys now?"
Chris shrugged nonchalantly and muttered quietly, "I think they will eventually. These three idiots aren't gonna last a week on their own."
"They're lucky that they weren't dead already," Yuri retorted in annoyance before he turned around and headed towards the others, making his way through the crowded corridor and towards his room. The others followed suit, making their way through the hospital hallways to reach their respective rooms. Once they had entered their rooms, they gathered together near one of the large windows overlooking the park.
"Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and introduce myself before anyone else can speak," Chris said as he turned to face the group of people surrounding him.
Yuuko, Viktor and Phichit were seated closest to the window.
"My name is Chris Chow," he stated. "And I'm an FBI agent assigned to the Detroit police force." He smiled as he introduced himself, but no one else seemed interested in what he was saying so he just concluded after looking briefly at them for an explanation, "That means you guys are probably the most valuable hostages the Russians have kidnapped and I am one of their best agents."
Yurio scowled as he replied, "Are you fucking kidding me?! We are literally just four kids!" He growled angrily, glaring at Chris furiously for trying to tell them apart. He pointed accusingly at Yuuko as he continued to rant, "How do we know that you haven't kidnapped this girl here too?!"
Chris chuckled amusedly at the blonde teenager's behaviour. "