Chapter 19: They themselves ordain’d their fall. – III, 128

Rhys comes to with the distinct urge to keep his eyes shut, so that’s what he does at first. The specific shade of the inside of his eyelids is enough to alert him to the fact that it is very bright indeed around him, and with the way his head is throbbing, he senses that’s a migraine waiting to happen. So, he spends his first few minutes of consciousness internally assessing himself for damage. All he finds (aside from general exhaustion), however, is a hand in his.

Squeezing the fingers, he can tell who they belong to, and Sawyer lets go only briefly to hit the lights. Rhys can’t remember actually ever telling Sawyer about his migraines, but somehow he feels like he doesn’t actually ever need to tell this man anything. Sawyer knows. He always knows.

“Glad to see you’re not dead,” Sawyer murmurs next to him, taking his hand again. His voice hitches on the last word, causing Rhys to look at him, finally, frowning.

“Who?” Is all Rhys can manage for the moment.
