Chapter 17: Was I to have never parted from thy side? – IX, 1153

“I like this,” Will says from the passenger seat. “We’re finally moving forward, making progress. I know these vamps are, like, freaky murderous or whatever, but we’ve handled stuff like that before. And we have Lissie’s vote of confidence! Everything’s coming up gold.”

But Holland and Lissie don’t look half that enthusiastic.

“Everything’s not… coming up gold?” The grin slowly drops off Will’s face.

“I told everyone what they needed to hear to let us go because I really do have a lead on Curtis, but I don’t get good feelings. I’m a Banshee – a harbinger of death. The feelings I get are about people dying.” Lissie says this into a silence heavy enough to smother them if they’re not careful.

“Well?” Laube speaks up. “Are people going to die?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Lissie shrugs her shoulders. “Yeah, the Ekimmu mess with my powers. I feel bad about this, but not specifically death-bad. But possibly…”

“Thank god we’re all prepared,” Rhys growls out.