​​Chapter 34: But to Adam in what sort shall I appear? Shall I to him make known as yet my change[?] – IX, 816-818

“And none of you thought “Hey, maybe we should tell Sawyer about Nihira, since he just lost a friend to something exactly like this, and he’s Nihira’s only blood-beta?””

Ezra sighs because he’s right, of course. The first person after Tally to learn about the state Nihira’s in should have been Sawyer. He stands to lose the most if she dies.

Ezra just hadn’t really known how to go about telling him because it’s not like Sawyer can help from all the way in America.

“Well, Perenelle thinks you can help,” he explains to a frazzled Sawyer. “Precisely because you’re Nihira’s beta.”