Chapter 32: My author, and disposer, what thou bid’st unargued I obey. – IV, 635-636

After the meeting at Charvi and Rhys’ place, Rhys hasn’t seen very much of Sawyer. He’d crashed with them for one more night and when Rhys had woken up the next morning, his room had been empty and the window open, leaving him to stand there with a breakfast tray in hand for no one in particular.

Granted, things have gotten pretty crazy since that meeting.

Sheriff Williamson has declared a state of emergency and all the townspeople have been ordered to migrate to specific large centers, bringing with them all the edibles they can carry and as many mattresses as they can spare. Without too much prompting, people have simply started setting up beds and organized mealtimes. Teachers from local schools have even spread themselves out between the centers and set themselves up for Zoom classes, so kids don’t fall behind. Technically, this counts for Pine Grove Tech, too, but none of the pack feel particularly concerned with their education right now.

Not even Miles.