Chapter 43: Th’inclement seasons[:] rain, ice, hail, and snow, which now the sky with various face begins[.] – X, 1060–1064

“To be completely honest with you, I’m just glad you’re not dead.”

Sawyer chuckles. “Sort of glad myself, actually.”

Rhys stares at the face of his favorite person in the whole world on his phone screen and smiles, albeit a little sadly.

“Tell me again about the Banshees,” he says.

So, Sawyer recounts how these women had fought valiantly, brutally, and without hesitation. About how, even after death, Logan had still managed to save her loved ones. How, when the odds were stacked against them and they truly had no way out, the Banshees sacrificed themselves to Iblis to protect the pack.

Across the room, Will and Damien are huddled together, watching the beautiful video Saint sent over of the funeral they’d held for Logan. Mostly, the video is playing as Will cries hard into Damien’s chest.

“Wait, Lissie didn’t go with them, did she?” Rhys suddenly thinks to ask.