Talk with the Cardinal

"Sir, Lord Lanlaris is calling for you; you have a guest waiting for you in the meeting Hall."

Samiel heard a servant's voice while he was meditating during his study of the Basic Principles of the Void Necrosis. He then opened his eyes as he stopped his meditation, he was curious who came to visit him, but he had a premotion who it could be.

The only people who could have such a strong interest in his persona, to come down and visit him would be those from the Hall of Kadath, to which, Samiel expectedly waited for their arrival one day.

'Hooman, I am sensing very, very powerful Legendary in the Citadel.'

Samiel heard Nefertari's voice in his head as he stretched his body after meditating on the revelations from the Basic Principles of the Void Necrosis for several hours straight already. He was still very far from mastering even the spells he could cast with his meager strength, but he was improving at a visible rate.