The Prayer

One Hour Later, Citadel of the Zephystrand City.

"That fight with Estrid was good... I cannot wait to see how strong you will be later..."

Karliana said to Samiel as she was preparing to teleport out from the 3nd Floor. She was already itching to leave the Floor due to the Tower's suppression of her was getting more powerful with each passing day.

"How exactly is the Tower Suppression working? My High Elven host wasn't really best at explaining all things."

Stated Samiel, to which Karliana snorted slightly.

"Of course, he wouldn't with that stick in his ass."

Evidently, Karliana didn't very much like Lord Daragan, though he sometimes thought she didn't like anyone. Samiel would often mistake her for a feminist, but in the end, Karliana just didn't like people weaker than her? Or those more arrogant than her? Or those who were both more arrogant than her and were even weaker than her.