Spell Fusion

As the Mana Cannons and other Artillery sounded in the background, instantly, the projectiles fell onto the hordes of the Monstrous Spiders advancing at the walls of the Zephystrnad City, tearing the Monstrous Spiders and Ettercaps into the shreds with each explosion.

Basically, the scenario was very similar to the last invasion attempt when the Drows let out several tens of thousands of Monstrous Spiders at the Zephystrand City, though right now, Samiel was really wondering what their strategy was.

This time, even though they were advancing at the City, it was in much lower numbers than before, like they were just testing the ground. After a few minutes of bombardment from the Magetech Artillery, Samiel looked more carefully and suddenly saw something weird about one Monstrous Spider that was running much slower than the rest of his kin.

"Yvraine looked at that one."