Festival of Demon Stupidity (3)

Samiel conjured one Ice Trident through the Level 3 Ultimate Abitiy Winter Ruler; instantly seconds after, he used the Spell Fusion Metamagic Technique and infused the 5th Level Spell of the Void Magic onto the tip of Ice Trident and with his full force; he threw it at one of the Sivler-Tier Professionals of the Demon Army.

Just a second later, the Ice Trident with the Void Bomb Spell on it hit the target, as one of the Silver-Tier Professionals of the Demon Army, a member of the Green Winged Demon Tribe, was blasted into countless parts.

"Now the numbers seem much better."

Samiel stated as he arrived at the place where Dharzug and Juulius were surrounded by eight Silver-Tier Professionals of the Demon Army, while the demonkin were looking wary of the newcomer because all of them could sense, while the man was only Bronze-Tier in terms of raw power, he was far above them.