Waaaggghhh against Bats!

Juulius appeared in front of the Kindred man in a flash as he slashed at him with his sword, forcing him to block by condensing shield made out of blood, but this didn't deter Juulius a bit as he continued to attack the Kindred man all over, summoning down the bits of the Divine Power of the Crawling Chaos.

Dharzug looked at this pretty annoyed but didn't say anything because while he was ork through and through, but contrary to many, if not most of the other orks, he knew when and what to do because he was aware that the Kindred man was holding back something from the battle and knew that he wasn't going all out.

Not talking about the fact, he suspected that Juulius must have recognized what was going on and thus let him intervene in the single coémbat. Normally, when someone intervened in the single combat of an ork against his foe, the orks would throw a fit of rage and typically kill everything in their surroundings...