Chapter 7: What's next?

Chapter 7: What’s next?

Warm fingers brushed Paxton’s naked shoulder, and his eyes fluttered open with surprise. He jerked and then stared up at Tennessee’s gray eyes. Damn, this man’s eyes were appealing. Tennessee’s eyelashes were so thick and dark that the man looked like he was wearing eyeliner.

“Jumpy as a new kitten meetin’ a dog fer the first time.” Tennessee’s eyes dropped to Paxton’s lips before reigned in his budding desire.

“What’s going on?” Shaking himself from where his thoughts were heading, Paxton sat toward the headboard slowly.

“I’m home from work.” Tennessee leaned backward. “How ya doin’, cowboy?”

“I’m fine,” Paxton said as he looked out the window. The sky was a blaze of reds and oranges as the sun went down behind the mountains. He licked his lips and cleared his throat. “I must’ve fallen asleep.”

“Dinner is on the stove.” Tennessee moved back from hovering over the bed and crouched near the ladder that headed down to the main living space. “Was that-there the only clothes that fit ya?” Tennessee stared hard at the rug like the pattern was vastly more interesting than Paxton’s outfit.

Paxton tipped his head down to scan his body. He forgot what he was wearing. Running his hand over his thigh, he realized that he was still in those light, thin pajama pants he’d grabbed earlier. The fading sun cast a warm glow right over his dick and balls. The sunlight seemed to outline Paxton’s entire package. Tennessee’s cheeks were pink, and he ran a hand over the rug like he was smoothing the bear design. The cloth of Paxton’s pants was almost see-through, and he’d not noticed that when he first put them on. Well, he saw it now by the way Tennessee was working to look at anything other than Paxton’s dick.

“I found a lot of clothes that fit me. I washed them.” Holding in his smile, Paxton grabbed his towel from the shower and threw the cloth over his lap. He then sat straighter on the bed. Tennessee’s almost virginal response was funny, but Paxton would die before he laughed. Instead, he got up, grabbed the shirt he’d folded, and put it in a pile next to the lone chair. “The clothes that didn’t work I washed and packed back in the box so you can donate them.”

“Thanks,” Tennessee muttered to the floor.

“I’ll get dressed and come down for dinner.” Paxton pulled the worn blue t-shirt over his head.

“Alrighty then.” Tennessee practically threw himself down the ladder and landed with a thump. Only when the man was gone did Paxton smile.

After he tugged on lightweight tatty jeans, Paxton climbed the loft ladder and was greeted by Smith and Weston.

“I just realized that I might be sleeping in your bed. If I am, I can move to the couch. I don’t want to be a bother.” Paxton patted the dogs on the head and then sat at the kitchen table. The dogs sat next to him, and Paxton smiled. In such a short time, the animals had won him over. They might look like hairy wolves, but Tennessee was correct when he said they wouldn’t hurt a fly.

“Yer no bother. I’ve a bedroom at the end of the hall.” Tennessee filled the dog’s water dish and then returned to prepping food. “Yer fine where ya are but did ya sleep all day?”

“Most of it. I don’t know why I’m sleeping so much,” Paxton said as he leaned back in his chair and stared at Tennessee’s flawlessly formed ass.

“I think it’s yer concussion. That hit on yer head was mighty bad.” Tennessee turned and poured thick creamy soup into two bowls and placed a loaf of steaming bread on a platter. “I talked to old Doc Henderson up the road. I told him ’bout how beat up ya were, and I got ya an appointment fer tomorrow.”

“What?” Paxton rose from his chair and lifted his gaze from Tennessee’s muscles. He felt like Tennessee had punched him in the stomach. “I told you that I didn’t want to go to a hospital.”

“Now hold yer tatter-wagon.” Tennessee turned away from the food to face him. “I heard ya just fine the first time ya said it.” His plump lips pressed into a grim line. “Now then, this ain’t no hospital. Old Doc has a private practice, and you’ll only see him and maybe his nurse.”

“I’m not going.” Paxton crossed his arms over his chest and dug in his heels figuratively and literally. He wouldn’t risk getting caught by Keyon for anyone.

“Yer goin’, cowboy.” Tennessee’s eyes flashed with determination. “I ain’t much fer violence, but I’ll hog tie ya and drag ya there if I gotta. I wanna make damn sure yer alright.”

“I’m fine,” Paxton said the words, but he had the feeling that little sentence wasn’t going to sway Tennessee. Now he also understood when Uncle Cletus said he could see the stubborn look in Tennessee’s eyes. Yes, Tennessee didn’t appear like he was going to back down any time soon. Well, neither was Paxton. He wanted to hide here, and seeing a doctor was too big of a risk.

“Welp, ya can just prove to me that yer alright by seein’ Doc,” Tennessee growled and picked up a knife. He spun the blade in his hand before he started slicing the bread. “It don’t hurt ya none, and I’m plumb tired of worryin’ ’bout ya. I racked my knuckles twice today and almost came home three times ’cause I wanted to make sure ya hadn’t died or somethin’. Yer goin’ and that’s that.”

After Tennessee tossed the knife in the sink, he lifted his hands to show his bloody knuckles to Paxton. The second Paxton got a good look at the scrapes, he caved. He guessed he would give in for someone, and it appeared that ‘someone’ was Tennessee. Paxton would see the doctor if it made this man feel better.

“Fine. I’ll go.” Paxton uncrossed his arms and sank into his chair with a defeated plop. “But I’m going to give the doctor a fake name.”

“I don’t care if ya tell him yer Dolly Parton.” Tennessee grinned like he won and then grabbed spoons. “Just as long as ya go.”

After Tennessee set the table, Paxton bit into the warm crusty bread, and just like this morning, his tastebuds did a happy dance. Tennessee’s cooking was better than some of the fancy places he’d eaten in the city.

“If you keep feeding me like this, I’m going to gain twenty pounds.”

“Ya could stand to gain a little weight, cowboy,” Tennessee said between bites.

“You think I don’t look good? I work out every day, and I have to eat super healthy. I’m supposed to have a swimmer’s build.”

“Welp now… I didn’t mean ya ain’t hot or….” Tennessee scanned him, and then as if he realized he was doing that I’d-like-to-eat-you-stare, he looked down at his soup. “Ya look mighty….” He cleared his throat. “Ya want more soup?”

Paxton shook his head and refrained from teasing Tennessee or reacting to his nervous comment that he was hot. For the first time in Paxton’s life, he had the start of a real friendship. This interaction with Tennessee had no money exchange and no sex. He would be damned before he would mess that up in any way. Paxton worked double-time to not react to Tennessee and not let the other man see his attraction. Nothing good would come of them having a sexual relationship, even if Paxton wanted one more than air.

“I’m fixin’ to sit out on the porch swing fer a spell.” Tennessee rose and gathered the dishes. After cleaning off the table, he grabbed a jug of tea from the fridge. Without speaking to Paxton again, he filled a glass with ice. Paxton noted that Tennessee only filled one glass.

“Can I….” Paxton lifted his eyes to Tennessee as the man started to pass him. “I would like to join you. Your mountains are beautiful.”

“Ya like my view?” Tennessee grinned and relaxed again like simmering lust wasn’t bubbling between them. When Tennessee was smiling, Paxton felt like the world was in order. The man’s smile lit up his eyes until they twinkled.

“I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Welp then, cowboy, grab a glass, and I reckon we can enjoy the scenery.” He paused as if he waited for Paxton. “I had a rough day at the garage. I’m fixin’ to relax.”

“You can tell me all about work.” Paxton hurried over to the cabinet. “I’d like to sit with you.”

“I can work with that.”