Chapter 44: Gunner's cabins.

Chapter 44: Gunner's cabins.

The drive went by smoothly, and even though Kit didn't know where they were going, he was still having a good time. As always with Gunner, Kit found himself captivated by the man, and as they took turn after turn, he found himself captivated by the view as well. As they talked, in the rear-view mirror, Kit stared at the majestic mountains that looked like they were headed to the heavens. While he stared, he noted a dark Chevy behind them. The road they were on wasn't busy, and it seemed like the truck was on the jeep's tail. On a tight bend, Kit's sense of self-preservation ruffled. Maybe his brother was wrong, and Frank was right, and someone did want Harry Kittridge dead.

"I think I should call Frank," Kit said when the large black Chevy took the same left turn as them. He yanked his phone out of his pocket.