Chapter 70: A math problem.

Chapter 70: A math problem.

Gareth had lost all sense of time. Without a phone, he had no idea how many hours they had been walking. Also, he had no idea how far they hiked. All he knew was that it had been a long time since he'd had this much fun. Even though his feet were aching, and he had a blister forming, he couldn't imagine being anywhere else than here with Rusty.

For hours, Gareth talked to Rusty about their childhood, Gareth's life, and the mountain they were climbing. Rusty listened and commented, and Gareth felt seen. It was like when they were kids, only better, richer, and more accurate. He loved how Rusty stared at him like he was dying to kiss him again. The man hung on his every word. Maybe in the past, Gareth might've misinterpreted the intense gaze Rusty was giving him but not now. Now he could see the man's lust that he was barely holding inside of him.

The sun was setting when Rusty steered them off the path.