Chapter 88: A walk by the lake.

The breezy night air ruffled his ponytail as Keyon strolled next to Huck. As they left the enclosure, he decided this was a good idea. The cool air would clear his head, and Huck couldn’t touch him while they walked.


“I know this sounds strange comin’ from an entertainer, but I hate crowds,” Huck said as they meandered away from wedding guests.

“Me too.”

Behind him, Zane moved stealthily in the tree line. Discreetly, his second followed them as they trotted down a gravel path. As they ambled, Keyon spotted a lake where the moon shone off the surface.

“What do ya do that makes everyone wanna kill ya?” Huck asked as they took a left toward the water. Small lanterns on poles lit the walkway, and Keyon tossed a side glance at Huck. The light made the singer’s tan skin glow.

Just lie. Except maybe if Keyon were honest right now, then Huck would know what he dealt with here. And then Huck would be appropriately scared of him as he should be.